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Is there a reason no one is talking about this? She looks positively deranged.

I don’t know why two showed up, but the more the merrier.
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Zoomed into her recent IG pic and it appears that it’s a person taking her photos as opposed to a tripod. The person’s build is indicative of a man imo... what do you guys think?
The straight hair, the “casual” look...almost like she’s changing herself for a guy AGAIN.
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Romantic / Romantical
Parmesan / Parmezahn
Risotto / Rizaddo

Sorry if they were already mentioned but didn't spot it on the updated pronunciation list.

And forgot to mention in my earlier post but my colleague said that she's pronouncing some Hawaiian words incorrectly. Hawaii is Huh-vuh-ee, not Huh-wa-ii but noted that even locals may use the American pronunciation. I'll give her a pass on that one. Kahala is Kuh-ha-luh, not Cah-ha-luh like she constantly says. If she has been vacationing there since childhood, shouldn't she, at the very least, know the pronunciation of Kahala since Ginette lives next to Kahala Beach?

She said other Hawaiian word so I looked them up! Kauai is of one of the Hawaiian islands. She says Kuh-wah-ee but it is pronounced Kuh-why. These small Hawaiian pronunciation blunders would make sense if she was a new visitor but she visits that state every year, sometimes more than once!

At 29:37 you vaguely hear Ginette say Ala Moana Park (a-la mo-ah-nuh) and Elle goes ahead and say ah-la instead. I'm convinced that some of her mispronunciations are caused by some kind of speech impediment due to the length of that list we are all adding to.

I understand that, depending on your language of origin, pronouncing words in a different language may pose some difficulty. Hawaiian is a language with a ton of vowels and Elle is fluent in English so she shouldn't have pronunciation issues with Hawaiian words. No doubt she has heard these words pronounced correctly during her many Oahu vacations.

The biggest gem of them all (unless already discussed in GG when the video originally dropped):

When Elle is in Nordstrom at 27:37 she is talking to the camera about a dress she pulled from the rack. Ginette thought Elle was talking to her and Elle responds with, "No I'm talking to my friends -short pause- on the internet."

Did she just eye-fuck the pilot at 1:04? 😂
Shortly after Elle admits that she's feeling manic
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Dicky said the pan is from his grandma on insta, didn’t watch his yt. That broke ass pompous moron lives off hand me drowns. He’s probably enjoying Eleonor couch as we type 🤣🤣
I seriously think they should reconsider the break up. Then Elle can finally get married and stop crowding random mens' apartments with all her clutter when she moves in with them and Rick can finally get some furniture and appliances. Win-win :cool::LOL:
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In Elle's defense (please read my entire message before attacking me for "defending" her :ROFLMAO: ) she's stuck between a rock and a hard place (mostly due to her own behavior) in regards to the vulnerability thing. At this point, if she's open about everything that's happened to her the past few years or even past 18 months, there is no way any decent men would not be put off by her behavior and they're likely to not take her seriously. No man wants to be trapped by a woman whose desperate to be married and will take anyone that's around and eligible men will have their pick and all the time they need. By opening up to her viewers, she'll basically be ensuring that no guy she meets off these dating apps want her as a serious girlfriend cause everyone googles their dates these days, especially ones from a dating app.

So given Elle's biological clock is ticking, hunting for a man seems to come first and if the channel doesn't do well, she seems ok with that. To be honest, if she was really the type to seriously care about her channel, she would've tried harder on the content YEARS ago. Her style of filming and the type of things she films have literally not changed despite feedback and suggestions, so I doubt she truly cares enough about it outside of using it as a marketing tool to shill her wares.
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Does anyone have the camping/Mount Nordstrom videos?

I first found Elle years ago for her interview outfits video. That was a good one full of useful info. But when I delved into her channel I saw just how weird she is. Her over-enunciation of certain words coupled with her ridiculous upspeak, her lisp, her weird lip dip, her crossed eyes, the fact that she is completely socially oblivious when someone is sitting right in front of her who does not want to be filmed. Throw in her manic obsession with shopping, how she hemorrhages money, the fact that she thinks everything in her life is a struggle, etc. and it's like... you don't even need to be annoyed with her for the serious stuff like lying about her job or her grifting. The "non" serious stuff is reason alone. She's a full-fledged weirdo.
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I looked back at some of her older videos and yep...she did get a completely new face. For someone who acts as if she is the queen of grace, style, and beauty, she is definitely NOT a natural beauty.
Caption 1: "Guys, just LOOK at me!! This finger is pointing at your Highness"
Caption 2: "I'm holding Prada sunglasses, which you peasants probably cannot afford. Hence the look of disdain on my face"
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She has to be buying them. Her channel hasn't been moving in subscribers for a while and I know it's been pointed out in her threads, which she clearly reads and gets ideas from. Between buying subs, not naming products in her description so you have to use her affiliate links, buying google ad space, taking advantage of free ad space from the Daily Hive as a "local Seattle business" and now using Nurses house to get some sales so she can donate a whooping 10% I'd say she's pretty desperate for a penny.

I wonder what else she has done that hasn't come to light yet.
As reported on guru gossiper, the kid who raided her last livestream said that Elle used bots for people on the chat.
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Seems like we jumped quickly to attacking @Annie_HTX and I’d like to know why! Did something get deleted that we can’t see anymore? While I don’t condone continuing to give a compulsive liar (Elle) the benefit of the doubt, I feel like I’m missing something here because we pounced pretty quickly on Annie... What’s going on? Did I miss something?

BTW, you can tell when Elle is lying/hyperbolizing when she’ll make a claim and quickly break eye contact and touch her hair. A lot of women do this. Check out her “SEPHORA VIB SALE MUST HAVE ITEMS & WISHLIST...” video she posted on Apr 17, 2020, time stamp 2:23 as an example. This wasn’t a significant lie, but was an exaggeration that she immediately felt a subconscious cognitive dissonance with and proceeded to adjust her hair and broke eye contact. The video skips here also, probably to cover up a “3, 2, 1” after she loses her train of thought from the lie. Just an example, but something to watch out for from her in the future.

I think what we dislike the most about this imposter is that she lies about almost everything and thinks she’s superior to everyone in the world. She interrupts people, speaks to them in a baby voice, doesn’t bother herself with their requests to not be filmed, uses people for their wallets (!!), never admits fault, it goes on and on. She loves filming herself in public to portray a sense of importance and accountability to “thousands of fans” when even a total stranger from Bosnia pointed out that she probably paid for her subscriber count (see post about the @baake livestream raid on page 26 of the GuruGossiper “Eleonore Florence Leqocq...” thread). She won’t answer any question honestly unless it’s to “prove the haters wrong” (which just means the answer is always what we think it is). She’s a fraud (quite literally, after the whole “local Seattle small business” scandal) with a superiority complex and that is the real reason we can’t stand her.
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Also I'm not saying i'm superior to Elle or anybody on any forum. The point I'm trying to make is her so-called 'better-off social economical status' doesn't justify her shopaholic behavior. It's really excessive.

I have a sense that most of her followers are not in a position where they can tell how many dresses a so-called 'girlboss' actually need. They probably don't know any real person comparable to Elle's online persona.
This!!! Elle is convinced that shopping excessively is a sign of being of a certain class. Um, no. Quite the opposite, if anything. There’s nothing wrong with buying expensive things if you can afford them. But nobody needs that many dresses, especially if they don’t even have a social life.
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I think Vera and Lisa/Robert/etc are the one and same individual. Based on their responses when we called them out and referred to them as Vera/Lisa/robert, they didn't deny it and pretty much made it seem as if they are the same individual.
So I'm pretty sure it's just one...very, ahem...dedicated individual.
Lisa herself said he/she was Robert, so if they created another fake individual, I have no doubt they are capable of creating multiple, many personalities.

Whoever this person is, they are clearly an Elle fan (as much as they like to deny it). Though it takes a ton of crazy for them to pretend to be a guy who is in love with Elle and wants to marry her on Elle's own livestream.
If I were Eleonore Elle Florence, I would be pissed and insulted that someone tried to bait me to pay attention to them when they know I'm desperate for male attention!
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@LuvYoutube - 100% agreed. Pretty sure there is a way to block or mute, we need to do that for them. Everyone let's block and mute.
The second I'm back on this website and this freaky individual decides to pop up again...

And I'm sure this individual will try to say anything to get a reaction from us and to get us to waste time to argue with them and their forever convoluted logic. My advice is to block, mute, and forget about this individual.
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From her latest video "CUTTING MY HAIR USING BRAD MONDO'S DIY HAIRCUT TECHNIQUE" published May 22, 2020:

View attachment 135813

"From today until May 31st, all Nouvelle Pearl Orchidée collection orders come with a free $49 value pair of Freshwater Pearl Studs in the color of your choice."

Sales are probably pretty dismal. That's what happens when you try to STEAL MONEY AND BUSINESS from actual local Seattle small businesses DURING A GLOBAL HEALTH AND ECONOMIC CRISIS.


"I am only a complete person with a man in my life."

She's so predictable. I said in my livestream highlight post that she had mentioned she only had a few more orders to make and then she was all caught up so that meant she was probably going to start shilling her stuff hard in the next few videos and here we are with this gift with purchase bs (not that she already doesn't push it hardcore anyway but you know what I mean). Someone's not making enough money! 🤑

And you know she's purposely used that video title with Brad Mondo's name to pull in more view$! Brad has 4 million followers.
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I don't really get all the hate on Rick, she is no catch
Something about Rick just seems incredibly creepy. Maybe it's the way he sled into her DMs after a decade and recent divorce or it's just the way he communicates. I think it's also mainly in comparison to Chris and Joe.
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I've seen the camping one and that was very cringe worthy. Elle was clearly trying to act sophisticated with her champagne and La Mer, but all of that was so out of place for a camping trip where clearly Joe and his friends just wanted to enjoy the outdoors and be a tad rugged.
I haven't seen the Mt. Nordstrom one but that is just downright rude. My conclusion for all of this is that Elle probably does know what she's doing but doesn't care because she is Princess and she comes before everyone else. Oh Joe you're upset that you don't want to be in my videos, well suck it up because you're so lucky to be with a classy, elegant lady like me and get to even be a part of my videos!
She clearly doesn't respect boundaries as Chris didn't like to be filmed but she still sneaked in shots of him that can be easily edited out!

On another note, I'm thinking she will upload another "what I eat in a day" video or something equally unexciting. Would have been interesting to see a "work from home routine" or something along the lines since her channel is built around her "career woman" image, but I guess that's hard to do when she's jobless and probably not trying that hard to find one. I bet money she is devoting more time hunting for another man than for a job.
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Nobody needs that many dresses. She literally just hauled $1000 worth of dresses.

I live in NYC (as many of you beautiful lurkers), two years younger than Elle, go out a lot (well, not now). I make a very decent 6 digit income and hold a title which most 'not-so-young' professionals like me and Elle should hold 8 years into our career. Also I consider myself quite fashionable.

Social support wise - my parents are doing OK and my fiance is more like Chris material. So basically i'm Elle but better.

Still, I can only justify buying one Reformation dress every year and consider that pretty generous budget already.

Also, I hate the materials for most Reformation dresses. Ethical and environmental friendly? Perhaps. Comfort? Hell no.
Also, when I first started watching Elle, I thought she's a real lawyer. I thought she was in the high pay high stress environment and some people do spend more in that situation.

Then after her engagement went south I began to have doubts. And thanks to Google I found GG. Voila!
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Wait, but there’s more. After she was done stringing the bracelet she proceeded to eat a scone with her hands. No hand washing in between. Those beads are generally bought from China but the unfinished stones come from elsewhere. Bottom line, between mining, finishing and sale point, the beads exchange A LOT of hands.
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