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Well-known member
I still don't appreciate this. You know you could take out the identifying information quite easily. It's such a ridiculous thing to be so protective over.
Well, the thing is, @Heretosnoop may have a legitimate reason for not publicly sharing them but there’s no need to be so rude about it. Some people are quieter than others, that doesn’t mean they’re not loyal Elle haters. There’s just no need to be rude. And @avocadoaficionado i do agree that there are so many cropping mechanisms to use in order to protect personal information from getting out to where there’s just the pictures and the information she chooses to share. The whole thing is ridiculous and childish.
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She WANTS to give the impression of having a man in her life (much like her desire to make herself appear to be this successful person 🙄)... Yet she's really just using a tripod and sending herself flowers. Ugh what a loser 😂
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She does the same thing with guys by adapting their interest and hobbies. Remember SS when all of a sudden she was super into BBQ, country music and grilling out. She even bought a grill (which never got used).
Glad you brought that up. She bought the grill in "VLOGMAS DAYS 3-6 | #BEBEMAS" published Dec 7, 2018, timestamp 7:50 she says "I have'm (?) never really had one, so I'm really thrilled to add that to my patio", even though there are vlogs of Joe grilling out on the patio when they lived together. She filmed him grilling while wearing a T-shirt that his gym gave him for his 2-year membership with them. She filmed the patio that had the grill, that they "redecorated for the cat" in her Girlboss Breakup Video (Joe had already planned his getaway in this scene, GOLD). What a liar.

She keeps going on about a $100 gift card she's giving away to one lucky subscriber, purchased using the gift certificate that Bed, Bath, and Beyond gave her. From that gift certificate, she purchased $446.44 (pre-sales tax) worth of junk for herself and she's giving away a gift card worth less than a quarter of what she spent, and probably about one fifth of what BBB gave her (I'm guessing a $500 gift certificate). How generous! What a kind, warm-hearted woman! She must value her subscribers so much!
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Thank you @WaneGal for finding that and posting receipts!
I'm honestly shocked right now...and using the word "shocked" says something as we all know what a liar she is. But to lie on something like Linkedin, where her previous employers/colleagues can see it?
Eleanor Elle Florence is clearly desperate to get a job so she can A) continue her out of control spending and B) use it impress potential boyfriends.
She's so vile for trying to lie her way through everything to get what she wants! There are plenty of hard-working people who are actual lawyers who still struggle to find jobs...but nope, Eleanor will step right over them with her lies to get what she thinks she "deserves".

Again, I really do think this woman is dangerous. If she will so boldly lie about this, imagine the other unspoken lies and the things she is capable of. I wish someone would report her. How ironic that this woman dated Rick the ethics professor.
@Heretosnoop thank you for spreading the word about her- her reputation needs to get trashed so that no employer and no man in Seattle (edit: in the US, Canada, or really anywhere else for that matter) will want her. She really is a terrible person based on her behaviors and actions.
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Love that this uneducated swine called Broccoli Rabe a love child with broccoli and it's not even in the broccoli family. It's in the turnip family. Dumb bitch needs to actually Google her shit.
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For normal people with no ulterior motive with Eleonor’s background/qualifications, when asked about your job at a party, we would probably just state outright that we work as a fraud investigator or as a securities regulator. If probed further, we might also add that we have a law degree or we used to practice law.

Example 2: person with a medical degree but now works in pharmaceutical sales. I don’t think a normal well-adjusted person would say he/she is a doctor when asked about what his/her job is. He might add that he/she has a medical degree.

The issue here is Elle is hyper aware of the need to shove the prestige label of being a “lawyer” down everyone throats.

The irony is that if she was just straightforward with her viewers, I don’t think anyone would look down on her as a fraud investigator. It’s a respectable job and props to her for maintaining a YouTube Channel alongside a 9-5 job.
I dunno, when I was on GG I got the impression that a few members weren’t impressed with her investigator job and thought she could/should have done better based on her educational background. 🙄 I feel that some of her viewers who figured out the truth about her job experience would feel the same way.

Personally I was never bothered by her job title and like you said, it was respectable she worked full time on top of maintaining her side hustles (which weren’t “businesses“ like she liked to claim) and social media. Not everyone has to be a lawyer and based on how she described her internship experience, it sounded like she didn’t even like being in a law office.

Too bad her obsession with keeping up with appearances has hurt her professionally. She could’ve easily parlayed her investigator experience to become a senior paralegal or at least go into a field that suits her interests more before she hit her 30s. 🙄
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There is a big difference between posting screenshots from Linkedin and posting what Heretosnoop has pmed.
Agree, though I haven’t received anything from @Heretosnoop and don’t expect to since she doesn’t know me, if the post has private information from a friend, it’s probably a breach of trust to publicize it. I think we’re all just skeptical that such screenshots even exist (a few pages back, I honestly just wanted to know if @Annie_HTX had revealed herself as Vera and I missed the exchange, but received a surprising “I’ve got the inside scoop but will take it away if you don’t agree with how I’m treating Annie” type of response from Snoop even though I was just totally bewildered as to what was even going on since I hadn’t logged on for a few hours), since we were baited, then immediately switched with “not telling”.

I think the most important thing is that we’re all here to expose Elle’s lies, and keeping receipts hidden doesn’t seem to align with that goal. But again, it’s true, Snoop doesn’t owe us anything and vice versa, so.
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Chatty Member
She’s really hunkering down on that “Local to Seattle” tag line now 🙄
When she says "apprenticed at a jeweler," does she mean her first job was at Claire's at the mall? Just seeking some clarification here, since we all know she casts a wide net when it comes to job descriptions and definitions...
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Chatty Member
So at this point she has most of her old (huge) wardrobe still in storage in Florida, a substantial amount of clothing at her mother's place in Hawaii (if I remember correctly, she always kept some stuff there anyway), and now her multiple Seattle hauls? And no job, no other assets and no rich husband in sight. This ridiculous woman is going to be bankrupt before she's 40.
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I noticed that too! Eleanor, no one wants to watch you talk for an hour about dull topics...except maybe insomniacs.

Livestreams are just not appropriate for her if she clearly cannot hold herself together and is holding back tears. This is one of my key issues with Elle: her "victim" mentality. People who ALWAYS think they are the victim no matter what are often toxic people. These people will hurt others and push others away, but still think they are the victim when the other person rightfully pulls back.
Example: During the Joe breakup, Elle acts as if she was just abruptly abandoned by Joe and as if she did no wrong. *Joe was the one who just packed and left* *Joe didn't express his unhappiness* *Joe didn't communicate ways to improve* *etc etc*
While I'm certainly not saying Joe didn't have any fault, it is clear that Elle had faults of her own that she just simply does not acknowledge.

This is also probably why Elle thinks she is the victim when she pulls shit like the "seattle local sourcing/business" episode and rightfully get backlash. She will do as she pleases and anyone who opposes her is just another "bully". People like her are actually scary.

Just putting this out there but maybe Joe tried communicating to her that he was unhappy with certain things in their relationship, but she may have just shut him down or gotten very offended/teary about it and he dropped it? Not that viewers are quite the same as a bf but those seem to be her instinctive reaction to us whenever anyone says something that she doesn't like. Being able to communicate well enough to have these serious conversations (unpleasant as they may be) is crucial to any healthy relationship and I can see Joe trying, failing, letting it go, rinse and repeat. But these things always add up and eventually people get fed up and walk away.
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Not sure why the secrecy around her pics from the dating app. If she reads here, she already knows someone grabbed them so what difference would posting them do? She must have hundreds viewing her dating profile anyhow, ppl are window shopping in these apps (nothing wrong about that).
It's my photo and I want to share it with whomever I feel comfortable with. I also don't want low-key Elle fans to see it. I've already messaged the people I've interacted with for years and years on GG so 🤷🏼‍♀️

Also looks like Vera is back on GG since they can post here with their IP address. They honestly remind me of Stan from Eminem's song

Dear Elle, you still ain't responded to my post on Instagram or Youtube, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer fans.
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I think it’s a good point. Although she’s 31 now and any kind of child support is going to stop at 18 and it wouldn’t be nearly enough to support her lifestyle since her mom does have so much money. I think the only other option would be if her dad is some rich guy and he and Ginette made a deal whereby they would leave him alone and he’d give them x-amount of money.

I highly suspect she has a trust fund that she gained control in her late 20s or early 30s.
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I can't imagine anyone would want to buy her flowers...she sure is taking social distancing seriously if she's out on a date 🙄🙄
Aaah, but what is social distancing in the face of finding a man??? That will always be the number one priority in Smellenore land. 🤪:poop:
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Hmmm.... just had this air of superiority to her. She had her arm around Chris as if he was an accessory. At the time I admired her but was taken aback with how snobby she was irl.
It is strange how she likes to be super snobby and arrogant when she has a boyfriend around her. I recall another GGer saying she saw Elle passionately kiss Joe in the street because apparently Elle thought this girl was checking him out...when really she was in awe of his gel helmet head. 😂

We all knew she ties her self worth to a man and her obsequious and braggy PDA proves it. If this were another woman, I’d find this sad, but since it’s Elle, it’s really hilarious!
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One only wishes that were a black Chanel Boy bag. Alas, it is navy blue. Elle’s taste in bags is horrendous (not that a black Boy bag would go with her outfit either — but that goes without saying).

She’s definitely on a date. You can tell from her smile that the presence of a man is making her feel oh so special.
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As someone in the "haven't received anything and a bit disappointed camp," I totally understand where you ladies are coming from but I also see the other side, even if I don't necessarily agree since like you guys said, names and anything sensitive can be redacted. But I just feel a gentle need to remind everyone that Eleonore and her crazy fans probably do read this forum on a regular basis and if they see us turning on each other, then Smelle wins and we can't have that. :ROFLMAO:

Getting back on topic, Elle put up a grilled cheese and blackberry (???) jam sandwich recipe on her new cooking blog and showcased it on instagram. Is it just me or does that combo sound seriously gross to everyone else? It seems like she's pivoting away from the scarf line and maybe even youtube (unless it's to sell her stuff) onto that instead?

@Sheepsmeadow: are you from or live/lived in NYC by any chance? Your name just reminded me so much of when I used to hang out in that area of Central Park, hahaha.
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Of course she would go out prancing on a date looking like an idiot in pastel tye dye paired with a black chanel boy bag and her chewed up gumball pearls. She's one of those people who thinks you can buy style by paying a lot for clothing/accessories, she DOES NOT have good instinctual style.

Pathetic that she already feels the need to drop hints that she has a "friend" in Seattle. We all know she knew no one there when she moved, and has been desperately trying to land a man. She knows she's boring and her contact lacks without boyfriend related date/vlog content, so she threw these little tidbit pics out there.

Her YT content also lacks because no matter what she pretends to post about (nails, hair, makeup, etc), all she's really doing is trying to sell her fugly pearl jewelry, and as others have said, it lacks authenticity. She wants to make a quick/overpriced buck off of her followers, which sadly some are still too stupid to realize they should purchase from a real jeweller if they are willing to pay her level of prices!
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