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Thanks for spilling the tea! Definitely missed the part of letting guys finish in her in the first read lol. Honestly how irresponsible can you be? Makes me wonder if Chris and joe left her as they were becoming suspicious of her trying to trap them with a baby. Maybe Rick can included in that too. I am curious though about her tantrums if you can share (I understand if it’s too private).
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As much as I dislike Eleanor, I don't demean her not settling into a highly stressful lawyer position if it wasn't right for her. It aggravates me that she tries to make her job seem more glamorous, that's not right. She's always really struggled with honesty 🤣 I can speak from personal experience of being in a very fast-paced, EXTREMELY stressful retail job that paid handsomely... And hating it. Then making the painful decision to move to a different branch of my career, but the only spot available was part-time. Even though I ended up in a much better spot for my sanity, I beat myself up bc at the time I wasn't a mother and thought there was no reason to be PT at that point in my life. Worried how it would look to others. Now I'm a SAHM and have the new mental hurdle of feeling like I'm not worth as much as a working mother (even though being a SAHM is really difficult).

I think we all have enough negative internal self-talk going on that for others to judge our career choices is pretty wrong.

Eleanor, as much as I can't stand the majority of your personality... If you want the easier route, take it. Just for pete's sake, stop LYING ABOUT IT.
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Noooooooo, I need them to get back together and procreate! Don’t put that juju out into the world! I’m still holding out hope.
I think Eleanor Lecocq and Rick T Miller were a fantastic couple and they need to swiftly clip back towards each other. For one thing, their progeny would at least have a normal-sized chin.
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As for her profile... that didn't fit in the whole screen says 'anything involving dinosaurs jurassic park west world season 1 > star wars and got'

Which she's probably too stupid to understand the complexity of GOT and Star Wars. Might be why she hasn't been able to hold onto victims long enough and keep popping back up on sites 🤷🏽‍♀️
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You know...I shouldn’t be shocked but I still am. That’s ghastly.

I know this might come off as a surprise to some but there was a time (long ago) I held out hope that Elle would change right after she broke up with Joe. Yet time and again she fails at improving herself. On top of that, she is dating excessively even though we’ve been told multiple times to social distance and limit non-essential outings to control the virus. 🙄 She is desperate and needy, and above all she is selfish. Ugh. 😡

Look, I get that it’s difficult to be alone especially if your main goal in life is to be married and taken care of but is it really that hard to do FaceTime or Zoom dates and practice being discerning with the type of men you’re meeting online???
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It honestly doesn't sit well with me that this prissy bitch that moved here to fulfill her name and search for Le Cock is out spreading germs when I haven't seen my family in almost a year. She has no connections here so why the fuck is she squatting here??
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Yeah, I mean, if those guys are careless enough to be in that position to begin with, Covid or not, STDs are being asked for. The whole vilify the woman while pretending the guy is somehow being any less irresponsible or idiotic thing is tiresome.
Yes but basically emotionally black mailing them into a relationship and stating that because you're in a relationship that not using protection is okay is pretty psycho behavior.. not to mention her obsession with meeting the friends/ guess is she doesn't really have friends. She has props to hold her over until she imbeds herself into mr nexts life
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Is it just me or do we have A LOT of lurkers here who seem semi-supportive of Eleanor? I just took a look at the poll and we have users like "jfksjflsdfkdsjf3333" with zero posts who apparently think that Mr.Sixhead won't dump Smelle. Given all the random, suspiciously Eleanor-like meltdowns from trolls we've had on these threads, is Eleanor Lecocq creating multiple accounts to discredit the gossip and support herself? :ROFLMAO:
I wouldn't put it past her since we know she is aware of these threads and I don't believe for a second that she doesn't follow them (she's way too much of a narcissist to not want to know what people are saying about her).

I also wonder how many people reading these threads start out as fans of Elle (or at least not disliking her) and then realise how badly they've been duped? That's kind of what happened to me back on GG. I thought she was pretty harmless, if a bit dull, until I found out what a scammer she is.
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So I don't have much issue with Eleanor wanting to be married. Not every woman wants to have a career or hobbies outside her family, and for some, being a full-time wife and mother is their greatest goal in life. What I do have an issue with is the lying, and I also judge her for being a poor partner (and likely mother).

If Eleanor admitted off the bat that she just wanted her MRS Degree and her channel was a good housekeeping/aspiring mommy blogger type of channel, that would've been fine. Instead, Elle pretended to be a hard-working, corporate lawyer (that's what "securities lawyer" meant to me, and I'd imagine, the vast majority of her viewers) who was also interested in fashion. She attracted the bulk of her viewers by misrepresenting the facts.

In regards to women who are full-time wives, at least in my experience, they're becoming less and less common with our generation and they usually have a lot to offer in one way or another. They're often:
  1. Much younger and more attractive than their divorced older partners
  2. Have great domestic skills. This means cooking, cleaning, gardening, child-rearing, etc. and are very doting on their husbands
  3. They have family connections and money that they bring into the relationship
Eleonore Lecocq isn't old but unless she's going for twice divorced 50 somethings, she's certainly out of that trophy wife age range. Even after all her plastic surgery and makeup, she's ok-looking at best. Men, especially older ones, are not stupid and they can tell she's very plain under the heavy makeup even with all the work she's had done. She has no interests outside of shopping and primping and I can't see her having any in depth conversations with men or anyone else. She has hygiene problems (i.e.: see moldy silpat, stirring drinks with her fingers, touching cats while cooking), her food looks dry and unhealthy (I'm sorry but most health conscious people do not consume pasta and cheese for 80% of their diet like Eleanor), and she can't really cook a variety of dishes and seems useless without her "smart tools" as we've seen her struggle with a real pasta maker recently. She didn't even clean when she lived with Joe and probably made him pitch in for a housekeeper, and complained about having to cook for him and how that took up her time from going to Nordstrom and primping. She can barely clean her cats' litter boxes and leave them for days at a time to hang out with Ginette or chase after men and I doubt she'd be a much better mother. Her and G are also weirdly attached at the hip and whoever marries Eleanor will probably have to pitch in for G's expenses because she's always coming over and staying with them (remember Joe and Elle's spare room was reserved for Elle's mountains of Nordstrom cashmere sweaters and Ginette?). I have a brother and he would never go for someone like her, and I can't imagine many men would unless they were extremely desperate. Hell, even Rick didn't seem to think she was worth it and he's not exactly the "rich, eligible bachelor" type that Elle is hoping for.
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Seattle is extremely small and if you've lived here long enough you know a lot of people who love to gossip. Soon enough she will try and date another one of my male friends ..but again I'll warm him to just date casually because she is a broke nutjob...and to always always always use protection even if Smelled "claims" to be on birth control
Seattle has less than a million people and if you filter out all the people who would never come across Smelle normally (too young/old, foreigners who only hang out among themselves, married and only hang out with other families, etc.), her potential social circle is actually super small.

I've lived in New York and London which are much larger cities and within the circle of 20-40 year olds, white collar professionals, we almost always knew someone who knew everyone else in that demographic. There was this one girl who had a really bad reputation in my industry (backstabber, frequently dumped work on other people and took advantage of her colleagues) and we all knew exactly who she was, where she went to school, what she looked like, and what companies she worked for. There was another girl who was notorious for sleeping her way up the ladder and we all knew exactly who she was as well. I even personally know two guys who have hooked up with her.

Just because people don't call you out directly, it doesn't mean you don't have a reputation. If Smelle is ignoring social distancing rules and dating as much as we've been told she is, I'm not surprised she's ran into your friends.
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Here's a thought:

No return policy and no sperm wasted. This one wants any Seattle Joe to be her baby's daddy.
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Babe, I'm not the one saying I have friends who have seen Elle running around Seattle and that she's dating multiple men. If I saw her profile on a dating app I'd screenshot that shit ASAP and if I saw her on a date I'd get a pic. I'm not running my mouth and providing zero detail, that's not my thing.

People shared her address well before the video posted a few days ago. So don't give me that crap. Y'all need to chill out and realize there are lots of us who wants the details and take everything you say with a huge grain of salt.
BABE, unlike eleanor le cock loving mess...I don't take photos of strangers while out in public. What's your contribution to this thread?
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New vlogmas is up. We literally just talked about how cats are trainable a few pages ago and at the beginning of her new vlogmas Elle put on a Bebe show and talked about how well Bebe is trained 🧐
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So grossed out seeing Bebe on the kitchen counter AGAIN. Her place is littered with cat hair, litter, and filthy cat paws. I cannot stomach watching her cook and eat on camera knowing the unhygienic state of her apartment. The slurping noodles are DISGUSTING, Eleonore! And all those mushrooms make me want to 🤮!
It grosses me out every single time I see that too 🤢 I have a cat myself and cats are trainable. The fact that the cats are so poorly behaved is pretty telling that either the care taker is too lazy to train their cats or they are left by themselves too often for too long that they forget the basic rules they are supposed to follow. In Elle’s case it’s both.
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View attachment 363099

What on earth???

She seems to wear her clothes (sweater and pajamas) immediately after unboxing, which to me, is very gross. I prefer to wash them first. Especially nowadays with covid. These clothes came from a factory and has been everywhere....
that coat provides another great example why smelle’s followers should NEVER ever listen her fashion advice. It is ugly, it looks like it’s from the 80s that a 50- 60-yo woman would wear
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Lurker here. Just caught up with all the threads after like two weeks of reading. You guys are prolific! I started off as a fan. Started watching in the Chris era when I was a resident. Gosh that was what, 5 or 6 years ago? Can’t believe I’ve watched her that long. We were on the same trajectory of career/relationship/lifestyle and in similar income brackets so I found her relatable. I’ll just say we diverged greatly. I pity watch her now. Honestly I think there’s no hope in terms of a return to the glory days.

I was a little confused by her luxury SUV nonsense. Why didn’t she look at BMW or Mercedes? They’re easily the most popular luxury SUVs. It was so gross to me hearing her talk about “saving up” just to “finance” this vehicle. It would make more sense to buy used. Not to be rude here but if you can’t pay cash for the vehicle, you need to look for a cheaper vehicle. I understand certain circumstances may require folks to finance a car, but hopefully those individuals aren’t stretching themselves to the max looking for luxury “European” SUVs.
I totally agree. It's not a good idea to finance a luxury car.

Her video about the car shopping was so off putting. She was so snobby, even more than usual. And talked about how she's part of a luxury car maker's demographic. But if she has to finance it and stretch herself so thin, she's not their ideal customer. I wish we could've seen her car shopping. Imagine how annoying and broke you have to be for car salepeople to ghost you. Even her taste in cars is matronly (jewel tone exterior + beige seats?!)
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I think he’s in the dark too. No way Elle would chance a breakup if Mr. Sixhead found this thread among others when they’re still new into their relationship. I’d think Elle would want to keep this hidden until more substantive signs of commitment were presented by Mr. Next. Remember when she confided in Rick about the GG threads? And he came in as Smelle’s knight in shining armour with his word vomit of a “defence”? 😂
Reading that was one of the best moments of my life to date.
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Elle needs to make sure whatever man she gets knocked up by is really rich, not just fake rich. It's hard to tell these days. A lot of really rich guys fly beneath the radar; others buy cars and houses on credit. So who knows.
Mine does. Drives a hand me down family car, wears clothes he’s had for a bit too long (yes, I helped him with a closet purge), and doesn’t really spend on flash things (cars, spenny watches, exorbitant travel). He’d prefer to spend time on the hobby he loves than big himself up for show for the ladies. I don’t really trust men that peacock.
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I noticed the chipmunk cheeks too. I was instantly reminded of the Ginette Hunched Over and Stuffing Her Face scene. They’re twins.

View attachment 360089

Does anyone know what would cause her cheeks to puff up like this? Is this caused by a sudden intake of calories now that she’s locked down a boyfriend again?

Also, what’s with the beef roll scene? I never knew such a clawthy woman could deepthroat a sandwich the way she pleasured that beef roll. Is she showing off to her Seattle prospects what she can do with a thick rod of beef without gagging? What the actual fuck. It looked straight out of OnlyFans... that Chinese restaurant should blow this up and hang it from their back room “massage parlor” wall.

View attachment 360092

Omg this is the stuff of nightmares...we get it Eleanor Lecocq. You’re trying to show Mr.Sixhead you can cram “big things” all the way into your mouth. But please don’t film that shit and put it out to the public because it is nasty. Nasty, scamming bitch. 🤢
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Do we think Mr. Six-ahead is aware of Elle-Gate? Or do we think he’s completely in the dark? He has to know she’s a Youtuber when she pulls out the camera to film, or he’s even more dim witted than we thought. Wouldn’t he run a google search? Is that asking too much?
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