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VIP Member
Sorry but it looks grey and miserable down there. Sick of Insta bums videoing other people without their consent. I was out last week and there was a major fight going on as some idiotic Instagrammer was videoing people sat having a coffee and one of them kicked off about it. It's completely unethical.
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I’m not being bitchy here, but I cannot believe that she got this hair done, what, two weeks ago, at a six-hour appointment. I really hope that it was free. She could have had a fabulous balayage, or any treatment, at a reputable salon - her re-growth was substantial, and looked healthy. There was lots of scope.
Anyway, seems crazy to me that this is where she is at, two weeks post a six-hour appointment. A day’s work, for less than two weeks of salon-fresh colour.
Footnote: not a jealous troll; I go to the salon once a week! Just passing comment, given the amount of salon updates that day!


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Jesus. Tagging fruit and veg boxes this morning on the beg for freebies or work when she moves down 🙄

Hope they see through it. It seems like very few of her followers are from Cornwall, and I’ve never seen her mention/subscribe to a veg box that’s local to her.
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Those of you who predicted that the ‘big news’ would be that she would be moving to Cornwall/Ireland/the sea were correct!
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Well-known member
Her man-made conspiracy theories are dangerous. Great podcast here detailing how dopes like Eimear get sucked into a vortex of nonsense and start believing stuff she reads and passes it off as research. Wonder if all her AD “partners” are aware of her views.

Is she implying the new house in Cornwall will have a bedroom for each of the kids ?
She can’t afford it.
She might be the worst person on IG and that’s saying something.
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New member
I really don't follow her... but I heard a podcast with her on the Good Glow which was so strange...
It was like she was overly emotional and not really making sense.. Has anyone else heard this?
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Chatty Member
She is such a muppet. They aren't fighting, they are puppies. That is what they do. And Ralph is already being cast as the aggressor in her narrative. So predictable. Also scented candles aren't great for dogs Eim's but you already know that with your vast knowledge of dogs. 🥴
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VIP Member
I have been watching this thread for a while now and I couldn't not respond to what she had commented on Rosemary's post.. I obviously got blocked instantly. Her conspiracy theories are so damaging it's scary. I am a frontline worker and got covid-19 in March and it lead to pneumonia (no underlying health conditions and only 27). I've never been so ill before. I've been left with short term memory problems, costochondritis and other issues 5 months down the line. It's not a joke and her tin hat propoganda is so destructive and harmful. She also openly admitted to having about 40k real followers and the rest are bots hence the low engagement which being an influencer she probably shouldn't admit. She needs to stick to her 'content creation' and leave the medical topics to professionals cause she is doing more harm than good.
Jesus, it seems like you've had a really tough time of it. Must be so horrible to go on instagram for aul scroll, to escape from reality and look at nice pics and then be faced with that shite!! Hope you recover soon xx
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Tank Girl

VIP Member
The 'My daughter is an artist' story was cringe.
It was yeah. “ my daughters an artist” “ my dads an artist “ 🤣 she rarely talks about the real artist in the family which is her sister. Shes actually a fantastic musician and is very well known in the trad scene
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All very sad that she’s so insecure she needs to mess with her face so much and the irony is it’s aged her so much...she looks at least 10 years older than she is... the lines and the stories they tell I say! Be grateful for the gift of getting older-not everyone is lucky enough.

Literally called the estate agent as soon as the kitchen was “finished”, seriously manic. It wasn’t two months ago she was going on about how she wouldn’t move and all the cooking she would be doing in the kitchen ans how much she loved her neighbours and her garden .. now she has a notion and off she goes ? What if it sells fast, what about schools, pet sitters when she wants to jolly on off to London for a job? This is so weird and worrying, eimear , take a step back. It doesn’t matter if you back down now you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. The random move on a whim, the filled, the eyebrows , the spending, the dogs , the lack of niche, the “careers”.. it’s really sad I was really interested in following her before and now it’s just mayhem.
it’s not even finished-what happened to the tiles?! And the outside of her house is shocking-they’ll be lucky if they get what they paid for it....
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Chatty Member
Can't imagine living her life right now. Just seems so chaotic. Why publicly post your conspiracy opinions and then delete. At least have the courage to stand by your convictions. I'd say she is exposing herself to this nonsense. It's pretty easy to be sucked into it just by engaging with a few posts on the topic. Pretty soon all you are exposed to are other conspiracy theories. Particularly with FB this is how the targeted pages work, you engage once and suddenly all you see on your feed is similar opinions. It's so dangerous. Imagine spending your evening blocking people with differing views and arguing and having your feelings hurt. All seems so pointless and self sabotaging.
Time to snap out of it Eimear. Give yourself a break from influencing. What you are doing right now is of no benefit to anyone.
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Active member
New thread suggestion:
EVB: Wish the bank account was fat as me lips,
I are innovate givin ye bogus tips!
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My guess is they have had another falling out, he has the kids and the dog so she’s took herself off to Newquay for some “self care” to let her Botox settle and pretend she’s a local, a local who takes pics of people trying to enjoy a meal and befriends the cafe owners by telling them she’s an influencer . Que tomorrow morning photos of THE BEST COFFEE LADS , the sea , some
Avocado toast and her running into the sea.
Bla bla bla
...and there it is at 8am this morning....the coffee is 'unreal' at Ponzeath beach 😂😂😂
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Tank Girl

VIP Member
Some brands really need to understand that if they choose to work with people like EVB, they run the risk of alienating possible customers. Seriously. Chucking a bit of wrinkled fabric on the floor and calling it creative. No Max Benjamin that’s not beautiful. Not being able to write a proper sentence (“Starling bank are innovate.”). These businesses show how shoddy they are in quality control of their images. Not going to support them in any way.
This is where the lack of any real talent or experience really shines through with these “influencers”. Sloppy and unprofessional. Its all a front. Literally cant even string a sentence together and then when they get called out they are all defensive and say how “ busy” they all are. Most would never last in an actual marketing/ advertising role. Its damaging especially to smaller brands yet they fall for it based on numbers/followers !
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VIP Member
This is not harassment or threatening Eimear. Stop lying and threatening us! You might not like what is being said here but having hurt feelings does not make you the victim of harassment! Grow up
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Chatty Member
And FYI Eimear, if any boyfriend said that about me, there would be absolutely no coming back from it.
no glue on this earth can tie them together after that statement
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Tank Girl

VIP Member
Shes manic. She must realise those comments from Daniel are so off. She claims to promote body positivity yet allows herself to be spoken to like that. What about her daughters? What example does that set for them. No wonder shes so insecure if thats his attitude. I feel sorry for anybody whose partner feels that its ok to say those things its vile
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So much for the ''kitchen journey''. It looks cheaply done, with little flow or thought given to anything. Very bland and lacking character - the color of the walls in the old kitchen was beautiful. I felt quite shocked at her big reveal - I doubt it has added much value, and if anything, you can tell she lost steam partway through because it's definitely nothing to write home about. Where are the tiles we heard about incessantly? I think you can tell she herself is underwhelmed by it by the way she introduces it. Most likely, the kitchen was just the latest in a long line of distractions for EVB - and already she's flitted to something else. The work is barely complete, and the estate agent is round to photograph the house. I wonder how the half-finished paint job will look on a realtor's website. There seems to be a pattern of no value in anything. Everything is for short term gratification.
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It just goes to show you that this whole aesthetic that she shows off on Instagram is really nothing without a filter. In real life it just looks so bland!
Smoke and mirrors. Accurate description of EVB,her life and the shite she throws at the gram.
Given the quality of the half reno by Daniel he's going to struggle to build a reputation in Cornwall!
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