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Tank Girl

VIP Member
Once you start with lips and fillers it's difficult to stop. My best friend was the same, really lovely dainty features then suddenly had 0.5ml in her lips. A year down the line she's gone for more and more top ups, then fillers in smile line and cheeks because they didn't match her lips any more, then botox..... it is a rabbit hole and very very aging.
Thats the thing I find crazy about these procedures. They seem to always have the opposite effect. It really feeds into insecurities esp online. I unfollowed her as soon as she started promoting this rubbish and claiming “ body positivity “ coupled with her random virtue signalling. Everything which made her unique is gone
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I was trying to see how old she is the other day (34 if anyone's interested) and googled her. I discovered she has a blog she hasn't updated since Harper was a tot and she was making her first foray in to interiors whilst renting.

She looks amazing in the style pictures on the blog; she didn't have a face full of... stuff, her hair suited her, she had a great casual sense of style, seemed more confident in taking it day by day - it's such a sharp contrast to how she is being lately. She's really changed and become more erratic, insecure and lost her sense of direction and self almost? Wonder if it's the increased financial responsibility of three children, a mortgage (and remortgage), and a reno, ageing which shes clearly over-conscious about, and an unstable relationship where her partner can be cruel to her.

Flicking though that reminded me that i used to quite like her and recently I really don't. She makes me cringe a lot right now. She did the same trick last night with the mexican food place; tagging herself and her family there two day in a row on stories, liking all of their posts since May, but not following them.

I would say she needs a social media break but i can see why she can't - she can't match the income she currently makes through a normal job that she would probably need to go in to at entry level as she has no real job experience (Alex Steadman of the frugality surprised me with her recent blog post on being made redundant where she was open about the salary she earned as a magazine stylist in 2008, £16-17k - I know it's a while ago but its not great given all the travel and can't imagine it's improved much given the pressures on print mags/news), and she needs to be available for the Lennon's childcare and for the girls in the morning and afternoon. At the same time the money vs her mental health and her families well being isn't the best trade off. She did seem calmer when they had the nanny/cleaner coming in a few days a week, she must be under so much pressure.
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she also spoke highly of that car, yet has posted about it breaking down and being expensive to repair a few times.
Peugots are shit. If you were going to break the bank why would you do it with a Peugot!!!! 😩😂

So sick of Instabums saying they're 'shooting content' and how hard it is. No it isn't ffs. You're taking badly shot photos of your kids (and strangers), putting a nice sunny filter on in return for money. It's not 'shooting content', it's not creative, it's not flair, it's not imperative. It's pure laziness. You're rather sell your kids/ family/ marriage for a few quid than go get a proper job.
THIS. I hate Instagram atm. When they moan about getting ‘hate’ for doing ads or paid to go on holiday for ‘content’, you can’t blame people hating on them. They could get paid someone’s monthly salary for going on holiday when they can actually afford it themselves!!! Meanwhile you have hard working people with REAL jobs who can’t afford holidays but have to watch whatsherface swipe up to her £200 bikini. I will be bitter all I bloody want 😒
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Also, she said ‘I’ve been on that site once’ and yet has mentioned it when she’s had a drink lots of times and said she’s been on it 🙄 I mean, not a huge contradiction when you compare it with every other thing she posts.. but still a blatant lie
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I can see under the comments on her video of a beach that she Eimear, is apparently correcting someone who actually lives in the area. The commenter was drawing attention to the issues that have arisen due to staycations in Cornwall. But fear not, Eimear who has been there twice in her life (both in the last month) is more qualified to comment and dismisses the woman's observations. Living in a rural coastal town myself for the last 15 years, which becomes very busy in the summertime, there are a whole host of issues that arise when Instagrammers/blaggers suddenly start drawing attention to a place or when the wealthy set move down on a whim. The knock-on impact on aspects like house prices etc is real. Not to mention that wintering in a place that you've only ever been to in high season is worlds apart from a holiday experience. The whole thing seems so self-indulgent & erratic. Also, the incessant filming of people without their consent is so questionable. Does she ask permission? How do these people feel about being recorded surreptitiously whilst eating/swimming/ waiting for coffee in their swimmers and towels? it is clear that a move to Cornwall is just the next stop on the carousel of chaos - trying so hard to fit with the aesthetic she desperately chases - of boho, beach, rural whimsical living.
She’s so dense. Imagine trying to tell someone who lives there the whys and wherefores of an area when you’ve only been there for 5 minutes.
“isn’t is great!!!??!??!???” No, it’s not Eimear, no it’s fucking not.
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Is Ralph even in the house?! Am I right in thinking she hasn't posted him on grid or stories at all recently?
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Jaaaaysus she’s on one about here again.

if you don’t like it don’t read want to build an audience you won’t have everyone like you, and even the people that like you well enough will occasionally not like something you have to say when you’re on a paranoid conspiracy theorist rampage. We’re apparently all out to get you. So are the government. So are other states governments. So is social media (which you have chosen to work on exclusively). and probably everything else is you to get you in your head too.

You have a right to free speech about whatever madness takes your fancy, but no one else has a right to free speech about you. If anyone says anything, no matter how valid, thats ‘hate’ 🙄🥴

Good on her for pulling right back on sharing though, if you want a private life live a private life. Though she relies on the positive reinforcement so must be in pieces when she’s not sharing.

I lol every times she shows her morning juice without fail though. The only content she’s content with these days.
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Well-known member
So let me get this straight, you refill a soap container with a plastic bag and then throw the plastic away, very eco friendly.
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Misty bananas

Active member
Wow 🤯 just goes to show never believe anything you see on the gram!!! The auctioneer pics are pure shockin' lads
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she also spoke highly of that car, yet has posted about it breaking down and being expensive to repair a few times.
I was going to message her when she got that car but was afraid of the response I'd get. From friends and family - Peugeots were notorious for breaking down, like they are not a good investment & she got one brand new on credit by the looks of it. Maybe they have improved quality but i was shocked when she posted she had to get it repaired, she has the car barely a year and doesn't put thousands of miles on it from work.
When she bought it, she made it sound like she had bought it outright because she was posting that she was so proud of herself and I was honestly delighted for her but it seems that wasn't the truth. More credit.
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I agree but would argue that the vast majority haven’t been on their stories preaching about moral implications of fast fashion.
For sure, that’s absolutely true but think this is a wider issue than just Boohoo/ Nastygal. It’s all fast fashion and it’s driven by mass demand. Most of us could probably be a bit more conscious not only of who we spend our time watching on insta but also where we spend our money. At the end of the day the more we engage with these eejits the more leverage it gives them to engage companies to fund their freebie lifestyles. A mass unfollowing would be no harm. Having a think about where we’re spending our money would be no harm either.
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What an atrocious video....if I was BT I wouldn't be impressed
I also see in previous grid post she's heading back to Cornwall ( lovely weather for it with the Atlantic storm crashing into the area ,😳😂)
I was listening to a radio 4 programme yesterday morning and they were interviewing someone who ran a food bank , in Carnforth I think, and said there had been a dramatic increase in those needing to use it over last few months...the social deprivation in many parts of Cornwall is terrible, locals cannot afford houses as they've been out priced by rich Londoners buying property ( doesn't matter that Eimear would be buying her primary residence here, she is selling in a much more affluent area- so compounding housing problem )
It also mentioned there were some kids who only live 3 miles from the coast who have never even been to the beach
I live in another popular rural UK holiday spot - holiday visitors only see a snapshot during their 2 weeks stay , when all shops and amenities are open ( which close once holiday makers leave- leaving a spike in unemployment again and zero hour contracts)
Shes's just so blind - what is she thinking
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Chatty Member
I know she's tight on money (because she loves to remind us all of this) but for the love of God woman buy a bloody bra!!
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