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Chatty Member
As much as I love the app and some of the people on there I cannot wait for it to lose traction and end, seeing these scabby sisters and the likes of Elphaba try to make a living in the real world will be beautiful 👌🏻
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Chatty Member
She is ridiculous, blaming the fact that everything is so expensive on her being skint- yes Eden everything is so expensive but that’s why we don’t all go pissing our money away on fast fashion hauls consisting of the same jump suits and co-ords, an ungodly amount of pajamas, dogs we can’t afford, candles, entire display of ceramics from a garden centre, crates and crates of noodles and junk food, expensive skincare and makeup and fuck knows what else you’ve wasted your money on

she’s deluded, she can’t even take accountability for the fact that it’s her fault she’s not got the money anymore, any sensible person earning what she was likely to have been earning at the height of her popularity would have saved, invested and not wasted the lot, saying she gave everyone money- maybe if you were just a nicer person people wouldn’t have needed money from you to stay close

Is there anything in her life that she will accept is her responsibility?
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She reminds me of an episode of Friends where Joey dresses up so people think he had a Porsche. But rather she just wants people to know she drives. 75% of adults on the UK can drive. No one cares.

Also she’s so famous that the guy who also went to school with her and lives in her home tie. has no clue who she is.
Chuckling away at Weedon walking into greggs- “HELLO I USED TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH YOU
Can just hear the response of ‘did you?’ before she cut it off! I bet she saw them in there and started recording but it didn’t go to plan! 😂
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Did Yaz use the words ‘new boyfriend’ , how did she say it?
I don’t think she said new. But she definitely used the words boyfriend and partner which surprised me but then I think it’s more about damage control and trying to change the narrative that she’s a slag.

Because it doesn’t look slaggy to have a boyfriend as opposed to “I fucked my husbands best mate”.
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Sorry it’s so hilarious to me that she was so obsessed with wanting people to like her that she gave away her money to try and buy them. Now she can’t muster up £6 for a vape and is out buying a single box of dog food for four dogs to keep them going. Hahahaha how the mighty have fallen
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Was it this one? Had to crop it as wouldn’t let me post the full video but Lloyd at the start saying he said he’d pay for this dinner. I know we’ve already said it but she was paying for him for everything since day 1 and nothing has changed.
Loyed is his masc lesbian era
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VIP Member
Those fucking pictures, I can’t 😂😂😂

why are they trying to look like a mafia family with their four fucking ankle biters hahahaha
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VIP Member
Imagine being so unsuccessful in your life that driving is that much of a flex.
Ok Eden, chill out. You and thousands of 17 years olds will have passed last week.
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VIP Member
Aww she can stop pretending to drive now! Guarantee she will be one of those that walks around with the keys in her hand making it look like she drives like I did when I was 10 thinking I looked cool 😂

Definitely getting prepped for when midget gem is unable to drive 😂
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Sorry what are these😂 she’s edited her face anyway, but why does he pull faces like he’s such a hard nut when he’s a jobless 35 year old with a girl who admits to having shitty knickers. So cringe, I’d be embarrassed
Eden thinks she is gods gift with the faces, despite being a huge giant


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Her video about pupils dilating when you think of your partner… hers didn’t lmao? Aren’t they supposed to when you’re in ‘love’ 😭 start and end of the video 👇


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Chatty Member
I commented on edens video saying let’s remember Wolf does actually have a dad… I’ve been blocked what a vile family
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Not legally changed her name then…
Why do I think she’s not legally married… of course you don’t have to take your partners name when you get married. Usually married couples have the same name though, whether you take your spouses, or they take yours. Shes double barrelled it on her account and they refer to themselves as “The Harvey Hulme House”. So she’s still Eden Harvey and he’s Lloyd Hulme?? Unless she got her provisional before she got married and then, because she’s “only 25” and so young 😉😂 she didn’t realise she needs to change her name on the license or she could get a £1000 fine! All very strange. Wouldnt surprise me if she still had her address on there as her parents address…
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Chatty Member
I’m sorry but what is this it’s so bad 😂 tik tok transition Queen who?


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Had so much grief!? Her grandparents… so does everybody else. Shes such an attention seaking bellend.
Oh piss off. Her Grandparents and an auntie I believe - there are kids out there without parents, there are parents out there who have lost their kids ffs. Get a grip.

(Eden, not you)
I would never obviously usually shame anyone struggling financially . However midget gem liked to try and shame us that are a 'slave to the system' so the tables have turned little legs!

She couldn't afford to buy a vape? It's like we've gone back a few years to when she first started out 🤡

Also 4 people on her live on pateron or whatever its called. Get that £18 in the fat wallet baby!
I’d rather be a 9-5 ‘slave to the system’ and continue to enjoy my 3 holidays a year than have their fat wallet which contains *checks screenshot* £15.75

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