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VIP Member
Yeah I think they do. Off the top of my head, Sophiena from TT has had them for her teeth. To be fair they do look a lot better, but just bloody annoying if me or you wanted it we’d have to fork out thousands 🙄
pah let them
They’ll get shit from people who think giving Eden free product was a bad choice
Eden will never work for them again
She’ll have straight teeth but no house soo teehee

I was reliving thread 39 and the wiki yesterday.
Remember when she wanted that horse and was saying she could give it the life and the time it needed despite having no experience
THANK FUCK the horsing community shunned her
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Also if they’ve taken lloyd to hospital for norovirus then they deserve to get norovirus repeatedly again and again and again until they’re both dried up dehydrated husks. Unless you’re fucking on your death bed you don’t go to the hospital with stomach flu.
I think they’re both tripping over their lies and fabricating him having d and v because you don’t go to hospital while you’re a symptomatic, you suck it up, stay at home, rest and try stay hydrated and if you have to, then you would get rehydration sachets and if you still can’t keep anything down and you’re literally dying then you go. Blood tests my arse.
also chronically online queen would be videoing him in a and e with the decking cannula in.
anyway i’m off back to the depths of lurkville.
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They can’t dress up in typical red carpet attire because Eden would have to wear heels. They try look street instead so they can both wear trainers, Loyeds being his super cool edgy booster trainers 🤡
I'd rather be taller than my husband in heels, as opposed to looking I'd raided the lost property box in P.E. 🤣🤣
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Has she rushed to pass before he loses his licence for the drink driving 🤨
Oh she sooo has. She said before there wasn’t any rush for her to pass her test because basically everyone around her drove. She’ll start making videos where she’s the one driving and her excuse will be “oh Lloyd used to drive me around all the time so now I’m repaying the favour.”
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“Couldn't care less what anyone who doesn't know me says about me”

That’s why she was on a troll show crying and saying she doesn’t eat?

Plus I assume this also applies to the people blowing smoke up with arse with comments about how she’s beautiful with the beauty filter maxed out - because they don’t know her either.
She suicides baits every other week because of comments on the internet. Who does she think she’s fooling?
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Yeah Eden won’t let him do jobs at another woman’s house! 😂 so that’s a none starter
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Never in my life have I thought about taking a selfie the day of a funeral. Only photo I’ve ever taken at one is of my grandfather and all his siblings at the wake, as it’s very rare you get all 10 together and it was very likely the last time it’d ever happen due to my uncle living abroad and he’d recently been diagnosed with cancer. They all wanted it so they could frame it for their houses, no posts on social media.
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I hope she checked with family if she shared Leah’s funeral details on her stories. The last thing that poor family needs is people turning up, just because they think they might get to meet Eden. Can you imagine the grieving family gathering at the service, and there’s Eden, crouching down with her teenage “fans”, posing for photos in that awful coat, doing the peace sign, winking, tongue out. I mean, the awful thing is, I can see that happening!! If she does go, they’ll probably be a very posed, highly edited photo of her gazing out of the car window, then another, eye fucking her self , with sad music playing, in the background. I hope to god if she does go, she doesn’t share any details, photos, or anything about the day. No narcissistic “it meant so much to the family that I was there because they knew how much Leah helped me. They said me being there made the day more bearable”
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It’s been since the suspected crash he’s gone downhill?
I can’t get over how he looks so dead, I don’t understand why she’s posting them when the bloke looks so fucking ill, they aren’t nice. It’s quite horrific.
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Using wolf to heal his inner child …nice 🥴 poor child already gets used as an emotional prop by his mum ! Thank god he’s got a decent father who actually spends time doing things wolf enjoys
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That new video of Lloydy little legs pretending to be a hard nut brawler...🤣🤣🤣 who's he fighting, Danny Devito?! Security guys are normally built like a brick wall, they'd snap him in half with one hand tied behind their back 😂 what a silly twat!
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I cannot believe she’s using someone’s passing as content, plus the whole lockdown thing her life has declined, she’s got less following, a lot more hate because she’s shown her true self.
However her acting is really cringing me out, she really thinks she’s doing something but it’s so bad, the twilight shit is so embarrassing. I honestly can’t believe at 26 and 35 their thinking this is suitable and an income…
I’m surprised they’re still making enough to pay for the cabin and takeaways etc, it’s ridiculous how much they unnecessarily spend with someone who is a self claimed chef
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