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Wow guys. Krept ( as in krept and Conan ).. who owns Nalas baby! has commented on caspers video saying he is gonna terminate the contract with Eden 👏 I’ve checked and it’s his official page 😂😂😂
Looooool Eben is goona be really fucked off that she’s been caught out again and dropped from another brand, PLT deleting videos with her, now this, she’s really laying in her own shit now.
Doesn’t she realise how she’s behaved has consequences and now being held to it, I know she checks it regularly but wow, she isn’t goona be happy. Cue the social media break and the gummy Yaz and LL sympathy videos of her crying and everyone hugging her.
This honestly makes me so happy
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I wouldn’t class making 38 TikTok’s (I counted) whilst in France as not being on your phone.

She’s in her fake “I don’t give fuck” part of her cycle right now reacting to the newest scandal - she’ll be sobbing and screeching it’s not fair in a couple of days.

I re-watched the TikTok where she did Cali’s makeup in France and the first thing she said whilst looking into the camera “we won’t be doing a pink lip” - referring back to the whore incident. She’s not remorseful at all. Not that I thought she would be but continue being your own downfall Eden.
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Funny that she cancelled her honeymoon because of one food poisoning review but she’s happy going to Disney during peak sickness bug season 😭 true emetophobes know that germs spread at Disney like wildfire 😭
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Thread suggestion:
Nala sacking Eden was an all time low.
Don’t forget their wallets fat though…..
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Ewww the fat shaming in here recently is gross. So many things to pick at with her horrendous personality, why go for her body when there’s people in here with similar or bigger bodies being made to feel shit about themselves in the process?

Comments like this that get us tarred with the troll brush. I hate the woman but she’s literally just existing whilst wearing a bikini and I’ve seen you call her a brick shit house a few times now. Wasn’t it you who DMed her fat shaming her and she outed you?
I agree with this. Her body has nothing to do with her vile personality and ultimately the reason why we all hate her. She has a perfectly normal body shape as does Freya.
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I thought she said it was absolutely freezing, so why is she just wearing a bikini top and cardi?
Ever since she got married to pitta tits she’s ALWAYS wearing boobie tops.
I know this information against my will but LL is a titty guy so it screams ✨insecure✨
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Just to add, I thinks it's their "best friend" Steph that's pretending to be mediator.
How embarrassing 🙈
Imagine phoning your pal saying "someone called me Marge Simpson on Tiktok, can you call them and pretend to be a mediator from the courts" 🙈🤢😩
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Jas-olly if you’re going to be vague just don’t bother. At least tell us what evidence Eden sent you that changed your mind last time. Drop ya screenshots and I might give you a chance.
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I actually can’t with the prawn and the raw egg video 🤢 I’ve always thought ah maybe she has different emetophobia triggers because why would anyone lie about having emet? Like honestly I find it so embarassing I try to hide my emet and how much it affects me as it makes me do weird things. If she is lying about it honestly why I just don’t get it
I also find it weird to think people may lie about having things that so many of us struggle with and wouldn't wish upon our worst enemies. But green giant shows time and time again that she is lying about the things she claims to have.

I know that we don't see her life 24/7 (even if sometimes it feels like we do... i've seen that woman on the toilet more than I have anyone else in my life), so it's easy to give her the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe she hides certain things off camera or deals with triggers/symptoms in a certain way. But she doesn't deserve anyone believing the good in her - when you are telling people you do a certain thing due to your 'disorder', but then consistently showing that you don't do that (e.g her OCD - pretending she has to do things a certain amount of times, or saying she has OCD but then joking that her intrusive thoughts are things like jumping into a swimming pool while on holiday... I wish I had intrusive thoughts about enjoying myself rather than thinking me and all my family are gonna die) it's very clear it's not true. Not only does her fake content trigger people actually suffering (I have had to have many breaks from her content when she is having an ADHD, OCD, emet 'moment' and makes her content exclusively about those things), but also makes people feel bad that they're unable to do the things she does when they're suffering with the same thing (because she doesn't have it!!!). Also if young impressionable followers see her talking about having something like OCD, where she just taps the wall a few times or whatever the fuck she says she has to do, then they might copy her/might think they have a disorder because they might do certain things too.

And why does she do it? All for attention. She is a textbook narcissist, and feels no remorse in pretending she has OCD, emet, anxiety etc so that she can a) get attention from followers b) get attention from her family c) gives her an excuse to act a certain way (both for attention, but also as a form of control - she can stop Lloyd doing certain things if it will 'trigger' her, or she can make them go home from an event). Her family enable her so much - she is treated like a giant baby with them making excuses for her all the time, and also telling her constantly that she is the greatest gift to mankind and can do no wrong. They need to call out her lies and behaviour more, and hold her accountable, rather than letting things slip or actively encouraging her. They're either scared of upsetting her or they don't want to rock the boat/paypacket (ahem... Lloyd).

All I know is that if one of my siblings or friends started lying about the things Eden lies about I'd be asking if they were okay and if they needed any help. Equally, if I had kids and one of my siblings continued filming my children in their uniforms and sexualising them in front of their thousands of followers, i'd be cutting contact (especially with my children!) until they could prove they weren't putting their 'fame' and money above the safety of my kids.

Harvey clan - stop being fucking weirdo enablers and giving Eden the attention she thrives off. it's not cute that your 20-something-year-old daughter/sister/wife has to be continuously monitored to ensure that she doesn't say anything online that could get her in trouble. It's not normal that you all fawn her as much as you do. And Yaz - stop living up Eden and Lloyd's bumholes and realise that your success was all your 'hard work' (I say that lightly, as I don't think TikTok shop or reviewing products you're sent for free is necessarily hard work, but at least you've tried to make it work for you). It was not the product of Eden, who is now having to sponge off your success. You don't owe her anything, and her and Lloyd are not the sort of people you want to be idolising.

soz hornies, very long rant over! I hope that makes sense as I have a monster migraine and brain fog today (really shouldn't be looking at my screen, but raging on Eden weirdly seems to have helped).

TLDR; Eden is a fucking cunt and her family are no better.
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Casper if you're here, please make a video with her latest tiktok about putting hands in dogs faces and put it with the video of her telling Lloyd to put his hand in Tilly the chihuahuas face to make her bark!
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Oh Jesus, I’m choosing to be embarrassed for Freya, Lloyd and BVeden 😑

He thinks the police will be interested in someone calling him a little man online? Umm sure. He’ll be told to come off social media or, grow thicker skin if it’s your “job”. And even if a solicitor thought they had a case for slander (they don’t) as IF they can afford to pay for one. They can’t even afford their own honeymoon man 🤣 These idiots are a joke.

He’s banking on these women (it’s always women) that HE is actively seeking out, being scared and backing down. I mean tbf it’s worked previously with some people, I just hope that this person has the guts to stand their ground because they’ve done nothing illegal.
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She’s deleted the video too…
Actually really impressed with the response, dealt with quickly and she’s clearly been contacted if the video has gone. Good on them

Me too. Seem like a really professional company. Fair play to them x
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You’re an influencer, an influencer 🫢 how embarrassing.

Isnt part of her job to do ads, influence her audience. Shes Cancelled 😅
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