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VIP Member
Does anyone follow Charlotte Cucruina? I liked her. She's been going live a lot with Yaz lately which is red flag to me personally. She was in Cheryls comments sticking up for Eden as well. Don't know if everyone thinks she's a sweetheart because she doesn't have a thread on here yet but basically her husbands started getting his cock out on only fans and she's got a shopping haul every other day 😂.

The mostttt toxic reply to a question like that. She's said before it's because addiction runs in her family. It's like saying everyone who drinks is boring without it. Some people just enjoy alcohol.


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Chatty Member
I reported that honestlycity’s video as misinformation and I got a notification saying they’d removed the video haha. I’d understand if we were a bunch of bitter people just going for an innocent young woman but we have proof! Everything she says is a lie and helps benefit her in some way or another, I hope more younger people notice that before she makes more damage
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I think you're right. What doesn't go in her favour though is all the videos she's previously posted about him and the fact he's the only black guy she's been in a long term relationship with. My other issue with her is that often she makes it sound as if Marvin abused his position and groomed her and took advantage of her which could actually cause issues with jobs for him cause takes one person to recognise him and turn around and say to his carers company and be like no we don't want him looking after our grandma/grandad/mum/dad as he took advantage of a young girl whose grandad he was caring for. She doesn't realise the shit she posts can actually damage these people's lives.
That’s such a good point! I didn’t think of it like that, more just thinking of Marvin not liking it but yeah, that could easily happen. Not cool
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Yeah that what's annoys me at first I was on her side however since then she's still not 19 and yet goes clubbing which makes me think she did lie because she's going out and boys are going to think she's 18 yet she got a TV show and everything and rhett still gets name called on his tiktoks to this day
When the clubs opened back up in Scotland she was filming a guy hitting on her saying how disgusting it was and she was underage. Sorry but if your in a club or bar people assume your over 18. Kids want to grow up too fast now days.
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Ignore her. The situation doesn't just go away because they say it's okay. The comment just happened to be on her video. This isn't the first thing Eden's done that's problematic.

Just off the top of my head -

1. Let her sisters share private messages from a worried mother of a child who idolised Eden, Eden and her family were whatsapping and face timing this child as well.
2. Harasses her exs online & finds it funny.
3. Called out a restaurant who weren't willing to host her surprise meet and greet because she just told people to randomly show up to meet her there.

Shes trash. Has always been trash and always will be. Well done for calling her out but don't argue with deluded people. It's terrifying how far up her arse people are.
There's probably plenty more which hasn't come to light yet
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VIP Member
Noooo don’t even tell me that that was supported by her management! What the hell!…
I'm surprised you missed that, it was ran by her management & their clients were the people doing it. They were in the background. Her management are a shit show 😂
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I was pretty indifferent on her but this whole covid thing has made me realise she is an absolutely moronic twat. My dad has one lung & struggles wearing a mask, and this botched barbie doll thinks its a good idea to go be a super spreader just for fun. Health anxiety my left tit.
I have extreme anxiety and still wear a mask. When I get overwhelmed, like today in the shop I stood facing the shelfs, pulled it off, took couple deep breathes and put it back on. We are adults, we need to be responsible!
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Well-known member
I don’t really think she has the right to moan about people finding out who her boyfriend is if she was so bothered about people not knowing then she shouldn’t of posted him in the first place
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Eden you're not above the rules multiple times you've taken your mask off.. I don't really give a fuck for excuses seeing as your dad is vulnerable this just shows what a selfish cunt you are because it's not even just him you're risking others ESPECIALLY as you've repeatedly said that you aren't well and haven't bothered to follow any rules regarding that either.


So just in case you're unclear here's the LAWS on face masks something you preached nonstop after your grandad died which I guess actually didn't bother you because if it did you would never put others at risk the way you repeatedly do

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If he’s unfollowed her it’s probably because she’s told the ‘story’ on them two too many times and he’s had crazy teens from tik tok in his DMs so has told her to get a life (hopefully 😂)
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VIP Member
Oh I understand what you mean now, no I wouldn't give her the satisfaction to brag how much she had raised. From what I saw at the end people was donating silly money for a ghost hunt with the 2 of them. A few people was worried as 1 girl was a young mum with kids and donated loads but when people asked in the comments if she was ok and could she afford all this Adam started to call them fruit bowls
A lot of the donations in the middle were for boohoo vouchers and follow backs too.

Someone's called her mother attention seeker on that post 😂



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Honestly she's a scum bag! Age here is 25 I believe. So yeah she won't have had one, but again any type of intimate test like that. When addressing young kids, why make it scary? Why put them off?

Shes out for the shock factor and at this point I'm just shocked she's not been cancelled yet.
Exactly, she can barely talk about sex with positive language never mind something serious. The question someone asked her was about smears and she said she hadn't had one but had a STI check. I asked in here and people said it's 25 in England.
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I personally don’t agree with what Josh, Max and the McLoughlin girls are doing. Regardless if it’s true or not, they’re just being bitter about the situation and trying to cancel Ryan because they got removed from the house and “replaced” with Ryan and his girlfriend and a lot of other people. If that is true, it shouldn’t be their business to broadcast it all over social media, what if it’s not true? They’re just embarrassing themselves. It might be because I’m older but I always forget their age and how immature they will be regarding situations..
Max has deleted the post now but there was two comments on there where one was from someone with about 300 followers and a few videos that said he's from her area and is quite well known to be that and all the boys hate him but then again that could also be due to social media as well .however if he's a known sex offender won't we be able to see it on a list somewhere?
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VIP Member
So she’s no longer celibate. It’ll all be about getting dicked down now on her tiktok
She wasn't truly celibate anyways. She said on her "juicy" q&a last week that she basically doesn't have penetrate sex she does everything else though.
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