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Chatty Member
She’s had her hair done AGAIN 🤦🏼‍♀️ I can’t keep up.
I thought she slated Poppy and said she can never do her hair properly or has she gone somewhere else?? Also anyone find it weird the video that Eden’s mum filmed of her and it pans down to her chest and body…
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I think she just needs to decide who her target audience is. Is the the vulnerable young teens she begged parents to let them follow her for eat with me to help them now your telling them about humping teddy's, self pleasure, where to buy sex toys & anal. Or is it curious coming of age teens who want to learn more about their bodies? Because there's a big difference in maturity and curiosity from teens who can't eat a meal without a video of Eden to teens who are exploring themselves. Is she gonna put a warning for 18+ content on her page? Because whiles it's very very true some teens are curious 16 is the legal age of consent. 18+ to be sending nudes or anything spicy like that. I'm not 100% sure on this either but I think you need to be 18+ to buy sex toys. It's not right to be telling young girls they should get off with a vibrator 2 times a day because it helps with stress, or to touch themselves when they aren't horny. I know she's just implying these things but it's dangerous. If this is the road she's going down it's not enough just to say oh I'm not a parent it's not up to me what they watch. Okay just give 14 year olds the impression they need to buy a vibrator and ram themselves with it twice a day & it'll make them happy. Her advice if I'd heard it at her age I'd have thought I needed to be hyper sexual and doing all this stuff to figure out my pleasure.

Also she's never had a smear? Is it different in England? Iv had 3 in Scotland and I'm 30.
We don’t have them until we’re 25 in England.
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Oh please give it a rest Eden. You’re in a happy bubble and want to stay there for a while. If that was the case then you shouldn’t of even shown anything about you and Sonny or Lloyd whatever his name is. No one even cares that much about her and her bit of rough. Given Edens history of men, it won’t last anyway. What would a 33 year old want with a 23 year old ?? The money and fame lol. He will soon find out what a obsessive possessive toxic individual she is sooner or later
Who does she actually think she is? 😂
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Has anyone made a thread for them yet? I saw a comment somewhere on here saying he cheated on her and it's well known, I'd love to hear that tea! I like them as a couple but I think her quitting her job will harm them. She was live with Dan and chloe earlier and Eden joined the live, Chloe didn't even react it was strange
I haven't saw one. I wouldn't know where to start with making it either. I'm not good at the recap run down things.
There is a thread - think it was created today, i'm not sure how to link it but I just searched 'charlotte cucurnia' and it came up x
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I personally don’t agree with what Josh, Max and the McLoughlin girls are doing. Regardless if it’s true or not, they’re just being bitter about the situation and trying to cancel Ryan because they got removed from the house and “replaced” with Ryan and his girlfriend and a lot of other people. If that is true, it shouldn’t be their business to broadcast it all over social media, what if it’s not true? They’re just embarrassing themselves. It might be because I’m older but I always forget their age and how immature they will be regarding situations..
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I wonder what being supportive is in Eden’s eyes. Probably doesn’t feel like Sofia’s invested enough in Eden’s world. Because she has actual Priorities like having kids and doesn’t want her shoving a camera in her face or around her house 24/7
Also I think Sofia has a fella and Eden probably hates that
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Just catching up, so you know the whole Callum Best thing. Is this actually true? Did she actually sleep with him, is there any proof? Could it be one of her wild lies she’s made up because she knows, even if someone asked him, loads of girls joke and lie they’ve slept with celebs and actually havent, so it’s probably normal for him? I just think she’d make more videos etc about it if it was true? Look how many she makes about other stuff and ex’s etc.. I don’t know.. 😂 do we think it’s true or a little Eden fib?

I’ve only heard her say it on live and I THINK an insta story. I’ve never actually seen a Tiktok video of her saying it, where everyone could tag Callum in it and he just MIGHT see it..

I was thinking the same the other day, Sofia seems to be going out with different people. Normally Sofia is there at events with Eden but hasn’t for a while?
It's been like that for a couple of months now. At the start Eden said it's because Sofia has a boyfriend then said it's because she's working. But considering she's said that her best friend doesn't support her and makes her feel stupid, then she said they've ate a hotdog but probably actually a cock for money. After she got called of the joking about domestic violence she then said her bestfriend through it and shared some details. Of course she's never said names but Sofia is the only friend we've ever heard her mention so assuming it's her. The DV situation was definitely about Sofia because she shared her story the other day.
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She doesn’t have her own ‘floor’ in her house, if she’s said that she’s definitely bullshitting as it’s a normal two story house. She can’t deny that either as she’s literally done a house tour on lives and if you know the area she lives you’ll know the house as it’s quite a unique/different looking house and she’s shown the outside in the past a few times. It is fairly big (five bedrooms) but none of the bedrooms are enormous and it’s definitely not huge/a mansion of any kind - so if she wanted to have a night of wild sex her parents would definitely hear 😂
I think her parents are really chilled, having a boy over to them is no big deal and at the end of the day she is 23, not 13, but I think if I was still at home at the age of 23 (which I wasn’t, I moved out at 19) I’d respect my parents enough to let them meet him a few times first before he stayed over. I wouldn’t really want to be having sex with my parents in the house either but Eden’s parents are literally always in… so she must do!
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I’m assuming Eden has been very quiet today?… it’s always quiet for me as she blocked me 😅
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Chatty Member
I’ve already come on here and said I’m with Marvin’s nephew and from what I saw of her videos yesterday, I got my boyfriend to tell him what she is saying about him without his permission. He said they don’t even talk anymore. Marvin does enjoy a drink, yes. Eden knew this before. Also the fact she is insinuating he hit her by posting a bleeding nose has pissed me off so much as he would never lay his hands on her or any woman. He has children of his own and they are also annoyed she’s doing all of this for some views. I actually cannot stand her. And the way she’s speaking about where he lives,looking down on the area, saying she doesn’t feel safe? It’s London babe relax. She’s acting like he used her for s3x but is always saying she’d do it again with him and going on about him being black.
I’m sure she’s only posting this picture of her bloody nose because of the stupid comment she made under that girls DV video and the backlash she got, so is now trying to make herself look like a “survivor”. She is disgusting and trying to drag Marvin’s name through the mud as she knows he doesn’t have social media and THINKS he won’t see it. No I see it love, and I tell him.
But surely it’s not enough to just tell him? Can’t he do something if she’s shading his character especially with his line of work?
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It's disturbing AF. There is normalising talking about sex, and doing it in an age appropriate way. If young girls are asking it should be all about what consent is and protection and being safe. This isn't a chin wag with ya pals over a glass of red, slating ya fella or laughing about some idiot you have slept with. It actually makes me sick. Talking about cervical examinations they way she die, again not only utterly foul. But what an image to give to a young girl who is years of her first one. Women have supported and pushed each other to be screened for so long, not to put it off.

Now don't get me wrong, I struggle with cervical exams, uber sensitive cervix and it really is unpleasant for me. But I would never tell anyone that whom was asking!

Shes a vile, foul mouthed spoilt brat. And really does need a lesson I'm what influence she has over minors.
I feel you. I had my first smear test and it came back abnormal and I had to have a loop excision. But she won’t talk about that sort of stuff. Baring in mind that sort of stuff needs A LOT MORE awareness
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Chatty Member
Just seen her insta story. The dancing would be a straight up off put for me, but let’s face it, I think she’s desperate for a boyfriend 😂
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Yeah I saw it about January but at the time I didn't really belive it as I thought because he was a big tiktoker there would definitely have been more said especially when he was going to tokfest ? however yeah your right at the moment there's only what millie has said as the stuff I saw in the past is no longer around .so until there's proper proof then it is just hearsay at the moment
I see Max Cately has asked any victims to get in contact with him. Unsure why though. Anyone who claims they've been sexually assaulted by Ryan should just go to the police or a trusted adult. Not a social media influencer. Dont think Max is qualified to deal with that
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