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No condemnation from Umar 🤔 the far right are bad , the far left equally so .
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I have shared the comments previously, apparently she was having an affair with her now husband, he and his wife were volunteers in the Changaro trust and helped build schools in Kenya, apparently his wife was unable to make it the year he landed back with her, he left his wife and children, it was this charity that brought her to Derry?? That’s the rumour anyway?
I must have missed this! Holy shit!
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I’d be more worried about the Islamic extremists than the far right.
Lots to unpack here. She’s probably wearing the full face covering due to her speaking out. When was this video from? And I know it is touts out but I wish she would go to Garda if concerned.
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VIP Member
This is pretty bad. There’s no respect for the guards. And to be honest it doesn’t look like the guards would be much use if something serious happened either.


I wonder what the non- European language was? If it even happened. I don’t understand how he can say this stuff and not be branded as far right yet if auld paddy Malone down the bar was to say it there would be hand wringing.
Yeah like I said there’s sinister elements overtaking genuine concern, then again I think the Irish tend to say it like it is but that’s just abusing that woman based on her looks and career choices…Not that it goes on in the north too…They’ll need to be retrained in firearms by the way things are kicking off, saw an asylum hotel in Antrim has been targeted too.
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I wish a journalist would do a proper expose. Her case stinks, quite frankly. I suppose she would call us racist for questioning it
Yeah I think people are starting to question more of her background, like I said earlier she’s a relative nobody until the mayoral position pushed her out there…Even questions around her resignation on the same day she registered her charity? The guy named as director is often pictured with her, even won one of the NWMF recent awards?? But never mentioned as being involved with the migrants forum, she’s always pointed out as the CEO / founder 🤷🏼‍♀️ why would he give himself an award??


This should go swimmingly. I hope someone comes on to ask where his doctorate is from 😂
Maybe it’s an educational doctorate? Didn’t he claim to be a scholar?
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I’m did see somewhere there is a girl who has been on RTE a few times and they call her a volunteer but she actually has a paid job for the UN. I think the election will be interesting.

Who is our mate up against in his area? Does he stand a chance?
He’s sitting at 1% as are a few others.
Unfortunately, every Tom dick and Harry can vote in theses elections. All you have to be is here 6 months. Even illegals can vote. So anything can happen. NGOs are getting all their illegals signed up.
I don’t understand how non citizens get to vote on the constitution of a country it doesn’t happen anywhere else.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Don’t know who they’re trying to appeal to? Anyone living here knows the reality of what’s on offer and there’s limited resources to go around, I couldn’t see anyone being on the housing list for yrs agreeing that these economic migrants should be housed before them or that their kids should waive a school place 🤷🏼‍♀️ it wouldn’t surprise me if Lillian and Colum try to shoehorn Derry into a city of sanctuary status and try and gaslight people that its acceptable because of the civil rights attachment 🙄 That NW migrants forum literally has asylum seekers going round schools in direct contact with children when they haven’t even been given legal right to remain , yet parents can’t even take a pic of their own child in a school show 🙄 but these men are literally hands on.
I understand why kids can’t be shown in a show when it is maybe a messy marital break up but are you saying entire kids shows willl be fucked by this?
Not sure if “you lot” do the nativity but that is a shame if it next.
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Sure it says in the original article he is from Zimbabwe so is that bullshit?
Don’t know? I think he’s some kind of NGO ?
Is finaghy not a kind of middle class place? Why would they have waited for 5 years to suddenly decide he wasn’t welcome?
Tell that to Umar ! It’s not only deprived areas are intolerant, saw the NGO’s want the vacant buildings in affluent areas of Dublin used to house the 3000 homeless asylum seekers…That’ll go down like a lead balloon…MEP’s don’t have a say in local issues it’s only the European parliamentary issues affecting Ireland they deal with.
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Chatty Member
I wasn't asked for id.
There are numerous clips of fakeugees being bussed to polling stations by councillors who also own the hotels and B&Bs that the fakeugees are staying at. Theories that some of them are encouraging them to vote to be able to remain in their properties.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Wonder who this is aimed at 🤔
Comments aren’t too happy. I’ve no ide what Africa day or freedom day is. Colm could be ousted.
Is there a list yet of who all is running in each constituency….. yes I know I could google it but CBA
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Wait till Vlad sees this 😂
Is this what they call a ‘false flag’? Or a ‘spy op’? I’m not sure which term is correct lol. But clearly Russia is aligning with a lot of countries that Umar aligns with based on that big conference they had the other week. It’s a bizzare situation. Basically it seems like we are heading towards WW3.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
He might get in. Surely there should be some sort of rules about turnout. No idea what the exit polls are saying but how can a turnout of 27% be legally binding.

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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Yeah I think people are starting to question more of her background, like I said earlier she’s a relative nobody until the mayoral position pushed her out there…Even questions around her resignation on the same day she registered her charity? The guy named as director is often pictured with her, even won one of the NWMF recent awards?? But never mentioned as being involved with the migrants forum, she’s always pointed out as the CEO / founder 🤷🏼‍♀️ why would he give himself an award??


Maybe it’s an educational doctorate? Didn’t he claim to be a scholar?
Yeah, but if you get a PHd then you would have proof. The ones asking questions are asking is it a medical or a PHD etc. even if it is something like religion then you are still entitled to use the title but the fact he avoids the question suggests to me that he could be telling porkies.
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Someone asked about the doctorates and he said he has 3 honorary doctorates. Fuck sake someone should introduce him to Jack monroe.
That was me 😂 I’ve been asking him some really tough questions he refused to answer was muted a min ago 😆 ( not blocked)
Another thought on Ms Seenoi Barr - if she was granted asylum from Kenya on the basis of being an 'anti FGM campaiger', why weren't FGM victims from Kenya also granted asylum in Derry at the same time? Or were they?
Surely they were at risk too?
No she was brought over by the Changaro trust on a holiday then said she was being threatened by the elders back home so the trust helped her claim asylum and bring her son to Derry.
Interview I read the other day was basically that her family protected her from this so she didn’t personally experience it. Which of course means she can still help them but I just can’t help thinking it is a grift.
She worked alongside the police.
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