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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
The stats speak for themselves…Maybe the gov should start distributing these.
There was a horror movie a few years back called teeth I think. I don’t think I would be a fan of wearing one of those though!
those stats are mental. I always assumed Bournemouth was sort of like an English portrush or Newcastle beach. wtf is going on there?
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
That’s her version of the name change wouldn’t surprise me if the SDLP push it 🙄 I see West Belfast is getting plenty of diversity in this election , the Green Party rep is raising a few eyebrows from past comments.

Nobody really knows who she is it’s only from this controversy her profile has been raised…That’s why this idea that she speaks for Derry is ridiculous.
I could probably stand a better chance of running in her constituency in a fucking NI top than her at this rate.

The Green Party have taken a weird turn the past few years, remember when they used to just care for the environment? Now all they care about is trans. It’s quite bizarre as I have no idea what their thoughts are on climate change now!
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Chatty Member
I was surprised the Brazilian guy came back tbh.
Same. He went back to Brazil with over 350,000 go fund me. He said he was in Ireland to get money together to open a restaurant in Brazil. And the fact he whacked yer man with his helmet, some people reckoned yer man might sue.
FF obviously made him an offer he couldn't refuse. They know they have lost the Irish vote, so all they can do is go after the non Irish vote.
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His face is very asymmetrical maybe that’s why it looks odd? There’s very little about his background bar the general stuff I don’t know how we’ll fill a thread unless a secret lover pops up 😂…Hopefully BigC🤣
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That woman who had the run in with the Queen’s lady in waiting got exposed as a grifter I think by the same guy who was looking into Jack monroe and that Depher guy. I did find that story to be a massive overreaction to an elderly woman saying the wrong thing. It seemed like a bit of a set up.
Well overplayed!
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
That’s the guy was born in Belfast then moved to Gaza as a child he was working in Saudi when his family was killed, how did Umar get him accommodation in Dublin 🤔

He was actually brought to Belfast and living there, more fake election PR for Umar.
Googled him, his dad was a lecturer at queens?

He’s found a token Israeli now! He’s really trying to aim for all sides of everything.
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Hopefully nothing bad does happen. Though I do think the media don’t help matters. Suspects without descriptions just leads people to believe it is an immigrant even if it isn’t.
Well it’s not just that, this case ( one of many) highlights the fact they haven’t a clue who these people are yet bussing them in to communities.
, I had a nosy at one of their SM ( public) and shocked to see some of the images, why would this man want to come to a tiny town a long way from his homeland and culture, have the authorities questioned why he’s trained by a regime and knows how to handle a weapon…We all know we’ve got our own bothers and terrorists are no strangers to our areas …Better the devil you know…


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VIP Member
This man’s ego knows no bounds 😂
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VIP Member
Looks like the rest of UK are going to get a taste of sectarian politics lol there’s a vid of Angela Rayner begging for the Muslim vote on the premise Labour will recognise a Palestinian state, Starmers wife ,kids and her family are Jewish, plus many Jewish contributors to his political career he’s going to end up in the shit playing those type of games…Least you know what to expect with the Tories.
That’s not what he was pushing a few weeks ago 😉


Umar himself fuels this type of sentiment but because he’s not white it seems to pass off as OK , political correctness will be the downfall of us all 🙄


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He was attacked, honest lol

A narc of the highest order…Hasn’t addressed his own bias against asylum seekers 🙃..He said one of them spoke to him in Urdu no mention of it there 🙄 it’s so obvious ,he’s an embarrassment.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Wolfe Tone was one of your lot 😂
lol I know but the mini fleg is great. Do they sell them in the shop for tourists or something or did he just show up with it himself? That is the key bit of information I need to know. Where is the memorial just out of curiousity? (Don’t worry I’m not going to do a JSO on it)
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Getting well ahead of herself if she thinks Michelle will publicly call out anything, intimidation is something we all live with here, nothing to do with the colour of our skin, resources are scarce , waiting lists are long.
They must be sweeping her frequent Kenyan visits under the mat…That’s a senator she’s dining with, same on that went to her inauguration.


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Lucky our voting system isn’t as crooked as the south 😉


He’s off to a good start, nobody could comment, he couldn’t work TikTok 😂 the green flag he’s referring to is Hamas, nothing to do with us.

Nor St Patrick, I’ve a feeling he’s going to dig a bigger hole for himself with these lives.


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VIP Member
Yeah I think culture has a part to play. And a large part of the Irish culture is the Irish culture.
I remember last year on tik tok there was this whole thing of Americans giving off about British and Irish Chinese dishes. But then I found a post explaining that the reasons for certain dishes were largely due to the produce available which was similar in USA which is also not as authentic as it thinks it is but it is all due to assimilation of the area and culture you are in.

I have no affiliation with England as such other than I ‘feel’ British, whatever that means but I would identify as ‘NI’ first. I feel more affiliation with the Scottishness as I have family from there. Don’t know who my grandfather is on my dad’s side but I think that is the Irish side.(that’s the part I am interested in) The “English” part of the DNA was negligible in comparison.
(you know I love the royals though 😂)
I just see the north as another part of Ireland, I don’t see any Britishness about it at all but then it’s down to our different communities taking on the traditions our ancestors bestowed us , that’s what culture is, is it not? You can’t learn culture it’s just something you’re born into, it’s family values.
I’d imagine Umars children although born and raised in Ireland would be raised in the Pakistani culture? Don’t think they’d be out enjoying a Guinness and fag after their spuds, bacon and cabbage dinner 😂
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SDLP are screwed.
Going by SM it looks that way…Wonder what school she’s talking about? Odd her sister has set up a charity in the US to help fund Massai girls in her homeland ! I’d love to know how many of her 14 siblings have done similar and what sort of turnover their charities accumulate for the exact same cause.
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