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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Another thought on Ms Seenoi Barr - if she was granted asylum from Kenya on the basis of being an 'anti FGM campaiger', why weren't FGM victims from Kenya also granted asylum in Derry at the same time? Or were they?
Surely they were at risk too?
Interview I read the other day was basically that her family protected her from this so she didn’t personally experience it. Which of course means she can still help them but I just can’t help thinking it is a grift.
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Chatty Member
We don't speak much Irish because of the way it is taught in schools. We are taught Irish as though we a fluent in it, so similar to how it's taught in gaeltacht areas. So we leave school able to recite poetry as gaeilge, but unable to converse in it.
Ironically, I have to now pay to learn Irish as an Irish adult while spoofers coming into us are been given free English lessons.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Yeah , I’m just using our two situations as an example it goes a lot deeper than just being born in a country it very much a generational thing for me .My great grandparents would’ve been born in what is now the republic but partition made them British on paper only , it didn’t change them culturally.
Yeah, I never thought I would be reclaiming Irishness but when I see someone who moved here in their late 20’s? Proclaiming to know to be the most Irish person who has ever lived and fells they can lecture Irish people I kind of think wtf. There are a million things we can do better but at least we aren’t doing FGM.
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No- the actual music from the song was used across all cultures prior to the sash- I only know this from a uni course module I did.
I actually think it would be good to learn about black history- but when prods/catholics still aren’t event learning about their own history/perspectives and shared culture is this the priority?
Wouldn’t they have to extend it to more than black history if that’s the case? We only learn about white history because that’s the background we come from, in a school where 99.9 % of pupils are white why would they incorporate into the curriculum? as opposed to learning about different cultures around the world like they do in normal lessons anyway.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
The chains of Derry are just too good #unelectedmayorbelike
View attachment 2981181
I am not an expert but I don’t recognise this one. Is it from the Wolfe tones?
I don’t believe for a second that in the age of ID for everything people can’t produce it at a polling station, surely they’ve got a bank account, driving licence etc
Over here it hasn’t been an issue I have seen for years and we probs have more poverty than the mainland and yet I think we have historically had a higher turn out.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Well it’s not just that, this case ( one of many) highlights the fact they haven’t a clue who these people are yet bussing them in to communities.
, I had a nosy at one of their SM ( public) and shocked to see some of the images, why would this man want to come to a tiny town a long way from his homeland and culture, have the authorities questioned why he’s trained by a regime and knows how to handle a weapon…We all know we’ve got our own bothers and terrorists are no strangers to our areas …Better the devil you know…
I’m did see somewhere there is a girl who has been on RTE a few times and they call her a volunteer but she actually has a paid job for the UN. I think the election will be interesting.

Who is our mate up against in his area? Does he stand a chance?
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
It’s always telling when people try too hard, gets the spidey senses tingling 😂
I’m enjoying these election campaigns. Don’t know whether the Uk or Ireland is more fucked up but it is fun to watch. Might need to go and live on an island though.
  • Haha
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VIP Member
Bang on !

Buying votes and sewing the outcome. After the last referendum, they realised they have lost the Irish votes. They are calling us far right now, trying to shame us.
That could lead to more civil unrest if the preferred candidate isn’t selected because of these proxy gov electorates.
He wonders why he’s gets targeted 🙄
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
It’s not only housing it’s society as a whole , look at the knockon effect of adding hundreds of thousands of people to an already overburdened population .
He doesn’t seem to know what an MEP is he’s focused on local issues something Europe have no control over.
It’s kind of like those councillors in England the other week I think possibly in Bradford saying they are focusing on Palestine but realistically the local council’s job is to get the fucking bins emptied. By all means show your support or views but that isn’t in the remit.
I think he is just coming out with what he thinks everyone wants to hear. If he thought people in Dublin believed the sky was green he would be coming out with a video.
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I didn’t think there were mass protests in the north ( yet) ?…Has nobody told her self defence doesn’t stand up against the true threats on these streets, does she know nothing about what goes on here 🤔 politicians carry PP weapons and live in fortresses.
I know this is the daily mail doing a daily mail but this isn’t even a council house. It is a private rental.
Perhaps don’t have 11 kids (and one on the way) if you can’t support them!

How dangerous is it to pop back home for a shag after claiming asylum on the grounds of the threat of death 😂
What’s this all about? I don’t think she realises how insulting she is, you don’t use religion as a token , especially in Derry!


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Chatty Member
There actually are a few decent candidates in ireland. Good old mainstream media are not giving them any air time. There are some decent nationalist and independents.
Just tó clarify, there is no far right in Ireland. Most of the incidents have been the left agitating the pot. A reporter, Paul Connolly was secretly filmed a few weeks ago trying to agitate a protest.
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Chatty Member
Unfortunately, every Tom dick and Harry can vote in theses elections. All you have to be is here 6 months. Even illegals can vote. So anything can happen. NGOs are getting all their illegals signed up.
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VIP Member
Child protection laws forbid photography by parents even if it’s your own child being photographed .
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Hopefully, the EU will collapse soon.
It won’t! Surprisingly there’s many countries unhappy with how it’s being run but all seem reluctant to pull away 🤷🏼‍♀️…These economic migrants are unhappy that they can’t access housing and education, there’s no sympathy because they’re a lot better off than some Irish citizens 🙄 they can work after 6 months whether they’ve got leave to remain or not this is a push for housing.It’s laughable they want to enter government, couldn’t imagine a rousing welcome if an Irishman made the same demands in Africa…This guys a gov minister isn’t he?


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