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VIP Member
You know ‘the sash’ the original song has origins in both cultures from a musical perspective? Obviously when certain lyrics get added it means something other than the other but it was a folk tune long before it became what it is today. As I’m sure are other tunes.
In Africa?


VIP Member
I must have missed this! Holy shit!
Yeah I always wondered how he got with her not to be unkind but he’s punching, the tide wouldn’t take him out lol, he’s much older than her.
The Changaro Trust was being investigated and subsequently closed.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Well he’s got a point when the Kenyan gov ( her siblings) are very powerful in their home territory.There’s the millionaire senator brother right beside her.
Thing is, if she wants to come and live here then fair enough. She probably had the money to do it legally so why not do that? Her story of wanting to help the Masai girls but fucking off to Derry where I’m going to guess there are about 5 as a generous estimate just doesn’t make sense. I’m not sure what Colin’s opposition is like in the election but the lack of democracy in the appointment could potentially cost him if the locals don’t like it.
That never saw the light of day on MSM , just shows how the so called impartial media stoke the flames for the government, even that riot was made out worse than what it actually was, most of it was looters and antisocial behaviour as opposed far right aggression, it would’ve been classed as a minor disturbance in the north lol, we’ve had way worse after an orange parade.

That Niall boyo is the one keeps posting the vids that Umar wants forgotten,the curse of SM is that it comes back to bite you at the most inconvenient times .
In London you’d be arrested if you appeared alongside the symbol of Hamas .
Actually in London they have hamas flags and others every week at the marches and the Met do fuck all lol.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
He means they’re welcomed. A Hundred Thousand Welcomes .
You’ll be building a hard border wall at this rate 😂😂

Anyway though have you got your popcorn and other snacks ready for the election results on Saturday morning? I am fascinated to see if the shinners have fucked it up when they appeared to be ahead. Also how the other parties do. I’ve never taken an interest in ROI elections before but it just seems like all the parties are so out of touch with the average voter.


VIP Member
I think she’s pointing to the fact it’s not a celebration of the date but the culture and some people want disengage from that because of the controversy around immigration? That’s how I’m reading it.


VIP Member
I’ve had a few wines so I don’t even know if this is a unionist or nationalist replying to her. All I know is I am going to have to buy loads of popcorn for the election. It’s bound to have to be a coalition? Until all this immigration stuff happened Mary Lou seemed to have had it in the bag but that referendum fucked people off. I don’t know who anyone will vote for.

They’ve got a campaign going against the “racist land border” where people that don’t look Irish are asked for id on occasion.


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VIP Member
He might get in. Surely there should be some sort of rules about turnout. No idea what the exit polls are saying but how can a turnout of 27% be legally binding.

That Kiera account is a trans woman I was listening to them interview someone and people were asking who the interviewee was, people assumed they were a woman.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Well my sons learning Chinese next term Mr Chang will be proud 😂..They do lots of cultural celebrations at his school that aren’t part of the curriculum but still educational…He loves geography got 100% on his summer exam.
Love mr Chang! I would like to try his if I was ever in the area plus meet him after a few as he sounds like he would be great craic.


VIP Member
He maintains he’s open to all persuasions .
Basically came to Ireland because it was too hard to get family reunification in England
More backstory
According to that news article he didn’t actually integrate in the Netherlands at all ,he was brought up in a remote Muslim only community, so the fact he calls himself a European Muslim is in name only , nothing to do with western culture / values.
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VIP Member
I am not an expert but I don’t recognise this one. Is it from the Wolfe tones?

Over here it hasn’t been an issue I have seen for years and we probs have more poverty than the mainland and yet I think we have historically had a higher turn out.
I think inner city Dublin had a good turnout ? our polling stations are like death row 😂


VIP Member
The other charity that helped bring her to Derry was SEEDS big Eddie Kerr ,the director ,was charged with fraud ..Maybe I can’t get past this and it tarnishes my view of her, to think she’d take the place of a genuine person in need to further her own political ambitions is awful, never mind using the good natured Derry folk along the way.



VIP Member
I had to choose between gcse history and geography and chose geography. I did A level politics and they were talking about the McCarthy witch-hunts and then half the class started taking the piss out of me because I was thinking about the old witch hunts from the 1700-1800s and not the communist ones from the 50’s -60’s 🥲

at least I know how to get earth worms to come out of a quadrant of soil.
Well my sons learning Chinese next term Mr Chang will be proud 😂..They do lots of cultural celebrations at his school that aren’t part of the curriculum but still educational…He loves geography got 100% on his summer exam.