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He’s obviously renounced his Dutch citizenship, they don’t allow duel/ triple citizenship with other countries.


VIP Member
Thing is, if she wants to come and live here then fair enough. She probably had the money to do it legally so why not do that? Her story of wanting to help the Masai girls but fucking off to Derry where I’m going to guess there are about 5 as a generous estimate just doesn’t make sense. I’m not sure what Colin’s opposition is like in the election but the lack of democracy in the appointment could potentially cost him if the locals don’t like it.

Actually in London they have hamas flags and others every week at the marches and the Met do fuck all lol.
I’m guessing if the affair story is true it’s her now husband didn’t have the money or resources to bring her? There’s lots of red tape around foreign spouses, you need to be able to show you can support them financially and have a certain amount of savings etc, it was probably cheaper ,less legalities to claim asylum… it could cost the party with the radio silence from die hard SDLPers , didn’t see any of them at the ceremony it seemed to be her family and the migrants forum lot ,along with the main SDLP councillors, apparently Mark Durkan was washing his hair 😂 but he did send a congratulatory post.


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VIP Member
They must’ve heard Ireland was a soft touch, clearly not in any danger they weren’t even living in Syria, came to get their children educated and looking for housing.Turkey wouldn’t give them anything for free despite one of them living there for six yrs.

lol I know but the mini fleg is great. Do they sell them in the shop for tourists or something or did he just show up with it himself? That is the key bit of information I need to know. Where is the memorial just out of curiousity? (Don’t worry I’m not going to do a JSO on it)
Probably off a cupcake 🧁 I think he’s buried in Kildare?


VIP Member
I’ve not idea who this is but if came up in FYP.
And you know I would view myself NI/British but it is an interesting perspective on things. I don’t agree with everything here in terms of the narrative but I like to look at different perspectives.

Wouldn’t the same apply to every culture? There’s obviously certain traits that make you different or else the world would be culturally neutral 😂 there seems to be a big issue with people who identify as Irish but not with people who identify as any other culture 🤷🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
Lots to unpack here. She’s probably wearing the full face covering due to her speaking out. When was this video from? And I know it is touts out but I wish she would go to Garda if concerned.
Looks like it’s from a few yrs ago , before the hair transplant? He had a hat on.


VIP Member
Ahh maybe it’s this??


This is Colms competition.
I think the trouble will be a small turnout. People who are disengaged with the process whether in Ireland or the UK, and I don’t blame them as it is tough when politicians say one thing but then do the opposite. Major example is the Lib Dem’s in 2010 or so, they had made major inroads and seemed to be a good third choice in UK but then they did the Tory coalition but back tracked on some major things that people really bought into.
I should say as well this is the first time I have watched with any interest a southern election, possibly because people are suggesting there could be UI so I need to understand the lay of the land but also I’m fascinated by that referendum that no one asked for and how they so majorly were out of touch with what the people actually wanted/believed in.
I think the shinners have done a good job of pissing off the southern working class electorate to ensure a UI won’t happen anytime soon.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I’ve not idea who this is but if came up in FYP.
And you know I would view myself NI/British but it is an interesting perspective on things. I don’t agree with everything here in terms of the narrative but I like to look at different perspectives.

Actually I have just read a couple of his other posts and I am thinking wtf. I do think Irishness is complicated, I did one of those DNA things and got 36% Irish and 50% Scottish and the rest was France I think. But obviously I was brought up British. I’ve no idea what this makes me.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I’m guessing if the affair story is true it’s her now husband didn’t have the money or resources to bring her? There’s lots of red tape around foreign spouses, you need to be able to show you can support them financially and have a certain amount of savings etc, it was probably cheaper ,less legalities to claim asylum… it could cost the party with the radio silence from die hard SDLPers , didn’t see any of them at the ceremony it seemed to be her family and the migrants forum lot along with the main SDLP councillors, apparently Mark Durkan was washing his hair 😂 but he did send a congratulatory post.
Affair story? WTF? You need to spill the tea ASAP!


VIP Member
I’d like Dustin the turkey to interview him 😂
He’s been very quiet today!
He’s dismissive of Irish culture/ beliefs yet enforces islamic beliefs , where’s the diversity he keeps ramming down our throats??
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VIP Member
That’s the guy was born in Belfast then moved to Gaza as a child he was working in Saudi when his family was killed, how did Umar get him accommodation in Dublin 🤔

He was actually brought to Belfast and living there, more fake election PR for Umar.
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