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VIP Member
No idea. I’ve looked on wiki and realised that it seems they have a theme each year and this year happened to be malaria so I was wrong in the above post. I’ve never heard it being mentioned before so not really getting the digs. Perhaps the Sf person thought they were doing something inclusive.
looking forward to seeing what Lillian does for the people of Derry though. Even ELP managed to do some PR with a hurling bat.
I know this is a puff piece but she makes being mayor sound like a big year of parties and nice events. Can we found the tattle party and we can all take a turn at being mayor!? She actually seems nice enough to be fair.

Is that a dig about the RA’s punishment beatings 😂…Yes Sandra was a popular choice.


VIP Member
He’s brave to keep speaking out! This whole GFA is nothing more than a piece of paper for most people imo, we still don’t cross certain lines it’s the unwritten law of the Northern Irish land ffs, don’t blame people for thinking we live as one loving community with the whole PR around the peace process.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
As far as I am aware, they can vote in the local and European elections. They couldn't vote on the last mother in the home constitution change. Also, I don't think they can vote in the general election. It is ridiculous. A chap I work with, from Belgium was talking about registering to vote, even though he is not happy here and doesn't intend on staying much longer.
There is almost 100 non Irish running for local elections. Yer man Caio who whacked the illegal who stabbed the wee girl is running. Hell get a huge Brazilian vote.
I was surprised the Brazilian guy came back tbh.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
So I stopped being lazy and googled. Africa day is about malaria and freedom day was back in April for South Africa so I’m more confused now.


VIP Member
I’m did see somewhere there is a girl who has been on RTE a few times and they call her a volunteer but she actually has a paid job for the UN. I think the election will be interesting.

Who is our mate up against in his area? Does he stand a chance?
Actually @Grifty Mc the real director of the NWMF has the EU commission on his employment history, he states Lillian as being director even though she was appointed and resigned on the same day ( it’s her brainchild long before he was on the scene) all those NGO’s must be under the one directive?…Not surprised she knows Umar



VIP Member
I thought he already had citizenship when he was standing as an MEP ? You have to be an EU citizen, surely he hasn’t renounced his Pakistani citizenship? Isn’t it only duel citizenship allowed? Or can you have citizenship of more than two countries at once? It’s probably someone else has acquired citizenship and he’s just there at the ceremony


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VIP Member
Fucking hell. Does she think this is actually the way to fight racism? It just riles people up.
Can you see what’s wrong with it? Or am I just reading too much into it? This is the usual sort of posts that come from that organisation and they wonder why people take issue with them going round schools 🙄

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Try as she might I can’t see anything in African culture that’s similar to ours, don’t see why people get offended by that, we’re entitled to our own affiliations just like everyone else.
You know ‘the sash’ the original song has origins in both cultures from a musical perspective? Obviously when certain lyrics get added it means something other than the other but it was a folk tune long before it became what it is today. As I’m sure are other tunes.


VIP Member
I always thought the confrontation with that guy McConnell looked staged 😏 she was at the inauguration aswell .

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Once he googles himself he’ll see this thread and have his lawyers on standby 😂
If we get anyone other than us two loonies posting we will know it is a trap!

Wonder what all this is about

Am I losing the plot. One minute he is criticising and then next he is condemning the attack.

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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I’ve had a few wines so I don’t even know if this is a unionist or nationalist replying to her. All I know is I am going to have to buy loads of popcorn for the election. It’s bound to have to be a coalition? Until all this immigration stuff happened Mary Lou seemed to have had it in the bag but that referendum fucked people off. I don’t know who anyone will vote for.