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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
The fucking entitlement of being given 3 free meals a day and a roof over your head but complaining that if you don’t show up for lunch you don’t get lunch.

I actually agree that they should have the right to work. But on the same playing field as everyone else so if you work then you have to pay your own rent and meals etc.

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Affair story? WTF? You need to spill the tea ASAP!
I have shared the comments previously, apparently she was having an affair with her now husband, he and his wife were volunteers in the Changaro trust and helped build schools in Kenya, apparently his wife was unable to make it the year he landed back with her, he left his wife and children, it was this charity that brought her to Derry?? That’s the rumour anyway?
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I think he is toast.
Just looking at the comments under his posts I think it’s goodbye 👋
Saying that politics is a funny old game, full of surprises but this year will be telling for a lot of candidates and the true face of public opinion.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I think inner city Dublin had a good turnout ? our polling stations are like death row 😂
Apparently no exit polls. They did this in the referendum too. Not that it means much as I would probs be a dick and say I voted for some random in an exit poll too.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
In Africa?
No- the actual music from the song was used across all cultures prior to the sash- I only know this from a uni course module I did.
I actually think it would be good to learn about black history- but when prods/catholics still aren’t event learning about their own history/perspectives and shared culture is this the priority?
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
They’ve got a campaign going against the “racist land border” where people that don’t look Irish are asked for id on occasion.
Would it be fraudulent and in democratic if they were voting for him? Or maybe just 40 people needed to live in a house ? (I think it is bollocks but the fact he is presenting to be anti immigration is wild)
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Apparently there’s no witnesses to the attack? Happened at 1.30am , think that senator has brought up illegal immigration in the chambers and people branded her far right, despite far right condemning her for working with minorities 😂
Umar and Lillian would work well together
Fucking hell. Does she think this is actually the way to fight racism? It just riles people up.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
The other charity that helped bring her to Derry was SEEDS big Eddie Kerr ,the director ,was charged with fraud ..Maybe I can’t get past this and it tarnishes my view of her, to think she’d take the place of a genuine person in need to further her own political ambitions is awful, never mind using the good natured Derry folk along the way.
I thought she looked well in the photos from last night. Obviously has a good bit of money. But having the reps from the country you have sought refuge from just seems odd.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
That’s the guy was on the news a couple of months ago speaking out about the posters being put up he said he wouldn’t be intimidated out…Here he is in Makawi last year wonder if that’s where he’s from?
Sure it says in the original article he is from Zimbabwe so is that bullshit?
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He’s replied to you @monga

It’s not only housing it’s society as a whole , look at the knockon effect of adding hundreds of thousands of people to an already overburdened population .
He doesn’t seem to know what an MEP is he’s focused on local issues something Europe have no control over.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
This is from the West Midlands. By all means support Gaza but if you applying to be an MP here then you need to be thinking about your local constituency and the work that needs done in your local area.
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Actually I have just read a couple of his other posts and I am thinking wtf. I do think Irishness is complicated, I did one of those DNA things and got 36% Irish and 50% Scottish and the rest was France I think. But obviously I was brought up British. I’ve no idea what this makes me.
Is it not your inherited beliefs, values, religion, traits that your family have passed to you from their own cultural heritage?…I would have no affiliation with England at all ,our family hails from Donegal .
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Umar will have to wait till Sunday night to see if his dreams have come true.
you mean we will have to wait? We will have to go and just be productive members of society tomorrow to take our minds off this. Raging!
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