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I think tbh he looks like he is really struggling with his mental health and is obsessively stomping and having baths so he doesn't have to process his brothers death.

I think if your poor mental health is cured by some stomps and a cup of tea great, but you don't really need to use mental health resources. I'm not a mental health professional but its so simplistic to say some self care is what people with significant mental health problems need.

This is what I always find with TV doctors, Alex is an A&E dr. I'm sure he is an expert on treating someone who's having Mn MI, or elderly who've had a fall, or acute trauma. But he wouldn't be qualified to talk about say cardiac surgery. So why do TV doctors feel they are qualified to talk about mental health? When they are not mental health professionals
I do agree, I think raising awareness is great, the more it's talked about hopefully the more people who have perhaps felt reluctant or (wrongly) embarrassed about seeking help. But I do agree that the narrative that going for a walk will make you feel better is more around mental wellbeing, as in dealing with the natural variation in mood and emotions that everyone experiences in day to day life rather than mental illness if that makes sense. Like that's not going to cure anxiety or depression although it could play a part in alleviating some of the symptoms. It's great he has raised awareness with the government too, but sad that those who have been working tirelessly for years have been ignored and it took someone who had been on a reality show to make them stand up and listen.

Having experienced similar with a sibling, i recognise the want to change things and funneling energy into that is a great distraction for a short time, but I do hope he takes time to heal and sit back and take a breather to allow times to come to terms with it, keeping busy is often a coping mechanism but it can't last forever; something has to usually give.

That's sweet he has a new gf, I hope they're happy together. I do find it a bit meh when all of his money making endeavours are put across as being solely for the good of others when it's fine for him to want to earn some £££s, overall he seems decent though. A lot better than most of the people that are churned out of LI, but it seems he has taken a real step back from being a doctor which would be a shame, but up to him i guess!
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As someone that has ADHD I find it so offensive that nearly every second one now has it😔 its like all the have to have it
are we gatekeeping diagnosis's now? considering there was barely any research years ago a lot of adult women have gone through life being incorrectly diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bpd when actually it's adhd.

myself included.

yes it may seem like 'everywhere you turn' someone has it but god forbid they should get the help they need?

i guarantee you no one goes through the agro of trying to get an nhs appointment or paying thousands of pounds to go private if they aren't 100% sure they have it. because who has time for that?
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I’m a bit underwhelmed with his role as ambassador so far. Yes he’s going around speaking to people and raising awareness and money to charity but where is the actual proposed changes/ getting to the nitty gritty of it. Telling people with MH issues to go get stomps and have a bath is echoing the problems that are already there. The amount of people who are suicidal that call services/ use the youth services that are told “have a cup of tea and a bath” as a solution to their problems or as help is staggering. People who self harm are given a sheet of things to do like the “have a bath” advice and sit tight and wait for a year to have a short stint in CBT which probably doesn’t even scratch the surface of what they’re going through.

It makes me wonder if he’s just a government puppet rather than an actual ambassador. Not only this but I doubt he’s had time to fully process what happened with his brother- there’s many stages of grief and no time scale on when you come to terms with something like that. But whilst he knows what it’s like to lose someone to suicide, I doubt he’s at a point where he actually understands the complexities around what it actually feels like to be suicidal. Knowing someone with MH problems is very different to experiencing it yourself and trying to access services.
Amen to all of this - and I work in providing therapy in the NHS so I can confidently say you're bang on the money about self-care advice not being enough for MH issues and how disappointed/let down people feel when that's all they get. The key issue is: we need crisis services to be funded better and we need intensive therapies to be funded better. People wait 6-8 months to get regular appointments with me to actually do the intensive work. If they're in crisis whilst they are waiting, they call these crisis services and as you rightly said, they get the self-care sheet to deescalate risks to themselves which most find don't help.
We don't need more self-help guru style advice, we need someone to tell the gov all of the above lol.
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Ah if they have actually kicked locals out then thats different and would change things for me.
Play this from about 50 seconds in. He says long term lets to holiday cottages.

I avoided watching this until now because the guy makes my skin crawl. He’s so odd isn’t he? Very strange mannerisms and way about him.
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Latest interview...

Not sure how I feel about him promoting his book by saying his brother was excited for it - true or not it just comes across as using that death to further promote the book. But I can see he must be asked about his brother constantly and there is no perfect answer and maybe for Alex, using his brother's death to promote a book about MH seems like a worthy use. I'll reserve my comments until I actually see the book but don't have high hopes because he's not a MH professional and MH advocates groups have felt he is out of touch with the reality of the MH issues and MH provisions in this country.
I agree. He’s not a mental health professional and the idea that “getting out for a stomp” can solve all issues is a bit simplistic and generalising. Yes I agree getting outside if you are feeling a bit fed up can work wonders but if you haven’t got up or washed in a week it can seem insurmountable. I think he’s trying to do good bless him and any awareness he raises is only a good thing, but I could think of better people as mental health ambassador. I don’t actually dislike hi
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Well he's got another TV role now, itv mental health ambassador. playing the long game is working out for him.

"Just talk to someone."

Very good, who though? People are put on waiting lists for months, and not all friends and family members want someone offloading onto them, people have their own shizz they're dealing with.

This guy wants to be the next micheal mosley.
I do think his heart is in the right place but he is all about self promotion these days and seems to have lost what made him a bit different along the way.
The stomping and “talk to someone” approach to mental health leaves me a bit cold. If that’s all it takes you are probably a bit low and down. I don’t think I agree with every human emotion being put under the “mental health” umbrella
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Just read on a surgery group that Dr Alex George promoted the clinic centre in Turkey for cosmetic surgery. They have botched people ! One patient felt very upset as they had trusted Dr Alex's endorsement.

All very dodgy considering the clinic centres surgeons aren't registered in the UK and aren't regulated by the GMC. Dr Alex isn't a qualified surgeon so really doesn't have the extensive knowledge and experience to recommend a clinic. This should be a fitness to practice issue he has probably been paid a hefty fee, to use his UK doctors registration to promote a unregulated clinic abroad.
I think at the moment he would endorse the devil if he thought he’d make money from it. He’s losing credibility right, left and centre
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I agree ,I’m on medication for bipolar and I have absolutely no shame in sharing with others my illness and the fact I take meds for it .I just don’t particularly want to post a picture of my medication .I don’t really get how it’s supposed to help.No one should feel ashamed about taking meds for mental health but I don’t think it should be normalised necessarily as although they obviously work for some and have probably saved my life at times it’s not always the answer for many .I dunno ,it just gets to me that the gps go to for many who visit due to poor MH is to stick them straight on anti d’s .Like that’s the only solution .Like that will solve it .
Personally I think he's working more in mental health now and realizing how draining and challenging it is. I don't think until you have lived with someone or you work in mental health that you understand it more. I agree why should people post their medication online? I think anti depressants do work short time but the difficulty is coming off them for most people.

Ughhh this is exactly my point. Social media is one of the biggest detriments to young peoples mental health. If he’s SO passionate, his social media should be squeaky clean. Just talking about his walks and what not.. (I haven’t actually really seen what useful info he posts on Instagram about peoples mental health to even comment) not showing off his bloody holiday to Dubai of all places, which is unattainable for so so may, and not showing off all this crap which will lead to people feeling shit. Like you literally cannot do both. How does he not see the hypocrisy!! Like he’s getting his flat decorated for free. Come on man.
If he was a real mental health ambassador.

He would talk about Bi polar , eupd , schizo affective disorders etc. He needs to dig deeper and tell people the reality of it all. There's also Aces ... Adverse childhood events. He is just talking about medication and the be kind bollocks! I know it's tragic that his brother took his own life and that must have a profound impact on him. But he really does need to dig deeper on social media . He also needs to think outside the box more. I certainly have since working in mental health. I've realised how many complex disorders and conditions there are.
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I keep thinking about him and his poor family, mental health and male mental health is so forgotten. It hurts even more considering he talks about mental health etc a lot on social media 😔
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I know not everything is down to looks, and he has some reality TV fame, but damn how does he get these women to want him??? He seems to have the personality of a wet flannel on his socials.
He was an oddball on love island too. I think the nhs doctor wins people over
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Hi, new to this thread but just jumping on to say, I started watching his series of Love Island thinking I would love him as I'd heard so many people around me saying nice things about him. Straight from the start, I've just got alarm bells going off about him? The girls just seem so uncomfortable around him, whether it's just an awkwardness thing or what, it's just raised red flags in my mind. I'm up to the bit now where he's not long started dating Alexandra and is already saying he's going off her. The guy is extremely strange.

Side note, noticed on Instagram that he sells boxes of bath bombs that look like Easter eggs. Not sure if he is passing these off as his own product that he's created himself, but you can buy those in bulk for businesses. I know because I used to do PR for a bath bomb company, and they always claimed their bath bombs were handmade until I found out you could buy them online elsewhere - they are the exact same thing Alex is selling.
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Sick of all the bragging and showing off at a time when food and fuel prices are rising and the average Joe is struggling
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Iconic Member
I used to really like him but he’s getting a bit big headed and “all for the gram”. Whilst it was so lovely he bought his mum her dream car did he really need to plaster him giving it to her (and her crying) all over Insta and You tube? By all means do it but making it so public left a nasty taste
he’s another Joe wicks, making bank from the pandemic and a social media whore to boot

(I know it’s rave I’ll go 😂)
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I used to really like him but he’s getting a bit big headed and “all for the gram”. Whilst it was so lovely he bought his mum her dream car did he really need to plaster him giving it to her (and her crying) all over Insta and You tube? By all means do it but making it so public left a nasty taste
Exactly this. He’s a nice enough guy and he does good stuff but he’s no longer interested in working a normal job and is going down the celeb /influencer route
Why can a nice deed not be done without documenting it. Kind of takes the kindness away. If someone gave or did something nice for me but I had to have a camera shoved in my face for it I would feel pretty awkward about it
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He’s going full on influencer to make that coin.
He’s always been all about the attention I mean he went on Love Island! For me personally, it’s too coin focused, he’s got real qualifications and experience and he’s prancing about on the gram and writing some self help book like any Joe Wicks/James Smith etc etc. Hard to take him seriously tbh and that Boris role is just PR fluff
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I don’t think he can be blamed for the Government’s lack of action though… I also think there is definitely room and a need for someone young people admire to be opening talking about mental health. I don’t think it’s a one or the other. I say this as someone who finds him quite annoying with it…
I'm not blaming Alex solely for the Government's lack of action, but his role enables them to look like they are doing something when they aren't. His role as an ambassador, paid or unpaid, is cheap compared to the millions that needs to be invested into NHS mental health services. Awareness days, inspirational quotes and advice about going for a walk have had their day. I would have thought that Alex would know the state of those services having worked in A&E, but he doesn't seem to link these factors together. He doesn't seem to be advocating for additional funding, just posting 'self care' posts that the NHS crisis teams also spout from what I have read on Twitter.

I also agree that his role as influencer and 'Government ambassador' are contradictory.
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