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I’m a massive fan, at least he’s doing something good with his platform rather than constantly begging for freebies rather than considering getting an actual job. He’s one of the few people I’m happy to use a swipe up from.
He’s mates with TGE and JE from LDNM and they use ‘hell’ and ‘now then’ all the time...which is probably the only thing that annoys me about him, but I can overlook it 😂
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Yeah it must be knackering deleting all the genuine concerns and polite responses from Pembrokeshire locals who can’t afford a roof over their head, so that he still looks like Mr Nice Guy. 🙄 Hope he enjoys his well-earned rest. Sorry if I’m banging on about him on here, he’s just well and truly wound me up over this!


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He is monetising mental health - how can that not leave a bad taste.

He is in this for himself, and himself alone. I believed he was after an easy (comparatively) lucrative career as a telly doctor as soon as he was revealed as a medical doctor on Love Island. If he was simply trying to improve mental health on the national health he wouldn't be doing the other stuff, the influencer ads, the comped holidays and experiences the begging for freebies for expensive things that other medics and mental health professionals pay for themselves from their salary, selling his bath bombs (is he angling for a spot of the apprentice?) and sliding into 19 / 20 year old women's DM's. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Loosing a family member, and such a young one is absolutely heart wrenching, but it is not a free pass in life to act as he does using people (his auidence, vulnerable people suffering with their own mental health, his ex, random women etc) and it doesn't suddenly make him a good guy. He is who he is.
Totally agree. He has built this image of being slightly geeky good guy so can’t then expect people not to be shocked when he turns out to be a cheating scumbag. I did used to like him but recently he’s always on the beg for something or flogging his gifted stuff. I’d have more respect if he had continued to be a doctor and campaign for change in mental health. Recently he’s been off on gifted holidays and overnight stays and not much being an ambassador for mental health. I don’t grudge anyone a holiday but he needs to learn to read the room
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He really is an influencer, trip to Dubai and begging for a sports car to have while he’s there🤣cringe
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Unpopular opinion here...

I can't stand this guy.

He's smarmy, self indulgent and fame hungry. Plays the 'good doctor' card and uses to the NHS in his quest for self promotion.

He's as insincere as they come.

Thank you 👏

His smugness is off the scale. His Mr Nice Guy act is so fake. Wish he would just bore off to be honest!
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Yeah there seems to be that too much publicity on things he could do behind the scenes without having to tell everyone.
yeah I agree, I wouldn't want to be filmed crying over social media if I was her, her could have just posted a pic of the car and said what he did, it felt very exploitative to film her imo
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Well he's got another TV role now, itv mental health ambassador. playing the long game is working out for him.

"Just talk to someone."

Very good, who though? People are put on waiting lists for months, and not all friends and family members want someone offloading onto them, people have their own shizz they're dealing with.

This guy wants to be the next micheal mosley.
He’s started giving me the ick. That noise he makes when throwing pebbles or his bath bombs 🤢
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He's completely fake and no better than the rest of them. I feel sorry for him for the loss of his brother, but it doesn't give him the excuse to be a not very nice person.
Totally agree with this. I lost my brother to suicide a month before he did, and am also in a v similar role to his….I’d like to think I’m still a nice person! I guess the difference is I’m not chasing an influencer lifestyle and LI don’t want a frumpy married mum of two on there!

putting aside the fact he gives me the ick, even before all of the stuff about Ellie came out, he seems to have changed so drastically for the worse in the past 6 months…constant ad, as, ad, constant begging for freebies. Makes me sick!
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Hi, new to this thread but just jumping on to say, I started watching his series of Love Island thinking I would love him as I'd heard so many people around me saying nice things about him. Straight from the start, I've just got alarm bells going off about him? The girls just seem so uncomfortable around him, whether it's just an awkwardness thing or what, it's just raised red flags in my mind. I'm up to the bit now where he's not long started dating Alexandra and is already saying he's going off her. The guy is extremely strange.
I remember watching it and I never really got the hype around him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a “nice guy” or at least has those tendencies around him
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Dr Alex should do 12.5 hour shifts a day in a mental health ward. Ridiculously short staffed being stuck on observations for hours because there isn't enough staff to swap and you are desperate for a wee and a drink. Having to restrain someone headbanging, using ligature knives constantly, becoming desensitised to some of the most horrible things a human can see. Trying to convince someone who's catatonic and severely depressed to get out of the bed and use the toilet and eat as you are breaking your back everytime you change them but there's no beds available to move them on and the service won't purchase a proper bed. Then having to forcibly wash people because they neglect their hygiene so much and get infections. Over sedating someone because you don't have a seclusion suite and they are smashing up the ward , the police won't take them because they are in a safe place but there's no beds in more secure services.

It's definitely not the singing kumbaya and holding hands like Dr Alex makes out.

He purchased 4 holiday cottages and promoting dodgy clinics abroad. He doesn't give a shit about patients just making money.
You hit the nail on the head! People are too scared to tell people what really goes on in mental health services but we need to fight for the patients , the staff and relatives!
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Can’t say I warm to him .. but are holiday cottages that bad? I stay in several each year .. without them, I wouldn’t have some lovely holidays 🙈 I live in a very touristy area of Yorkshire & there are loads of holiday cottages.. it’s not looked upon badly. The tourists bring in a lot of money to local shops & restaurants. They make the village come alive in spring/summer.. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Holiday cottages aren’t bad, not sure where you’ve got that from?
Have you read the thread? Alex is turning long term rental properties (ie affordable housing for local residents) into short term holiday lets for maximum profit. And lied about it.
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He honestly winds me up so much. Acts like he is amazing influencer, when really, he is just as fake as them all. The constant freebies, ads, and not forgetting he was on love island. Definitely an ulterior motive for his fame.
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