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Well-known member
I just think it's f**ked up how he's essentially using his brother's passing to make money from. I'm pretty sure just 'taking a walk' or 'having a bath' won't help the majority of mental health issues. It's literally like telling someone with a broken leg to 'just walk' without any proper personalised support, yet here he is making money from it! Unbelievable. It's an insult to the mental health professionals who have had to study for years and work for years in mental health settings, who will most likely know that just a walk, posting your pill, or having a bath, will definitely not do enough or even make a dent in the complexities of mental health support that's needed in order to make a difference. Those are just temporary solutions that don't tackle the root of the problem. I feel like the reason why he probably doesn't go into depth with mental health issues is because he himself isn't well read on it or experienced enough to say such things with conviction, which just makes it more messed up that he's earning a tonne of money from it whereas actual mental health professionals are most likely earning much more less for what they do. It would just seem more authentic if he wasn't benefiting from it financially and was still working as a doctor. His intentions are completely skewed.
Well said 👏
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I used to really like him but he’s getting a bit big headed and “all for the gram”. Whilst it was so lovely he bought his mum her dream car did he really need to plaster him giving it to her (and her crying) all over Insta and You tube? By all means do it but making it so public left a nasty taste
Yeah there seems to be that too much publicity on things he could do behind the scenes without having to tell everyone.
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It's not about meeting him as such, but having time with the prime minister who ultimately heads up any big changes. There are staff who have so many great ideas and their experiences are so valuable that would love time with the prime minister if it meant there was even a tiny chance it would lead to change. But no one listens to them.
Yes the prime minister can obviously make changes but for him, meeting people like Alex is a publicity exercise. Meeting other MP’s is a far better use of time.

For example same sex marriage is something that was proposed and pushed for by the Lib Dems but brought to law by the Tories who were in government. The new tax in energy suppliers the government has just announced was first proposed by the Lib Dems back in Nov 2021.

These are just examples… but in the main to actually make a difference you’re better off finding someone who actually cares. Boris doesn’t.
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I was listening to the Saving Grace podcast and she was interviewing Sharon Gaffka and they were talking about a “nice man” from Love Island who “couldn’t tan” who had been in the press with allegations, so blatantly it was Alex.

apparently he invited Sharon to go to an exclusive sex party with him! She didn’t go though.
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yeah exactly, honestly I am a woman and wouldn't bother contuining with someone who wouldn't sleep with me after 4 dates, especially from somewhere like tinder. Not like it is somewhere like match where you are really trying to find a partner
Although I did meet my partner on there, we’ve been together over 5 years but both admitted that wasn’t the reason we were on there in the first place 😬
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Exactly, every z list celeb seems to have some kind of neurodivergent diagnosis now just to give them something to talk about when promoting their new book or whatever it is
Or when they get caught doing something (or someone) they shouldn’t, they then blame it on their “condition”. It’s being used as a get out of jail free card and it’s such an insult to anyone with a genuine diagnosis
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are we gatekeeping diagnosis's now? considering there was barely any research years ago a lot of adult women have gone through life being incorrectly diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bpd when actually it's adhd.

myself included.

yes it may seem like 'everywhere you turn' someone has it but god forbid they should get the help they need?

i guarantee you no one goes through the agro of trying to get an nhs appointment or paying thousands of pounds to go private if they aren't 100% sure they have it. because who has time for that?
My mother had been diagnosed as a adult too spent a fortune on a private appointment, but I think it's a cop out for people and bad beha
i'm sure people don't WANT to have it. since it's so debilitating.

it's really frustrating. for my whole life i've felt weird and like the odd one out because i cannot do what everyone else can. oh it's depression. oh it's this or that.

it wasn't that long ago more people were talking about depression.

surely people talking about it is a good thing?
Yes there more awareness to it fair enough, but it just makes people with ADHD sound stupid, I'll hold my hand up I've done some bonkers things, but there is more to ADHD it can cause crippling anexity and depression there are different ways it affects people, ADHD granted was known a just being naughty and bold, there is so much more bit makings stupid tic toys "MY ADHD MADE ME DO IT"
It has become the latest way for influencers to get engagement on their posts and therefore make money. 🙄
You hit the nail.on the head!!!
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I thought this was an April fools joke. The people of west/north wales are already protesting because of all the property being purchased for holiday homes/second homes and local people priced out of the area. Horrible that Dr Alex is contributing to a problem in his own native country
At least he’s bought them in the area he’s from but I’ll be interested to see how much he charges!

He’s obviously made a LOT of money from all his AD’s etc!
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I don’t think he can be blamed for the Government’s lack of action though… I also think there is definitely room and a need for someone young people admire to be opening talking about mental health. I don’t think it’s a one or the other. I say this as someone who finds him quite annoying with it…
I think he needs to raise awareness that just because someone is under the mental health services doesn't mean they get help. More often than not on another waiting list for years and told you're an attention seeker rather than providing false hope that it may change and an expectation that mental health services are this amazing thing. He needs to be tackling the way mental illnesses ( NOT MENTAL HEALTH) are perceived by the psychiatrists and doctors, not every Tom dick and harry on the street.
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He's turning into one of those idiots that's always sick and moaning about it recently 😂
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This might be slightly off topic but does anyone else find it weird that his ex Ellie instagrams the “post your pill” when Alex would have been the one to have done it first (I’m not sure if he started the campaign but he’s definitely made it popular) and then yesterday she posted about getting black cabs instead of Ubers in London to save the black cabs just like Alex did last week. Just a weird thing to post the same things as your ex. Do we like Ellie? I still don’t think we know enough about their break up to judge, but she could have been just as bad as him idk.
His ex is alot younger than him 21/22? So she's still young and vulnerable in that sense.
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Of all the things he could have chosen to do to subsidise his income, he chooses one that’s detrimental to mental health? 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
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Alex's role is useless. We don't need mental health awareness, we need access to treatment! His role is just a way for the government to look like they are doing something, but doesn't cut the waiting lists for therapy because there has been no investment in NHS mental health services. Instagram posts and documentaries don't help those in need of help,
as much as I agree we need treatment and waiting lists to be seen to rather than added too.
We DO need mental health awareness. My 9 year old daughter in lockdown ended up being referred to the schools mental health team as she was really struggling. Thankfully she is now a different child and back to her happy loving self.
I myself have lost two friends to mental health we most definitely need awareness
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It might be an unpopular opinion as I love him and his messages but I don’t love that he does ads. I don’t feel like you can preach about positive mental health and also show off your new sofa at the same time. There is so much evidence to show that social media is detrimental to mental health and the two conflict if you ask me.
Yes I’ve noticed he loves a freebie! Plus that sofa is awful!
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He also says ‘now then’ a lot which annoys me too. Other than that I like him.
Same ,he’s a bit of a gif the way he goes on about his bath bombs and plants and saying hell and what not but I have a lot of respect for the guy for trying to make a difference to mental health.Also for his work in the nhs and I was truly sorry to hear he lost his young brother in such tragic circumstances .
We need more people with a platform like him speaking up about mental health ,I hope he keeps it up.

Same ,he’s a bit of a gif the way he goes on about his bath bombs and plants and saying hell and what not but I have a lot of respect for the guy for trying to make a difference to mental health.Also for his work in the nhs and I was truly sorry to hear he lost his young brother in such tragic circumstances .
We need more people with a platform like him speaking up about mental health ,I hope he keeps it up.
G I m p
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