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He’s responded to some of the backlash
“Let alone” - roughly translates as “why are you not all kissing my arse”?!
We always use holiday cottages. 'Employing local cleaners'...they literally come in on change over day and change the bedding! So what? 1-2 hrs work a week? Holiday homes rely on the people leaving the cottage to clean it (well we always do). So he's hardly creating much work employing a cleaner!
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What?! In one month?!?!? God if I spent that much on alcohol that really would be an incentive not to drink 😁😁😁
I looked up the article. He says the £1,000 includes taxis and meals when he would be out drinking!
  • Haha
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I always thought he was gay. Maybe that will be his next big announcement and he will talk about how it's affected his mental health?

But this girl and the one before her never looked that into him but they both seemed to enjoy the limelight..

I used to fancy him when he was on Love Island.. He didn’t actually apply for the show - he was touted over Instagram, I think that’s how most people are picked.
I've never understood why they targeted him as he said he only had 200 followers at the time!

Just read that he’s split with Ellie. Must say I’m surprised given they only just got a puppy!
It says Ellie is keeping the puppy. Well I suppose he does have his other dog (even though it seems more like his parents dog!).
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Thread has been quiet for a while. I came to say I feel unnerved by him posting about sobriety and “30 days sober” like I get it, don’t drink but he’s making it his personality. Isn’t it alcoholics and people with addictions that celebrate milestones in sobriety? Not just a bloke that decides to stop because he doesn’t like the way it makes him feel or whatever he’s saying
Came to say the same. I like Alex I met him before he is great, he talked about the pressures of social media in his talk which was excellent. He made a point how its better to use your platform for good than just a boohoo deal which I totally agree.

But he tends to jump from topic to topic I actually lose interest and scroll past his latest cause.

He did the post your pill, cool your making awareness..brilliant that's needed etc. Now its the alcohol and Im sure there was loads of causes in between.

I actually think he is another casualty of social media. He needs to just loosen up a bit life does not have to be sooooo serious 24/7. I never actually see him just have a laugh or mess about ever?

No hate to the guy he is one of the good ones but life is too short sometimes the best thing to do is just put the phone down for a few days and not waste your life thinking oh what will I post is guna pass the influencers by quicker than they realise and they will regret looking back just looking for clout and validation constantly its just not healthy.

30 days sober is just overkill at this stage ye maybe wait a year or I dunno keep some things private?

I totally support soberiety for ppl but it will something else in 6 months time he will be doing a cause for,
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People go on Love I for insta likes not to find a doctor who could actually have a full blown conversation
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It’s not right but it doesn’t surprise me, Steve Allen says far worse about other celebs and has done for years!
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Ok, he’s doing a good thing by offering one of the homes to refugees. My main question is, why can’t he just do it out of the goodness of his heart, without posting it all over social media? It’s not as though he’s spreading awareness either, everybody who hasn’t been living under a rock knows there’s a war on.
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He really has gone massively down hill both in looks and personality of late. Im so disappointed
Yes compare him now to his Instagram profile pic!

But even when he was working in A&E he was always getting freebies with his hints on Instagram 'can anyone recommend a bike so I can bike to A&E?' then got gifted 2 bikes! 'Can anyone recommend a flat for rent while I work in A&E during lockdown?' then got gifted a free swanky flat! He's always loved the freebies.
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I have a diagnosed ED and get where he is coming from here as comments like this feed the mental illness BUT I also accept folk say things without meaning to cause another person upset. I personally don’t like it, but at the same times i don’t sign up to all this censorship either.

folk who put themselves out there need to accept that by doing that they will receive comments they don’t always like. That’s why im not on SCD or an influencer lol.
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“It’s just my ADHD” is their excuse isn’t it. No, you’re an entitled prick. My boys have never been afforded the luxury of their ADHD as an excuse for when they’re being naughty - not that I’d want them to get away with things because of it, but it baffles me how influencers can use it as a get out of jail free card, but children who are trying to navigate what it means for them in a world that’s set up to see them fail, are basically called naughty or parents are blamed.
My son is held responsible for his actions granted some is ADHD related (meltdown) but if he's bold he's held to task he's 12 but it's not as bad when we're in routine but when school is out it's a disaster it has been a few rough days here but I would change him for all the tea in China, but when parents use it as an excuse for bold behaviour it honestly grates on me.
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Play this from about 50 seconds in. He says long term lets to holiday cottages.

I avoided watching this until now because the guy makes my skin crawl. He’s so odd isn’t he? Very strange mannerisms and way about him.
He also looks different recently. I know he has gained some weight, but I don't know if that's just it.
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He is monetising mental health - how can that not leave a bad taste.

He is in this for himself, and himself alone. I believed he was after an easy (comparatively) lucrative career as a telly doctor as soon as he was revealed as a medical doctor on Love Island. If he was simply trying to improve mental health on the national health he wouldn't be doing the other stuff, the influencer ads, the comped holidays and experiences the begging for freebies for expensive things that other medics and mental health professionals pay for themselves from their salary, selling his bath bombs (is he angling for a spot of the apprentice?) and sliding into 19 / 20 year old women's DM's. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Loosing a family member, and such a young one is absolutely heart wrenching, but it is not a free pass in life to act as he does using people (his auidence, vulnerable people suffering with their own mental health, his ex, random women etc) and it doesn't suddenly make him a good guy. He is who he is.
Say it louder for the ones in the back 👏🏻
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Had to unfollow him today. He’s such a softboi. If you don’t know what that is google it, he fits the bill 😂 just realised I literally don’t care what he does or says 😂
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I also don’t buy the origin story either of little Alex convinced everyone disliked him. Feels borrowed?

After all, when journalists write ‘it is hard to imagine’ it is usually code for ‘I very much doubt it is the case but it’s not able to be proven or disproven so draw your own conclusions’
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