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You need to read it ALL. They are all lying to get their points across and to be heard. There is no such thing as an objective media anymore and a lot of fake news are pumped out by both sides because the media is not held accountable anymore. Even The Washington Post who has long been considered a reliable source can no longer be trusted to report the truth.
The issue for the media is they have to jump on the band wagon because if you wait for due diligence you have missed the party and people move on.
And we know once something is published it cannot be undone. With the rise of social media and the internet anything can become “fact” and even when it’s disproven the majority of people will keep believing.
I agree social media has totally distorted our perspective on the news and what we accept as truth. But I think that’s why traditional media is more important than ever. Of course it’s possible to be completely objective in reporting and the large media corporations do have some questionable allegiances... BUT in general much of it does adhere to journalistic standards. That’s completely absent from online ‘news’ sites who do not fact check or look for multiple sources if a ‘story’ suits their agenda. You see this on right and left wing online news sites. It’s a real threat to journalism.

Interesting you mention the Washington post. How has it been proven to be unreliable? If anything I think it’s done the opposite. Project Veritas (a group which tries to expose media corruption by feeding them fake stories, which btw I find very morally dubious) failed to catch them in a sting. You can read about it here (you can see the story was covered in right wing press too and not solely hysteria of liberal media)
It showed the papers main concern is with accuracy, not trying to bring down a right wing politician. So when Trump calls anything he doesn’t like “fake news” designed to bring him down, I think back to this.
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Biden certainly has some skeletons in his closet but you'd have to be a complete and utter cretin to want Trump to get in - least of all as his victory will mean the UK is even more f*cked than it will be in early January when Brexit kicks in.

One thing's for sure - if Trump loses, he won't quietly. The US is a veritable tinderbox over the next few weeks.

Not that things are any better here. Wave goodbye to the welfare state and NHS next year - the Tories hacking away at it by stealth will pick up speed.
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perhaps the Jews are ‘extreme’ for hating hitler and all he stood for ? I don’t follow your argument. A dictator in Africa. I’ve been to Zimbabwe. I’ve friends who had to flee. Just so you know Voting districts were analysed one by one who they voted for and those who voted for the opposition leader were denied food aid. I’ve visited Soutb Africa and seen how the colour of your skin - (they had shading charts) determined how much rice they got. The lists of people who ‘died falling down stairs’ for their beliefs is outstanding and most people did nothing
Your throwaway comment about being an African dicatator just sounds really offensive

As for Americans - is their extreme hatred justified ? What about someone with a family member with a pre-existing condition who will he denied insurance if the ACA is overturned in a month. Are they extreme for hating a Trump? What about a parent who doesn’t want their daughter to grow up in a world where the leader of their government thinks her pussy is open season, and that female judges are asked questions about piano practise - how ducking demeaning.

You might say people who care are extreme, I would argue what people who don’t care that the ‘leader of the western world’ is a morally corrupt narcissist - are apathetic.

tthey say evil exists when good people do nothing, Just like German people did nothing when Jews were rounded up. They admired Hitler for rooting out those who didn’t ‘belong’ They admired that he was a strong man who did whatever he wanted and was going to make Germany great again. Those apathetic fools let him kill millions of Jews.

Usually there are checks and balances but Moscow Mitch has an extreme hard on for Putin and wants to run government in much the same way.

They’re nearly there with the Supreme Court
They’re probably ripping that they can’t lock up Biden

I’m waiting for more open overtures to Putin - his favourite being poison.

Joe Biden is a good man- he felt couldn’t run for president due to his sons death. Trump went golfing the day his brother died. There is a big difference between the goodness of both men. And I care about ‘good’
The irony here is that I am African 😂 I find people from First world countries take themselves far too seriously. You have the luxury to get upset about stupid things. I especially like how people always like to trot out the old “I’ve been to Africa, have friends there. I understand” Gimme a break you have no clue
And this is why I am always surprised why people in the US and UK etc are always telling us what we should be offended by.
Most Africans, Mexicans etc are not easily offended we have bigger issues to worry about than whether somebody tweeted something controversial. #justsaying
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Chatty Member
Poor Diaper Don

He’s insisting it’s fraud as people voted for republicans down the ballot but didn’t vote for him. That’s because the didn’t want another four years of this dope.

70 years of being enabled is coming back to bite him on the ass. He’s just a compete unhinged embarrassment now. Saying ‘they can’t show the tremendous evidence’ - that’s because you can’t show what doesn’t exist. And now he’s saying the DOJ and FBI are involved. He’s unhinged and having the biggest tantrum ever by an adult.

He thinks he has bought SCOTUS. Brett Kavanagh is an idiot (I saw a judgment that was factually incorrect and had to be changed). But you’d hope he other two have sense. There is no evidence. There are Affidavits that sat things like ‘I saw army votes with joe Biden’s name on it and everyone knows the army votes republican’

Their plan is to try to have all mail in votes declared invalid (after the fact) despite people voting in good faith. But only mail in votes in dem strongholds. Because republican mail in votes are fine.
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I hate Trump/Republicans to the core but it's obvious there was some sort of fraud going on in the election
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Trump has refused Joe Biden access to an air force jet. He is going out as the sorest loser in history. Not even greeting the new president at WH or attending the inauguration. Spoilt man child!
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Knight of Galador

Chatty Member
I don't see how anyone can see Joe Biden as an extremist. He's basically king of the centrists. That why the Democrat party was so driven to have him as their nominee since he was seen as someone that moderate Republicans that were turned off by Trump could possibly see themselves voting for. Also it has to be said that it helped immensely that he was an an old white man...the problem is well because he's an old man he has a lot of senior moments

I don't think Biden has this in the bag at all. Especially with swing voters. I agree
Trump is more off-putting, but if he doesn't run and someone more sane is the republican nominee then I could see them easily winning. Both parties really need new candidates. Both parties have got themselves in a muddle with the extremes of their parties, much like the two parties on the UK.
I said he had it in the bag. Up until recently all the circumstances were in his favour; He's an incumbent, presiding over a pretty good economy, had an impressive number of legislative wins and was even able to reach out to the left of his party with some progressive policies and ones that weren't too scary to conservatives. Then the Israel/Gaza conflict has escalated and his handling of that had turned off a significant voting block.

Trumps promised to support Israel and expel/ ban every Muslim from the US…Its wide open now it’ll go.
What's strange is you've seen some voters upset at Biden's unequivocal support for Israel drift to Trump. I suspect that in a binary choice if you're angry at one the reflex is to side with the other but hopefully come election time they'll see Trump would be even be even worse. There would be no hand wringing over civilian casualties, no attempt to mediate even temporary ceasefires and exchange of hostages and there would be no question when the conflict was over Gaza will 100% by Israel. I think the bigger danger is voters disillusioned with Biden simply not voting and allowing Trump to sneak through the electoral college.

If a miracle happens and old Joe gets re-elected I'm sure we will see a further decline in international relations. They see him and his leadership as weak. Due to his open borders 77,000 deaths from fentanyl abuse were recorded in the US this year and he now wants to build a wall 😄
And I don't know how it's legal to stop someone running for president because of an offence he's not yet been convicted of. That's going to be overturned in 321.....😄
This is dumb. Firstly this ruling means that Trump can't be on the Republican Primary ballot in Colorado. A Supreme Court could overturn this but it may not be worth their time for just once state that he had no chance of winning on a general election anyway. The concern for Trump is if other states start doing the same.

Biden has kept almost all of Trump's border policies but according to most right wingers the US now has completely open borders and Mexican drug dealers can just waltz in with impunity. So does that mean it was that way during the Trump years?

Whatever you think of Biden he's clearly more respected on the world stage than Trump ever was or will be. I highly doubt that the UN general assembly would laugh at him like they did Trump when he addressed them. Most world leaders treated him like a child except for the dictators like Putin, Jinping and Kim Jong Il who saw him as a useful tool to forward their agendas.
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Who cares?

New member
American here. People couldn't shut up about this Hunter Biden story pre-election. Of course along with his "dementia" and apparent inability to keep his hands/nose to himself. Nobody voted FOR Biden, they all voted AGAINST Trump. Old creeper with a criminal son trumps (pun intended) clinically psychotic con-man who dispatches Neo-nazis to execute the House of Representatives & his own VP. Would you have chosen differently?

By "People" you mean your echo chamber. Your Trump supporting echo chamber. This is the world wide web. My internet echo chamber is Anti Trump, stories of the Proud boys breaking fingers of left leaning Reporters in the Portland riots. Discussions about exactly when Trump decided to cut ties with Epstein, Trump does seem to like his rape victims to be over the age of consent, not under. Clearly you are a bit lost without Parlour, but not sure this is a suitable replacement.
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Chatty Member
I watched some trump supporters being interviewed by Jordan Klepper .
One guy said that he was much better off under trump - his income has quadrupled under Trump, when asked what he did, he replied without irony that he worked for a debt collection agency.
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He is a very divisive figure. Personally I have no issues with him. He might be sexist but he is defintely not racist.
I don’t understand where the “racist” label comes from. That only started once people realised he might actually win the election. Black community leaders LOVED him for years, even Al Sharpton and that lot. Then he won and all of a sudden he was basically a slave trader and single handedly brought the blacks down in the US.
I am not into that sort of stuff that the left love to do (my politics is very middle of the road before youthink I’m right). I find the left will target somebody and be relentless if they take a dislike.
What was the alternative anyway? Hilliary? She is even more evil than him, she just hides it in a clever granny package
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Trump is a lunatic. He’s branded an anti-facist movement as terrorists. He’s racist, sexist, homophobic...
None of that's important to the average American though. It's not whether Trump's politically correct or even likeable, the question the average American will ask is "has the decisions he's taken whilst in office improved the quality of my life"? If enough voters think the answer is yes, he'll get reelected.
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He won, popular vote or not, that’s how it works, get over it 👍
Oh everyone is very over it. Everyone and very much so.

“White uneducated voters” that all you got. Reverted to name calling and demeaning statements. You libtards make me howl with laughter. While you’re spewing your disdain the silent majority will go about their business and vote him in. The white uneducated who are the backbone of the USA, keeping food on your table, toiling to provide you with the luxuries through their uneducated manual handwork. My deduction is you’re from either east or west coast and wouldn’t soil your Jimmy Choos going into the heartland to see how real people live. You my sweetie, are a divisive hatred spewing human being.
On this site the majority of us are British.
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Active member
Trump has now incited violence and got people turning up to polling stations with guns demanding people are disenfranchised. What a great leader of the Free World he is:rolleyes:.
He isn't the leader of the free world as he is for Trumpism. Angela Merkel is considered the leader of the free world now, although the expression fell out of favour after George Bush Jr.

His inciting violence is disgusting, imagine the fear of ballot counters, civil servants doing their duty, looking out the window to angry Trumpers holding guns. Eek!
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I'm honestly so astounded at him outwardly threatening Haley for daring to run against him. He said if he wins the election he will have her investigated within 15m of him winning. And that he will do the same to De Santis, but leave Vivek alone because he's on side. What an absolute cretin. He's as crooked as they come.
Well this is typical of him - didn’t he also threaten to put Hilary Clinton in jail? Which gave rise to the crazy conspiracy theorists saying that this was proof she was an illuminati satanist or something? 🙄

Trump is basically a wrestling heel.
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I love how South Park covered that idea of him not wanting to be president (well Mr Garrison in a Trump like character)
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