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Chatty Member
If people that voted trump weren't allowed on the jury that's quite selective, for quite a binary question.
From what I can recall it's not quite that black or white.
I believe that the judge had a list of questions to ask the prospective jurors, standard procedure, he asks them during jury selection
" stand up if you believe Trump really won the 2020 election"
" Stand up if you believe Trump won't get a fair trial" etc
These potential jurors are then dismissed because they can't be impartial, both parties have 3 choices that they can make to dismiss jurors too.
You can still be on a jury even if you voted for Trump if you can be impartial and listen to the case and rule on it's merits.
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I think Biden is a decent human being, but is too old for president but still better than Trump (For some reason it tried to autocorrect to turnip). I do think Biden is capable of bringing the moderates on both sides together and hopefully the middle can heal and the ugliness be left behind - which would be best for the country and the world. America used to stand for something in the world.

I’d love a woman but I’m not sure if America is ready for that. A clever young female Vice President is a good transition move and hopefully America can have its first female president afterwards.
“turnip” 🤣

I think Biden is a decent human being, but is too old for president but still better than Trump (For some reason it tried to autocorrect to turnip). I do think Biden is capable of bringing the moderates on both sides together and hopefully the middle can heal and the ugliness be left behind - which would be best for the country and the world. America used to stand for something in the world.

I’d love a woman but I’m not sure if America is ready for that. A clever young female Vice President is a good transition move and hopefully America can have its first female president afterwards.
I lived in the US for a few years until recently and I’ll be honest the fact they are one of the most progressive countries in the world right now is, quite frankly, terrifying.

I’ll raise you here we go again ! 😂😂😂
Ugh yeah - that friendship 🤢

And this isn’t at all weird; …

In 2004, Donald Trump told radio host Howard Stern that it was okay to refer to Ivanka, his own daughter, as a “piece of ass.” In a 2006 interview, Trump and Stern briefly chat about her breasts in an extended conversation about her body. Stern said, “She looks more voluptuous than ever.”

Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump appeared on “The View” in 2006 and during the segment, he casually said he would consider dating his own daughter if he wasn’t already married.

In 2015, Trump made a comment to Rolling Stone about his daughter. When referring to Ivanka, Trump said, “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…” There’s something about that statement that just doesn’t feel right.

EDA: If someone is ok with their president saying that kind of gross about his own daughter then I suggest they lock up their own.
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It was reported he went to golf instead of being by his bother side. This was said when his father died (or was it another one of his brothers) that DT would rather go to the movie than see family members who have just died.

BTW, does anyone think DT looks like Biff from Back To The Future?
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What is wrong with America that this criminal would be allowed to run for president again??

His only agenda is himself. He has no interest in anyone else whatsoever.
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His dad was racist, Donald is a racist. He likes to bully anyone he perceives to be weaker than him. Apparently top of his hate list for years is Puerto Rico, which explains his appalling carry on.

he refuses to acknowledge the Central Park 5 are innocent, but if
They were white supremacists draped in a confederate flag he’d call them good people.
what do you need him to do. Tattoo racist on his head ? Are you not able to join the dots ???

The left will target someone. - look at the GOP. For years the right went after Hillary.
Her ‘ private server’ and benghazi were her crimes - laughable compared to this criminal. And the fact she was intelligent and clever were seen as negatives and played on to certain elements in the US

So really ! And the idea that she was opersting a paedophile ring out of a pizza restaurant in Washington. And the fact that some dumbFucks believed it.

He might be sexist 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

talking about periods and women being hysterical , grabbing women by the pussy. But he just ‘might be sexist’

but Hillary was definitely ‘evil’ - is the earth flat in your world?
I think you need your tinfoil had removed. So he’s racist because you say his dad was? Or because according to you “apparantly” Puerto Rico is top of his hit list. Where do you even get that from. Is that your evidence of racism? I didn’t follow the Central Park story but if he still believes they could be guilty then how does that make him a racist? I still belive OJ is guilty, does that make me a racist?
This is what I mean with the deranged left. You’ve just proven my point.
Your evidence is largly conspiracy, especially theshit about Hilliary. Maybe you shoukd go down the Clinton Foundation rabbit hole. That will keep you busy for years
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I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe that two covid denying arrogant reckless arseholes with a God Complex have got covid.
Agreed! Boris had lost loads of weight when he came out and visibly looked weak
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No - but that is mostly due to Covid and we don't have septuagenarians in power. I am glad they have rejected Trump. I just can't believe there were no better candidates.
There was a better candidate- Bernie. He should have been the Dems choice.
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Chatty Member
I'm sorry Monga, I think on this occasion you've confused Trump for Biden. It is Biden who hides in his basement whilst Trump is visibly working every day. He's either making speeches to a real crowd or holding a town hall meeting or press conferences. You cannot deny that man works hard.
He needs the applause so he drags people to events for his ego. Then the Covid 19 cases spike two weeks later. What a leader ! He needs the crowd to worship him for his ego and he needs to spread his divisive message .

He’s really packed on the pounds since that debate !
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Just get him back in, because make no mistake, Biden is a figurehead seen by the liberals as more relatable than the cuntish Clintons, and once installed, the illiberal liberals, i.e. Marxists will have a free hand.
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It doesn't really make a difference at the end of the day who is in control. One of the main reasons Trump is hated by the US government is because he cannot be controlled. Normally Presidents toe the line.

It's all big business like pharma and the defense industry that control what is going on, what we like, what we watch, what we eat, etc etc
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This story was blocked!! Not reported!! Also the fact that it was sky news Australia may mean it wasn’t seen by many Americans at a guess
American here. People couldn't shut up about this Hunter Biden story pre-election. Of course along with his "dementia" and apparent inability to keep his hands/nose to himself. Nobody voted FOR Biden, they all voted AGAINST Trump. Old creeper with a criminal son trumps (pun intended) clinically psychotic con-man who dispatches Neo-nazis to execute the House of Representatives & his own VP. Would you have chosen differently?
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Chatty Member
Joes show has no guarantee of a vote from any sane American, surely ?
Visibility counts. Trump is getting out there and engaging with people and Biden isn't, unless it's very very tightly scripted.

There's an belief among the increasingly narrow sliver of the Democratic faithful that if Trump (or any Republican really, but Trump is basically the only one right now with any meaningful national platform) is elected, America and possibly the world will end. This is not hyperbole, they actually believe this. "Vote Blue, No Matter Who."

(I'm not a Trump person but the notion that Trump is an apocalyptic warmonger is pretty confusing to me given that he's the only president in recent memory under whom we became involved in zero new wars.)

It doesn't help that the media has been saying that This Election Is The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes in every presidential election of the past 20 years.

From what I've seen of the national discourse, Trump is the only justification anyone is bringing up in voting for Biden. I haven't seen many people point out that maybe it's a bad idea to have a senile octogenarian in the nuclear chain of command.
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I think by the way he acts and treats people during his nightly briefings is enough to let the world know exactly what a moron he is. Good luck to his poor family and the women he bought to be by his side are serving their own penance :sick:
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Knight of Galador

Chatty Member
Oh I’m sure they’ve really got him this time 🤣🤣🤣 honestly can’t believe people can’t see through these sham attempts to indict him.
They are not shams though. Everything from the Mueller report (which contrary to the narrative Trump successfully spun) did not exonerate him from claims he colluded with Russia to it being proven he tried to overturn the results of a presidential election to the investigations into January 6th which showed it was it his intention to incite an insurrection to the FBI finding stolen nuclear documents in one of his homes they have enough evidence to put him away for the rest of his life.

The reason he hasn't been charged with anything so far is because no prosecutor actually wants to do it. As much as people think otherwise things like impeachments of presidents and indictments of high profile people who served in high office are not done lightly. Every single time it's done it has always galvanised their supporters. Even after it was proven Nixon was guilty of spying his supporters rallied around him and were convinced it was all a witch hunt. The fear has always been that one day things like this could lead to violence on the levels enough to split the country apart - January 6th was the sad reaslisation of a lot of those fears. That's why Nixon was pardoned and many former presidents get away with committing crimes while in office.

The only difference with Trump is the amount and scale of his crimes is so vast that there does seem to be the feeling in the Justice Department that he has to face some form of justice. I imagine if Trump had kept his head down they may have let him get away with it (and still might) but him running for president again and still pushing the idea he's being unfairly treated does make it more likely they'll try and get him on something. It's just that they have to work out what they can charge him with that the backlash from his army of chuds wont be as big as it was on January 6th,

Also I'm not really sure I get the triumphalism about Trump not being arrested this week. Unlike the various rumours that an indictment was imminent that have cropped up regularly since Biden's inauguration this time they are coming from Trump himself. This isn't a case of liberals setting themselves up for disapointment this is Trump either being misinformed or deliberately lying. If it's the latter he's certainly benefited from extra donations from his supporters to help pay his legal which is far from the first time he's scammed them out of money.
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I’m liberal, I’m Irish - I thought that our countries were very similar, having grown up on a diet of American TV shows. But as an adult I’ve realised the main difference to me is that Europe operates a social model (the most vulnerable are protected) and the US doesn’t. Neither side want that in America. In fact ‘a social model’ is mentioned with such abhorrence by many in the US like it’s the same as communism.

In America you pray to Jesus because if anything happens to you - you’re on your own because bad luck is your own fault and you obviously didn’t work hard enough. But is that enough now to achieve the American dream for the majority ?

The American dream is getting harder to achieve for many. Education is expensive, or varied in quality. Medical care is hugely expensive. I don’t like guns (it’s not in my culture) but they are an essential part of the American dream. Enviromental and food standards seem as a basic right in Europe are a luxury in the US.

I’m okay with politics different to my own, but I think that Donald Trump is a bad leader. There is a difference. I believe he doesn’t want to represent all of America just his base. I think Joe Biden will look to be a leader for all
Nicely put! I just hope Biden picks a younger more active VP, maybe a woman. The talk is that if Biden wins, he will stand down before the end of his term so his VP can take over for a couple of years and then run for a second term.

I really like Elizabeth Warren. There’s a good energy about her, and she doesn’t have the academic standoffishness that Hillary was perceived to have. Sadly I think she’s had her day now. No woman over 60 has a hope in Hell of becoming President, though nobody seems to mind voting for men well over 70.
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He’s literally the worst person to get it. If he dies the covid deniers will say he was bumped off and if he survives he’ll be saying how coronavirus isn’t a big deal and we should stop worrying.

Personally though I don’t believe he has Covid, I believe it’s a way to get out of debates and to try and get people to forget the white supremacy issue. Then he’ll miraculously recover in time for voting and be spouting off about how covid isn’t a big deal to win votes
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