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I just cannot understand how it’s allowed. It’s like if a GP developed their own brand of paracetamol- totally bias & un-ethical!
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I was trying to work it out too- I think she must have tried to photoshop her roots but instead painted her forehead white 😄
Yes my thoughts too. She’s hate to see roots. Sure didn’t she have a wig during the height of covid

How unprofessional.
Yes, just saw this on Nicola lactation support Instagram page. “It was just a joke” She has no clue - joking at a time when a woman is at her most vulnerable, towards a lady asking for genuine advice as a first time mother. I know she has no children but she’s a GP. Obviously a GP with no empathy or understanding towards lactation or pregnancy as a whole. She should do more courses on that to benefit her medical practice rather than focusing on her kitchen and freebies.
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Oh TELL ME she didn't wear scrubs on TV too 😂
I haven't been on her page in ages but went in for a look today. I think it's so weird she dresses up in the scrubs at home, like wtf?? Like she is a busy ER doc making a quick vid in between codes 😂
And the makeup has gone off the charts now, white cheeks and the nose and hairline contour.
She needs to step away from the ring light
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Is it just me or does the branding on the supplement bottles look like a transition year project? It's very amateur.
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She has a predominantly female audience , women of child bearing age - puts up a story of Low vitamin d levels in pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of pre- eclampsia, then follows it with a story of promoting her own vitamin d. This is so unethical. How can this be reported
Totally agree. It’s absolutely against ethical guidelines of the medical council . Report on insta and report to Irish medical council if you so wish.
I similarly find her “advice” recently extremely problematic. A post about dietary causes of acne but continually stating “more research needed” - but cutting out dairy or high GI foods can help - is absolutely bogus advice. Any dermatologists continually and painfully explain that diet does NOT cause acne. It’s just another example where’s pushing her terrible and pathological relationship with food.
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I think the insta ship has sailed for Dr D! She’s as boring and bland. Not much more to say really!
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Have to agree with the above comments. So sick of people saying these women can’t be doctors because of their body size/eating disorder. If Hilary or Doireann do have eating disorders I wish them the best with their recovery. Still not the biggest Doireann fan for various reasons, that’s why I’m here. I do hope she is getting help if she does have issues around food. Same goes for Hilary. Who by the way I think is brilliant. Absolutely hilarious, clearly hard working and very intelligent. Her account is mainly used for chat about fashion and famous people. She never gives medical advice or flogs vitamins etc like Doireann.
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Just saw Claire Balding ripping the piss out of the good doc advising carrots as a weekend treat 🤣 love her- so honest and refreshing! Dr D is just SUCH a wet blanket honestly how does she have a following? Deluded 1950s attitude, get in the bin
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I called it out a good while back that all the freebies were to do the house up and sell it.

Cash and Carry kitchens were never going to be up to Doireanns standards and you sure as hell won't see them in the new house.

Questionable behaviour for her to take these freebies but it's worse of companies to give them and plain stupid of any sheep who buy something based on an influencers recommendation. If its being advertised by someone paid to advertise it then anything they say is not reliable or impartial.
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She is shocking at her videos and her latest one she has her scrubs and stethoscope on in her own house..morto for her 😬
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So sad that she's moved her thinspiration to her stories, she's still at it. The thigh gap in the pictures. When I was in secondary school having an extremely wide thigh gap was something to aspire to. I really worry about her patients.
She looks very, very unwell here. All kinds of wrong and irresponsible
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Disgraceful that again this year for international women's day, she used the day as an opportunity to sell products. Last year it was sweaty betty this year it is her own overpriced and pink labelled. Marketing to women is sexist in itself. International women's day should not be capitalised. She's out of touch and she's truly not educated. She went to university but lacks critical skills. All the influencers who used the day to promote themselves and to promote each other are a disgrace, it's all like a chain where they promote each other

It’s a terrible range. No unique selling point, not vegan, not clean. Completely overpriced. It's basically the same tesco supplements at 10 times the cost. Plus her post yesterday about hydrochloroquine is so inaccurate. Those creams are only prescribed in anaesthetic clinics, and come with a high price point. They are not prescribed in general practice and are not on any general practice prescribing guideline
It's all pink and pretty, she's trying to market to women in a stereotypical manner. She thinks with the high costs of living women are so stupid they'd pay extortionate price for a supplement. In her posts too she describes people as being idiotic as not understanding about vitamins and minerals, like, doireann honey, that's a part of the junior certificate home economics programme. She's demeaning and I'd imagine very patronising as a doctor


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It just gets worse. I mean this is terrifying - she looks like an alien 👽. Again coming from a DOCTOR this level of vanity crossed with excessive altering her physical appearance isn’t good. It’s not healthy, it’s not normal and it’s not something to be promoting to any women or young girls anywhere.
Such a shame. The girl possibly has issues with body image/food and to see her on insta promoting "health" is damaging. If she is suffering with a mental health issue someone should intervene. I believe she could be unaware of her illness.
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Chatty Member
Just to clarify, as I feel that I'm being referred to above, that I would never pass a comment to someone about their weight, directly or indirectly (i.e. like the poster above where someone alluded to them being bulimic because they're slim) whatever end of the spectrum they fall on. As someone who has been overweight several times in my life, I've been subject to very hurtful comments on several occasions.

Doireann has chosen to position herself as an influencer. She is in the public arena by choice. This is a site where those who have chosen to live this way, and earn money from it, are discussed. I can't speak for everyone, but I for one am not sending her messages about her weight. I think the distinction which needs to be made here is that this woman is trying to present herself as being an example of good health, on a very public platform, whilst presenting us with the evidence that she lives off mint tea and very skimpy portions of salad and perhaps a portion of fish. She may well be naturally very slim, I would imagine she is of a lean build. However, I do not think it can be disputed that she is well below a healthy weight.
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I’ve noticed her engagement dropping over the last few months. She peaked in relevance when she was giving advice about covid and smear tests. Now that she’s run out of medical topics, and let’s be fair she’s scraping the bottom of the barrell with the queens heart, no one cares about her dull life with her bland furniture and her constant brand name dropping.
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She is answering a question on preconception vitamins, and using this as an opportunity to flog her vitamins. Surely this is not ethical ? Unbelievable !
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I think Doireann has talked about irritable bowel, which is pretty different from something like inflammatory bowel disease etc which would require a colostomy.

And can't shake the knowledge that there are not an insignificant number of people who either use intolerances as an excuse to avoid food or convince themselves that they can't tolerate it. Also, not eating something is often a recipe for intolerance - like being keto for ages and starting to eat carbs again. It takes time to get used to digesting them again. Absolutely not talking about your sister in law at all who is clearly using a medically required diet (e.g. Crohn's often given low residue plan), but sometimes for others it's a way of masking an eating disorder, or there's an element of orthorexia.

Sadly the only thing I can't seem to eat in excess is cauliflower :LOL:
This!!!!! Restricting masked as being intolerant is so prevalent in the last few years (and almost sort of fetishised on social media platforms I would posit). She may well have Irritable Bowel, but her diet is far more restricted and reduced than would be required to keep that in check. It's not Crohn's, like. There is an issue with food there, for sure. I won't say anymore on that particular facet of her, as I sympathise with anyone who has issues like that. Plus there are many, many other grievances about her I can elaborate on 😅😅😅😅 It is somewhat contradictory and ironic though as, for all her preening and dressing up and ridiculously OTT photos of her wearing a ballgown alone in her sitting room every week, I think she looks dreadful (objectively). Unwell looking.
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Chatty Member
Her posts are very problematic. She had a tik tok up on Instagram saying the cranberries are not effective for UTIs. So many people are commenting that their consultant urologist told them to take cranberry extract tablets and her reply back is that the research states their not effective. So bad giving medical views like this on Instagram. Her comments are passive aggressive.
Wow. Of course Consultants can be questioned; any patient has the right to query their doctor if they are unsure of a diagnosis/treatment plan, etc., but I have noticed recently that she is constantly dismissing Consultants, inferring they don't know everything. Well, no one is saying they do (and most Consultants are very quick to acknowledge the area and parameters of their expertise), but they likely have a lot more acquired knowledge and experience than an Insta Hun G.P. who, ironically, positions herself as an all-knowing expert on any medical issue she posts on. For one thing, they are regularly seeing patients and engaging in real life cases.

She genuinely thinks she knows it all (about the very limited rotation of topics she covers) despite the fact that she hardly sees patients these days and is so early on in her (official) career. I also highly doubt she spends much time studying journals and medical literature. Too busy taking selfies with her stethoscope whilst patients are sitting in the waiting room and getting the hair done. I actually cannot with her these days.
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