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Finally all caught up, and there’s so much to unpick with this dickhead it’s unreal.

Firstly, as everyone knows except Jimmy Plum posting pictures of vulnerable people, be they children, elderly, disabled or those at risk in any other way (so victims of DV for example) online to thousands of followers is a massive safeguarding issue. If it were my family member, I’d be taking some sort of legal action, especially if the accompanying story was a total fabrication. I’m not sure which legislation covers it but there must be
I watched the doc and couldn’t get over the noose thing. So many questions on that.

Secondly, he’s basically done a Jack Monroe on steroids and actually bought a house OUTRIGHT (am I correct there?) with donations. As well as using donations inappropriately ie for other things and not the “heating and plumbing for the elderly” that he advertised?

Thirdly (and again, thanks to the fab @mchops for the technical side of things for us lay people) he’s basically installing dodgy AF boilers and completing gas work unsafely….not to mention the absolute unprofessionalism of allowing an employee to smoke next to a boiler and in fact smoke in someone else’s house whilst they’re at work?? Surely that’s illegal? Even if the home owner gives consent…but who even fucking does that??

And there’s the racism, the ******* baiting, emotional blackmail, doxxing, threats, large scale fraud and the patronising manner in which he speaks about the most vulnerable in our society.

This HAS to end in a prosecution somewhere doesn’t it? Like so many professional boundaries crossed, so much financial irregularity, way too many personal details just slammed online showing he doesn’t give one single fuck about GDPR??

The bloke is an out and out cunt, liar, shyster, conman and the dregs of society. There MUST be some sort of proper comeuppance surely?

I know JM is an absolute nightmare but even I have to say that he’s ten times worse (and it made me sick to type that, trust me)…. What a fucking shitshow.
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Your letter is much better than mine. I was quite happy with mine, and with the follow-up to their responses. Now that I’ve seen yours, I can tell you that I SHANT be posting mine.
Their response to me was quite surprising, it came off quite standoffish - it was like IF we do investigate we CERTAINLY won’t be telling you
Like alright then luv x
Why am I spending my Friday night watching a video from 2021 of James Anderson putting a carrier bag over his head?

View attachment 2941959
He’ll be back to sadfishing and suicide baiting by Sunday. Why’s he trying to kill himself with a Farmfoods bag with a huge hole in it?!
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Reckon the bbc pulled quite the blinder there and that has really pissed him off. I remember the post and I’m sure he said she was very shocked and humbled, so clearly the initial interview wasn’t with Ed Thomas. I wonder what tall tales he told her, because I think he would be totally different with a female interviewer than he would be with a male.
There's another BBC journo called Rebecca Wearn who worked with Ed Thomas on this story. I reckon she was the one who first interviewed Anderson and he got to be Mr Big while she just wrote down everything. It was obviously a fairly long investigation over a few weeks because they also got the in-house Verify team involved in looking at the social media. That team is brilliant, more often involved in fact-checking online misinformation like whether Russia is lying about a Ukrainian bomb etc.

Interestingly, it also looks like Ed Thomas has used the Depher story as a personal career power play. Just after it all went live, he announced he was taking up a new senior role for the Beeb in the North West. Rebecca Wearn seems to be more junior and hasn't had anything like the same accolades on social media for the story.

ETA: So it's plain the BBC has invested a lot of resources into the Depher investigation. Which means they wouldn't have published if it didn't stand up. I feel 100% certain that Ofcom will say the same.
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Remembering the greatest hits:

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Jelly Bean

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Like a boring dog with a bone I keep coming back to this - why did he think buying the house would be a good investment for 'the community'?
Instead of having £70k 'for the community' they had £400 pw? Like seriously how the actual fuck does that make any sense at all?
He keeps wanging on about 'if it was in a bank the interest would be less' but the £70k wouldn't be hanging around in a bank would it? It would be used where the donors intended it to be used.
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Boasting about the bathroom job that HE BOTCHED 😂😂😂😂 give it a REST James
I don’t know why I do this to myself on a Bank Holiday, he makes my blood boil.

I am in the usual position of “shocked but not surprised” by his response. Where to even start. On the most basic level, it is never a good idea to accuse a disabled person of lying to get a free bathroom. James also seems to persist in the bizarre idea that just because you install something for free, it doesn’t matter if you do a shit job.

Even if said person wanted part of an old, damaged unit used - as a qualified plumber, surely you would say no if said part was not fit for purpose?

You are trying to tell me that you paid 5.5k for the bathroom to be done. Two things - 1. You are telling me you couldn’t throw in the lino, which is pence in comparison to the rest of it? 2. Given we are talking a house in Burnley, unless the bloke is in a decent sized gaff (which would make me question why said person was getting a free bathroom anyway), that must either be a full referb or a plush bathroom - which begs the question of why everything wasn’t replaced? He must be claiming to use better materials because that is not a basic bathroom cost. Once again with a James “explanation”, I come away with more questions than answers.

MORE questions persists as I wonder why materials are not cheaper given the amount of work James claims to do which would make supplies more cost effective in any other business.

As someone else has pointed out - can you imagine being stood at the Aldi whilst that bellend stands there with two teeth and debit card offering to pay for your hummus? I would assume he had lifted that card straight from some else’s wallet, which he has done in a round about way.

And again, for the absolute brain dead at Depher - it is an incredibly patronising and ableist view to believe that “the disabled and elderly” cannot do or provide things for themselves. To reduce a person to definition by these characteristics is not appropriate.

The entire thing is a clusterfuck of fraud and abuse.
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The thing that's fucked him with gas safe is that he is on record saying anyone can work as long as he is supervising. Gas safe said only if apprenticeship, registered.
Seems poor me khan wasn't. The other chavs smoking, fuck knows.
They won't take him back. It's like being struck off.
He'd have to completely re train.
it was his brother in law Clint with the fag in his mouth while working on a boiler according to Mark on Twitter. Clint has worked with James since Depher started, and also lives in the Depher house. And has never been referred to as an apprentice.
James has brought this all on himself, he’s provided all the photographic evidence needed to show he’s in breach of the rules.
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Tin Can Crook

Chatty Member
So, over the past 24 hours...

- Burnley express put out an article on where you can find a plumber that isn't misleading/unsafe
- James resigns as director and person of significant control of DEPHER
- James reinstates himself as director and person of significant control of DEPHER
- James is removed from the gas safe register
The only person listed under DEPHER on the gas safe register is rumoured to be seeking removal as he was unaware he was listed
James unpaused the Facebook groups
James made several statements reitering that the false stories were posted by trolls and he's gone to OFCOM and there's been "1000s of complaints"
- People have been requesting refunds from Jame as he's promised on national TV je would give them. He's refused them.
-The person who has repeatedly confronted him about the use of a photo of her grandparents is seemingly still gnored
- Rosegrove neighbourhood watch have disassociated with DEPHER and will not be accepting the storage unit as a community hub for young people.
- James is still sharing positive reviews of people who no longer support him

Is that it? Can we sleep now? 😅
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Tin Can Crook

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From Mike's given story, the issues weren't immediately apparent so I think him giving a happy review only for things to go very sour is pretty plausible. Makes me wonder how many more of the glowing reviews stood up to the test of time.
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So many things wrong with that install it would bore you all. It would be switched off unfortunately if I were called out to it. A plastic vent pipe coming out!
No electrical bonding. No labeling of pipes....
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Don’t think it has been mentioned: BBC Breakfast revisited the story this morning to recap and add the update about the stripping of the award.
Poor fucker’s losing his allocades.
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I'm on a hunt to try and work out which GoFundMe had the noose photo uploaded to it. No luck yet but I'll keep digging.

Anyway in my travels I found this


How convenient he moved to France, eh
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Tin Can Crook

Chatty Member
Alright hello! For those with strong stomaches, here's him talking.

For those of you that can't bear to hear him talk, I've got a transcript for you. :)

going to do another post but I rather just do a video so DEPHER I invested in a property the reason we invested in this property is that the money in brick and mortar brings up a lot more value than money in the bank you earn a lot more interest on brick and mortar so the property also earns £400 a month that £400 a month is put directly back into DEPHER bank accounts through rent it also keeps it value the tenants that are in the property keep the property in very good condition and also guarantees the rent that is the sole decision for the tenant and other personal issues that the tenant

may have we have a separate accountant the separate accountant is a chartered accountant the accountant has full access to the bank accounts we give the accountant all our receipts and all our invoices and everything that we need as a company and and the accountant does the account at the end of every year the accountant also does the VAT the accountants also just the wages the pension the National Insurance the PAYE and also the VAT so the accountant has got full control of that I just get sent the final figures through and I authorize it I get sent through the wages and I pay it I get sent through the P 32s every month and I pay HMRC over the last seven years we have paid HMRC £22,000 in total out of our funds that has either been earned or donated in 2022 and 23 we spent £170,000 alone in just wages that we paid from donations and earnings I myself on a separate wage every week before I take any money £200 is taken out of my wages by the accountant and put back into the DEPHER Community initiative over the last 12 months I have given back £6,100 of my earned wage into DEPHER I take home roughly £300 a week many other or if not all other plumbing and heating Engineers around the country take home I take home in a week in one day sometimes more some Engineers are on 4 to 500 a day some Engineers are on 3 to 400 a day I myself I am on £300 a week after the deductions are taken out for my national Insurance my tax and the £200 that goes back into DEPHER every single week from my wages if you have any legitimate questions then please ask and I will answer them

the pictures that the BBBC shown are questionable the whole way the interview was portrayed is very questionable the interview lasted just two hours and that has asked questions in less than 30 minutes there are answers that I gave to the BBC on accusations that have not been shown to the public accusations that came from individuals and groups who have targeted me for just over four years the accusation of the photo with the lady on The Noose I gave two answers to that they only shown one the answer that I shown prior to one that they've shown you totally denied doing that poster I did not know where it came from that poster was from2022 they also show many posts of thesame lady over a number of months and possibly years I did not get a chance to see them or answer them pictures either that was totally taken out of my hands

I may have made mistakes with safeguarding I may have made mistakes by posting pictures that I shouldn't have posted I may have made mistakes by posting jobs we've already done in the past that I only done for awareness but I didn't put dates on they are my mistakes that I own up to and I will own and I have and will continue to rectify I am the director so I am not trying to put the blame on anybody else but me and I will hopefully in Time Repair the reputation that DEPHER itself had
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