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So she regressed back to posting nothing but her expensive sneakers and jumpers and car interior on her stories. So u professional I can’t believe it. Tacky AF too. They 100% had a Comms Director for a little while and fired that person because Ella dearest couldn’t stand not getting the dopamine rush from the engagement as she was used to.
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Just did some aimless scrolling during I’m a Celeb to make this post as it’s pissed me right off that she’s tried to claim that being part of the Sainsbury’s dynasty hasn’t got her to where she is…
Really amazing that you have gathered all that information and history. Hopefully more people will understand the real truth. And it’s reminded me of what I believed in the early DE days. She’s also a similar age to me and I remember, I thought she was just an average girl, I thought I could try and copy the lifestyle to cure my own health issues (I’m ashamed to say I was so taken in). So I researched what she did and I couldn’t work out how she could afford said lifestyle. All her ingredients were so expensive back then, she said she did yoga 5 times a week in central London, the private consultant who set out her recovery exercise regime, all the international trips, the designer clothes etc and not to mention the flat.
I felt foolish when I heard truth about her background.

Olivia Wollenberg. She has a brand called Livia’s, she comes from a privileged background too, but no where near the same.

Not sure why they fell out, but I remember reading on here that it was something to do with Deliciously Ella releasing frozen crumbles and Livia feeling like she owned the market and had come up with the concept of vegan crumble.

Probably a case of two businesses that were way too similar.
I think it was the crumbles or another product. I do think Ella trod on Olivia’s toes a bit. I know business is business, but would you really do that to one of your very close friends. With all Ella’s connections, hers would always knock Livia’s sales right down regardless of product quality. Just proves she isn’t the kind person she tries so desperately hard to prove she is. Not that I feel too sorry for Livia, she’s been problematic in her own right anyway.
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Yep I hated the ‘trust the universe’ shit over her northern lights story. Because trusting the universe is how you get there. Not the multi millions.
Yeah it'd be a lot easier to trust the universe if I was a multi millionaire from one of the richest families in the country.
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Interesting article in the Guardian…maybe not the best time to be expanding CEO Matthew?

This is another reason why it was a short-sighted business decision to completely dump the gluten free side of DE with the new range. It gave them a point of difference from other plant-based brands, and meant they didn’t just have all their eggs in one basket when veganism started to lose popularity. Plus, given celiac and gluten intolerance are life-long the gluten free market will never die!

A lot of DE’s original customer base followed for the gluten free recipes. Clearly Matt was so focussed on the profit margins though he missed the part of his textbooks where it spoke about actually making a product your customer wants/there’s a gap in the market for
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Matt seems like a toxic husband. I felt sad looking at the pictures of her revisiting the old deli - he opened that deli and plunged her into debt. He’s probably the deep rooted cause of the trauma and mental health issues she’s talked about. He wants that fast lane lifestyle and it’s probably slowly hurting her.
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“Behold our loveless business transaction of a marriage, we have nothing to talk about when away from the office and prefer to stare at screens instead of each other”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them take the kids to a kids activity? No soft play, or theme parks, it’s nursery or occasional trips to Whole Foods to marvel at the shelves like she invented fire
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Does he praise her publicly ever? She is always blowing smoke up his ass for tapping away on a laptop or thumbing through a business book but... she is the one who got the huge following off her blog etc. He just appears to take all the credit even though their cafes failed, their office workers are unhappy and the new plants range is apparently rather unpleasant but she's all "so proud of this one - bestest c.e.o. in the universe!"
I can imagine he's got a super fragile ego and either rages or sulks if he's not constantly told how amazing and entrepreneurial and maverick he is 😂 so Ella probably does the public ego stroking :)sick:) to stave off his moods
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Saying she grew up merely "privileged" is hilarious... so is saying she'd be embarrassed if people found out about her background, as if our society is known for OPPRESSING the wealthy. Those kids are gonna be soooo spoiled, holy cow. Best of luck to their current and future nannies.
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As others have said, her food is ultra processed. Things like hummus are classed as upf. A lot of upf hype is just common sense- no-one eating a processed ready meal is arguing it is healthier than garlicky mushrooms or whatever tf Ella is eating that day.

Also she didn't talk about processed foods particularly. I remember the beginning. It was all anti dairy, gluten and sugar, with wild claims about dairy decreasing the calcium in your bones and gluten being the absolute devil. Ella is very very self righteous about all this but she's completely lionised herself for something she wasn't even promoting years ago, and certainly isn't now. Her food is now very high sugar and high calorie, and ultra processed!
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View attachment 2410776

Of course she had to post this awful smug dig at ultra processed foods with no consideration for the people who it will impact. News flash Ella: Most people in a cost of living crisis can't afford your £7.50 pasta and rely on this "ultra processed food" to feed themselves or their children.

Also the vague dig at Hadley Freeman who (rightfully) criticised her for promoting disordered "clean" eating.

She pisses me off!

This was the article for anyone curious:
All her latest food is ultra processed albeit plant based.
no shame we all need the convenience food but it seems a bit rich coming from her
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She shared a story saying their business can’t fall apart because of the debt they have…

So… is it possible they both spent their trust funds/got their share of their inheritance already and it’s all gone so their families are not willing to bail them out? This would explain having to close the delis instead of having their families bail them out… it would also explain how they can afford the Kensington real estate that they had to take a mortgage out on to buy out their investors.
I’ve never met a CEO who ponies up their own assets to prop up a failing business, usually it’s the opposite, they change the directorship to another Ltd company and put in distance so their assets are protected. Just as with Livia’s, if the DE brand collapses they will still be sitting pretty in the 70’s floral acid trip they call a home
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Vegetarian, less so, definitely. That's on the whole fine and very normal, has always happened! Vegan is not a good idea for little ones. They go through so many fussy periods and it's hard to get goodness into them as it is...they need a varied diet, so much more so than adults.
Vegan is as good as any other diet as long as it is done properly, even for children. Do not assume that just because we do not eat animals, our diet is deficient and/or less varied than yours.

The problem with Ella’s kids could be diet-related, not saying it isn’t. But just because they seem to not be feed properly, doesn’t mean being vegan is unhealthy or deficient.
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Ella also quietly stopped eating gluten free and dodges questions about this before…
Yes, she handled that very badly and unprofessionally as well (unsurprisingly). Like obviously it’s great she can tolerate gluten after all, but I think when you’ve literally built a brand where you’ve promoted a gluten free lifestyle for years, made all your recipes gluten free and produced gluten free products you at least owe it to your followers/customers to be transparent with them that you’re not gluten free anymore and thus the brand will no longer be focussing on gluten free recipes and products.

All it would take is a simple post on the website and Insta like “hey guys, after X years of being gluten free I’ve been trialling introducing gluten back into my diet recently and luckily my body seems to be tolerating it well. As a result, I’ve decided to start including some recipes as part of the DE app and books going forward that aren’t gluten free”.

And then she could add a line to the above post with a sentence saying she’s still mindful a lot of her followers are gluten free, so will be careful to label recipes/the new Plants products as to whether they contain gluten or not (which from what I understand they don’t even bother to do, when it feels like the bare minimum at this point 🙄)
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It just shows you how simple she really is and how she is actually one of those instagirls capitalising on having built a following.
It's one of the things I find most irritating about her. DE has been around for a decade. She has six cookbooks, a restaurant, a massive product line but every routine business milestone is still a 'wow' event for her, or an excuse to play humble. She acts like a child playing shops (maybe that's how CEO Matthew makes her feel?) and it's excruciating.
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