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Of course she had to post this awful smug dig at ultra processed foods with no consideration for the people who it will impact. News flash Ella: Most people in a cost of living crisis can't afford your £7.50 pasta and rely on this "ultra processed food" to feed themselves or their children.

Also the vague dig at Hadley Freeman who (rightfully) criticised her for promoting disordered "clean" eating.

She pisses me off!

This was the article for anyone curious:
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As others have said, her food is ultra processed. Things like hummus are classed as upf. A lot of upf hype is just common sense- no-one eating a processed ready meal is arguing it is healthier than garlicky mushrooms or whatever tf Ella is eating that day.

Also she didn't talk about processed foods particularly. I remember the beginning. It was all anti dairy, gluten and sugar, with wild claims about dairy decreasing the calcium in your bones and gluten being the absolute devil. Ella is very very self righteous about all this but she's completely lionised herself for something she wasn't even promoting years ago, and certainly isn't now. Her food is now very high sugar and high calorie, and ultra processed!
Back when she started she was ONLY talking about how a 100% plant based diet cured her illness. She was gluten free, didn’t drink alcohol at all. She is now eating gluten and moved away from gluten free very very quietly. She also drinks alcohol but didn’t exactly talk about that openly either. She jumps from one pseudo science thing to the next one.
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I always wondered if her dad was out to the family prior to being publicly outed but reading between the lines of the article it seems he really was living a double life and it was revealed to everyone at more or less the same time. And it’s not like he suddenly realised he was gay as there were hints in the tabloids for years about his affairs with men and he always said they were nasty rumours. So he was barefaced lying to his wife the whole time? For the children it must have felt like their entire childhoods were a lie in a way?

I can’t fathom what a huge betrayal that would feel like. And what the child witnessed their mother going through. What your idea of a relationship, love should be etc. But more importantly if her dad is capable of that level of deception, what else is he capable of? We know he had links to Epstein. And we know he rinsed taxpayers for every penny despite being supremely wealthy. You cannot tell me he is a man of morals.
And it was her dad who introduced her to Matt? Yikes. Don’t know where you start to unpack all that.

That’s not to go all ‘poor little rich girl’ - after all she can afford the very best therapy. It doesn’t excuse her for pushing a fake fraudulent clean eating persona on people for years either, far from it.
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Livia moved to a bigger office she’d rented and had a brand new kitchen installed there with high end appliances, marble worktops etc and had a dozen new hires in quick succession aiming for expansion….. right before a pandemic appeared. I don’t know how the kitchen was financed, but with the snowball that followed I suspect it wasn’t in cash. Her brand had multiple new products recently launched in quick succession and was mainly focused on commuter lunch sales at places like Boots, so when the pandemic hit and everyone became a remote worker, overnight sales plummeted. She survived thanks to her father lending money to the business (why her father and not a bank is an interesting question to ponder) Sales hadn’t recovered so she then sold shares in Livia’s via crowdfunding (again its curious she didn’t get a bank loan) this was under the guise of expanding the business, without ever letting on what kind of trouble they were in, and avoiding reporting any financials or business updates to shareholders for the entirety of her time on the crowdfund platform… within 12 months the company had become insolvent and the investments made by thousands of her devoted Instagram following were gone in an instant. Records showed that the company was heavily in debt, and that any proceeds from the sale would prioritise her father as beneficiary because of his previous loan. Shareholders have never received a single penny back. She hasn’t ever apologised for leading followers along and taking money under false pretences, her departure was very much a victim mentality, lots of sadness for herself and convenient amnesia for everyone else, she claims that she made no profit from the sale but the recently purchased multimillion pound home with a full back to brick renovation/extension and a garden in London was secure and safe throughout, and she’s spent the past year as a stay at home mum without an income so I wouldn’t say she was left destitute and struggling afterwards.

To watch the whole thing unfold was a fantastic lesson in how to balance growth with security, and to make sure you build on solid foundations. Over leveraging lead to a collapse, she risked it all on expansion being her saviour out of the mess and it failed.

Matthew closed down as much of DE as he could do to get a lower valuation to then purchase the remaining parts of the company from the bank in order to own it outright, now he’s expanding quickly to plump up the value and (I suspect) to either gain higher dividends for both of them to put towards a pile in the midlands or to float the company publicly (or both!). The trouble is an expansion this quick without a solid foundation is a veeeeeery risky gamble, yes they don’t have the loans that Livia did but they’re still leveraged with a high staff turnover, there will be hundreds of thousands of pounds outstanding, total apathy from the workforce in maintaining a balance and all it takes is one supplier or one retailer to fold and suddenly he’ll find himself forever chasing his tail to catch up.
Genuinely really interesting, thanks. I haven’t followed her for years, I stopped in 2019 along with Ella as I found the whole “I am super skinny yet eat tonnes of nuts every single day” disingenuous. In the same way I don’t believe Ella eats much of what she claims to.

It must be so hard for her to have built the brand and poured her heart and soul into it, to have lost it all and still see it on shelves in shops.

Also an interesting contrast to DE. I looked at the company accounts for Livia’s and there is an administrator report. Her Dad loaned the company £150k to try and keep it afloat, DE has been loaned more than that in the past by her mother, who is often also a shareholder of the companies as a result.

But no, Ella has never had any help and has done it all on her own hasn’t she… she’s never benefited at all from being born into one of the wealthiest families in the country, and all of us could have started a food brand and launched in supermarkets up and down the country if we’d wanted to.
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I am exceptionally skilled at choosing narcissistic, controlling men. I am pretty sure Ella and I have the same ‘type’.
Wishful projection...
Step 4 I divorced matt, am happily single and the went back to the home made recipes, i no longer work 6 am to 11 pm the children see me more regularly for longer and I am fully present when I'm with them.
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Loving the financial detective work and debate guys, keep it coming. My view based on everything you guys have put forward is somewhere in tjr middle. I think the family have bailed them out in the past and they have definitely misrepresented it - making out the super stressful boss babe investor buyout was to regain total control over the business rather than a family backed divestment of a failing business. And as others have suggested any investment the Woodwards or Mills made would all be very sensibly managed/ advised on - if necessary used as losses against their massive income or gains every year 🤢 I work in valuation for tax purposes so see some trust structures and it appals me how little tax these people often get away with paying

The most importnat thing is that for people like this, Ella, Matt and their children's personal assets and standard of living will never be at risk. They're never going to lose their million pound house in London and their kids are always going to go to private school. Somehow they will always manage to shield themselves from personal loss and that's why it's so false and unbelievable when she acts like she's any sort of self made woman because she will never know what it's like to not have the most luxurious of safety nets.

Making out she is a working mum working all hours God sends to make or break her (silly vanity) business, with kids sick from nursery... it's just an insult to people who really are in that situation when she could just 'call your dad and he would stop it all'
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Does anyone remember that Matthew dated Chelsy Davy right before Ella? Another woman from a uniquely privileged background who set up her own business...only he didn't get his hands on that one.
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You. Are. Always. In. A. Funk.
I love how she says sleepless nights in her house and it being a family business with no external capital. Hun, you didn’t have to spend £2.5mil on a house - your lavish life is not relatable and your so called ‘sleepless nights’ from the comfort of your expensive home is so so tone deaf lol
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So much to unpack in that Grazia article. I feel for her, it sounds awful, but surely her being so busy and frazzled is the absolute last thing she should be doing when her mental health is this fragile? Also huge red flag that she couldn't confide in her husband. I also find it a bit harmful that she says "10-20 minutes of meditation has been the biggest game-changer" as if that's the cure. Positive affirmations do not cure post-natal depression or other mental illness. The woman needs therapy and possibly some medication. Absolutely no shame in it. She may have stopped the "clean eating" message but her ethos is still so wrapped up in pseudoscience.
The Grazia article is pretty horrifying, considering it seems to only be skimming the surface of what's going on. She's talking about enormous stress, grief, depression, intrusive thoughts that have endured for years. She desperately needs therapy! I can't believe she's citing quick meditation, a bit of yoga and daily affirmations (i.e. toxic positivity) as tools to cope. Saying that's all she needs to 'rewire her brain' is really harmful.
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I'm suuuuch a boss babe my schedule so important so wow much work...should I now post my back to back outlook agenda as well, who is more busy.
View attachment 1737433

Matt Business genius to develop 100 products in extreme inflation and the world entering full-blown recession. No magic branding and marketing will help you. People will save money for basics.

They are extremely delusional to think people will buy their product just because it is De. No one care.

No one cares.
Reminds me of grace Beverly and her stupid timetables. I literally do not know a single person with an office job that only works 9-5, let alone the alleged head fo a company
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Was just going to post this! It seems all Matt ever does in the evening is sit on his laptop (working) or watch golf… does he ever make time for Ella as a person/wife rather than just seeing her as a business partner?

View attachment 2238551
So they wrk... then unstead of watching somethin like a film they both want to watch... aa dream relationship. That's not anything ti do with owning a business it is having a partner who is a dickhead
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Can’t wait for this to never happen 😂 I can’t imagine anyone less suited to the realities of cold water swimming
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I'd forgotten about these two after unfollowing Ella and her manic "work work work" stories. I see nothing has changed :(
I’m so glad I unfollowed. I have no need in my life for someone parading a life of privilege under my nose, making feel inadequate for not having the means to buy simprove probiotics or putting 20 pounds worth of dates in a weeknight pudding.
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This made me laugh. Try ‘Bullying’, ‘Blame culture’, ‘Toxic’, ‘Chaotic’, ‘No space for personal well-being’ as a starter for ten (I worked for them for a while. Never again.)
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Yep I hated the ‘trust the universe’ shit over her northern lights story. Because trusting the universe is how you get there. Not the multi millions.
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She regularly posts about working in bed - they have a desk in their bedroom, they have numerous sofas and armchairs, a dining table and probably a handful of workdesks elsewhere too.

Working in bed is one of the main things sleep experts suggest to avoid as it messes with your sleep… let’s not mention posture while you hunch over your laptop and/or stay on bed in a weird position for too long and also why have a townhouse in the most expensive part of London if you’re always cooped up in one room….?
Others on here have mentioned this before but I think her diet and lifestyle hasn’t “cured” her illness in the way she’d like us to believe. And that’s why she spends a lot of time in bed and getting Uber rides to work etc - she’s struggling to manage the POTS symptoms (and possibly mental health toojudging by some of her posts) but has to put up this facade for the sake of DE that she’s happy and thriving with all the “wellness” she preaches
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So she regressed back to posting nothing but her expensive sneakers and jumpers and car interior on her stories. So u professional I can’t believe it. Tacky AF too. They 100% had a Comms Director for a little while and fired that person because Ella dearest couldn’t stand not getting the dopamine rush from the engagement as she was used to.
I agree - I think the comms director told Ella she should make a personal Instagram in order to make the DE one more professional and business focussed. And now the comms advisor has potentially left and Ella has swooped at the chance to run the DE one as her personal one again for more attention
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