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Her latest stories....the reason she doesn't do makeup on insta is because she never does anything different it always looks the same whatever products she uses. And as a fellow chronic illness sufferer no I dont understand that after doing your makeup it's taken it out of you and you need to lay down. I may feel like something has taken it out of me but I dont have the luxury of dropping everything and jumping back to bed.
I think having her gf around who she knows she can rely on makes her act up more and she loves having someone do stuff for her! I don’t see it lasting because it’s obvious she takes advantage of it and the gf won’t stick around forever no one likes being taken advantage of
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Shameless ....however it's probably another grey rock hard lump of furniture because let's face it beggars can't be choosers when it comes to taking the freebies!

And seriously how big is that spare room that her poor gf has to keep moving it round til madame is happy! Pretentious twit !
I looked on the Instagram account and it looks like standard run of the mill sofas. The kind they sell in homesense. A bit cheap looking but do the job.

No shade, btw. I love homesense
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So much of this Instagram aesthetic is mass produced & sold cheaply on Ali express, but styled v well by resellers. Those cork ball topped glass being a top culprit of this activity! 😳
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Yeah ‘ there you go il pass you my cup for you to refill ‘

I’m just wondering if Danielle ever does anything for “my gf” it seems Danielle lays in bed while her gf runs around after her, hardly a balanced healthy relationship? also, how bloody annoying that she refers to her by “my gf” ALL THE TIME!!!!
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Chatty Member
The stripy dress was particularly hideous. New Look is generally cheap and undesirable and this haul was exactly that.
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Chatty Member
Its true that on the free #gifed trip to St Lucia all Danni and Bobby did was stay in the hotel and eat. There were a handful times she was out near the pool and beach. She seems the most unadventurous and uninteresting person. Though I'm sure Bobby knew all of this when they travelled. Similar to the gf, he was her carer / someone to be a couch potato with. Seems hellava boring. What a waste of a trip to the caribbean!
I thought that it was like she literally just went to the pool/beach for content. The stories were her in bed eating or dressed up going to eat! Pisses me off as she gets to go to Italy for free as mummy and daddy have a house there. And I'm sure she could afford that holiday herself but why bother when companies pay for it!
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This is the thing I mean I love my mum but I ain't gunna constantly take her on spa breaks lol does she not have any mates?
She’s a middle aged woman and still calls her mum “mummy” in a really childish voice, I wouldn’t expect any different from her tbh she’s an over grown brat

Also anyone seen this? Wonder if DV will follow the rules she’s always using filters lately
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That’s what I was thinking!! What a crafty cow!! Also her latest post with her holding the glass her fingers look like sausages and they’re creeping me out
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I wonder if any of these influencers will get dropped by the brands. I know we’ve all suffered in lockdown but Dani has nothing to offer , I never particularly liked what she wore but it’s got much worse!
so true! She doesn’t have anything to offer, her content is dry and her career as an influencer is in tatters. I can see her being dropped by so many brands because she’s got no energy and is always moping around moaning! She’s never influenced me to buy anything. In comparison Jessontheplussize may be fat, but she has an energy when doing her hauls! She has character! She actually makes it look good when she makes effort. I think it’s obvious Dani V doesn’t really care anymore she’s probably so into her girlfriend that she isn’t bothered about her future as an influencer
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I wonder if she told her Mummy and Daddy she needed a place without stairs because she's in so much pain all of the time?! Wouldn't surprise me if in that house there was only 1 bathroom and she found it 'too hard' to walk up and down to it
Don’t quote me on this, but I think she had an en suite. Very small, so maybe just a toilet and sink.
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Chatty Member
Most banks can recall a payment instantly...I had a DD go out of my account twice, called my bank the same morning and they recalled it and it was back in my account almost immediately. Technology is amazing and banks are soo clever in how they track our accounts now.

She was incredibly foolish giving details over the phone like that...I'm struggling to understand how someone as money oriented as she clearly is, and has had a bank account for many years why she didn't remember the one rule drummed in from an early age not give your account details / passwords over the phone....all a bit odd but all has ended well for her soo drama over !
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Chatty Member
The reality of being overweight is that there’s more strain on your body and joints than if you were lighter, you’re physically carrying around more than a slimmer person who is the same height. That’s not meant to be a dig at bigger people or fatphobia, it’s just facts. And unfortunately if you do have a disability, or a disorder which causes aches and general pain, being heavier will unfortunately exacerbate that.
I totally agree I'm overweight and have osteoarthritis and fibro. And because I'm bigger the pressure on my joints makes the pain worse. And that obviously now affects my mobility. And losing weight is alot harder although I'm trying and do a hell of alot more than she does if I was slimmer to begin with I doubt I'd be affected this badly!
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VIP Member
I agree although unfortunately not all famous or rich people are talented haha.
I would love to see these useless influencers go and get a "real job" and it will certainly happen sooner or later. But brands (particularly the bigger ones) normally know what they do when they send freebies. They're not losing money.
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What a strange existence when your first thought is to beg online for freebies ....what happened to having some pride and working hard, saving up and buying the things for yourself. This is her first home with this relationship you would think they would be saving for new things to buy together not taking any old shitty freebie, like that awful sofa and chair, that happens along... it's a soul destroying way to live surely?
It’s like she’s living in her twilight years.
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I'm sure she's denied having fillers before and said people ask all the time but she hasn't.
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