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Pom Bear

VIP Member
@Pom Bear me dear,i love em.❤❤❤
I asked you to do a fab pic of Sinkboy in his hilarous romper giraffe outfit on skanky,my god we all pissed ourselves at the photos I asked if you could do a pic of him(he has got fat as well by the way)with a pair of clowns shoes on.go back I’m sure it was early thread pics vile pics of her and him,the most awful pics of her you’ve seen.❤❤❤❤
Thank you, not been on there for a while or and read all my alerts yet, I make this for you tonight 😀🥰❤🤗💖👠😘 xx.

Pom you are a star.

She flogs fantasy stories and photos to the British tabloids, If she relied on OnlyFans cash she would
Full make up and tan as well. @Pom any chance of putting her real boat race on this pic if you have a scare spare minute? 😂

starve to death.

The steady trickle of tabloid money enables her existence and pays for her surgery.

She has had an evenings 'work' in 7 years.

The tabloids are her enablers. She is a source of clickbait stories so the tabloids need Polo and Polo needs the tabloids for cash.
Thank you 😊💖❤🥰💕🤗😘 xx.

One more pic for today 😀, a bit blurry and not come out as well I had hoped but I thought I share X..


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Spare a thought to the poor holidaymakers of Ibiza whose holidays are about to be rudely interrupted by Polo trying to gatecrash and tag along their nights out. She will do her usual, make herself the centre of attention reminding everyone she is a famous Eastenders actress, insult and mock someone in the group to try and create a divide and try and get whatever she can for free - drinks, food, fags, especially drugs and if they are really drunk they will wake up next to a naked polo with a strange necrotic smell. Time and time again Polo's idea of a holiday is not enjoying it with her friends but becoming a pest with other peoples friends. The older she gets and the younger people she targets don't really know who she is as they would be too young to remember her in Eastenders and probably only know her for being a Cocaine addict with one nostril.
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Chatty Member
I changed mine yesterday after i saw those pics, and im feeling buyers regret today, not sure i can stomach seeing that twisted mug with her rancid scar tissue the whole time, i must and can do better!
That scar tissue is bad, I've never seen scars that big before, and it looks sore, she's not bothered to take care of herself at all (not that she does anyway) I imagine the nose bag covers up the pain. But I've said it before it looks infected. Unfortunately and I've also seen it said on other comments, she's looks worse for wear and although I have posted several unsavoury comments on here, it would be a shame of anything happened to her. We'd have nothing to comment on.........

Sense the sarcasm in the latter of my post.
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I could write everything that she is doing thinking when on the gak! I am your drug expert trust me. The things I thought of were in my mind like I was the new guru of the world!!! Lol 😂 Don’t forget she is managing herself. Whilst in the grip of… Thinking she is finessing everything and everyone. The reality is she’s flat out, she needs money for her habit and she is doing what she has always done over the years. Dipped in and out of whatever way and means she can to get her drugs. She’s finally been bought to her knees. “If you get in a ring with drugs it will beat you every time.” I tell my service users Exactly this!
I could write everything that she is doing thinking when on the gak! I am your drug expert trust me. The things I thought of were in my mind like I was the new guru of the world!!! Lol 😂 Don’t forget she is managing herself. Whilst in the grip of… Thinking she is finessing everything and everyone. The reality is she’s flat out, she needs money for her habit and she is doing what she has always done over the years. Dipped in and out of whatever way and means she can to get her drugs. She’s finally been bought to her knees. “If you get in a ring with drugs it will beat you every time.” I tell my service users Exactly this!
She has racked up lines in every one of these. Her ego and denial should be “Her cause of death” on the certificate
Cocaine Is Her Name
COCAINE is her name. They call her COKE for short. She came into this Country, without a Passport. Since then - she has made a lot of scum rich. Others have been murdered and found in a ditch. She is more valued than diamonds and worth more than gold. Use her just once and you too - will be sold. She will make a straight A student forget his books and a Beauty Queen forget her looks. She can make a known speaker become a bore. She can take your Mother and turn her into a Whore. She can make a Teacher forget how to teach. She will make a Preacher - not want to preach. She can take your rent money and you'll be evivted. She will murder your babies or, they will be born addicted. She will make you - rob, steal and kill. When you are under her POWER - you have no will. Remember my friend - her name is BIG C. If you try her just once - You may never be free. She has already destroyed ACTORS, POLITICIANS and many a HERO. She has decreased bank accounts, from millions to zero. Shooting and killing is a common affair. Once she's in charge - you are under her SPELL. Now that you know - what will you do? I tell you my friend it's all up to you. The day you decide to sit on her saddle - the dession is one that no one can STRADDLE. So pay close Attention and listen well - because if you don't - you can wind up in HELL...


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Her latest IG video, she's visiting some zoo in Essex ... can someone please post, or screenshot before its deleted, sadly not tecy enough to copy and post here .... Im shocked at how bad her face is ... she's using a filter, but it keeps slipping ... not usually lost for words .... but its really bad ... WOW!
Here you go ma luvlee


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How on earth is she affording that hotel?! She certainty manages to land on her feet!
She's mates with that FLF rimi, and he gets free hotel stays with his ` business ` and usually throws her a bone for a few days, here and there ... where she behaves like lady muck for the gram, by the way, its all fake .... she's got no home, so spends her time, sofa surfing, staying with her dad, which isn't allowed as he`s in sheltered accommodation due to his condition, they probably told her to fuck off, as she was there quite a few weeks, fiddling with herself on his sofa for her OF`s sick pervs :sick: ( we only hear about him, when she uses his sofa, otherwise she doesn't give a shit about him ) she probably exhausted any friendship she had by now, and they all steer clear, sons fiancé also probably told him ` get rid of her, she's not staying anymore ` she's a fucking leech ..... she also goes on these reduced flights/breaks to other countries, because it works out cheaper than having to pay rent ... her whole life is one big mess

Id imagine in todays climate no landlord will touch her with her bad history, of renting without paying rent, then doing a moonlight flit after a certain time, leaving them high and dry with no way of getting their money, in todays world she is bad listed with credit, is always complaining that credit card companies are fleecing her out of money, not paying her, she can only get those cards for those with bad credit, and these usually don't tolerate her type of behaviour and eventually shut her account

She was also moaning that no one will hire her a car because of ` bad credit ` even those companies, who deal with people who have ` bad credit ` steer clear .... she's basically fucked herself with all the above, she cant be trusted, anyone wanting a ref, or to check her credit history, can easily do it online, I bet its a mile long, if not more ... NO ONE will touch her with a bargepole ... she grifts from one place to the next, the fact that none of her family want to help her is very telling 🤷‍♀️

Note ... I've used ` BAD CREDIT ` many times above
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Oh my fucking fuck! I've only just seen the Marilyn photos and actually I thought it was one of Pom's photoshops!! Nooo stop I need to get off 😂
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...and if you look carefully at the bag to the left it appears to be full of different bikinis. After this photoshoot she probably did many quick changes into different bikinis for a number of photoshoots to be released over the coming weeks.

The Fappening Blog has a large number of photos - looking at the length of she shadows and lack of anyone else on the beach it looks like the photoshoot was done very very early in the morning.


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Stumbled across this thread and have fallen down a rabbit hole (pun intended). Sorry if this has been covered but is her son also a drug addict? And do we think she was ever clean? There was a period she lived in America then was on DOI where she seemed to have turned her life around. Seems to be when her husband left she went off the rails (again).
When her husbands money ran out so did she.

Poor son was born addicted as she was taking during her pregnancy and during labour!
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I can’t watch it haven’t got the thingy,what’s she saying Holly?
She`s written 👇

` My baby girl @jodiebjenkins
Loyalty before, lolly £££££ ` ..... then appears to call her a snake in that other post about her son only being there 🤷‍♀️

She always bleats on about her kids are her ` world ` ... but only with ` conditions ` it would seem:rolleyes: ... fucking junkie scumbag😡 ... ` what mother does this!! 😤 ` .... her daughter by all accounts was raised by her brilliant stepmother, there was a court order in place for quite a few years by her x hubby to keep her away from the girl, with good reason, her poor son wasn't as lucky
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The Turkish boyfriend is just a deluded figment of her imagination.

With the jailbird boyfriend saga ended before David Kelly was released from prison she has to keep the tabloids interested.

I still think David and Polo will meet up once he is released to try and milk even more cash from the gullible tabloids with a rekindled romance story - please David don't stick your dick in crazy.

Her new fake tits done on the cheap in Turkey have been paid for by her enablers - the British tabloids - without them paying for her made up lies, NASA grade filtered photos and the endless bikini, topless poolside/beach photo shoots then she really would be forced to give £5 gum jobs to the mentally deranged and desperate to feed her addiction.

We all know what is coming next. he is already scouting out the pool. Joseph has his multi-coloured dreamcoat - Polo has her bulging suitcase of fake designer multi-coloured swimwear and is on the phone to Backgrid arranging a photo shoot session as we speak. She is already planning the bikini and topless shoots, the story about her pre op worries that she is going to die, the hospital trolley selfie story, the recovery photo story and the big reveal of her bigger faker breasts. Spare a thought for her nipples as they tickle her ear lobes with her new silicon footballs. If anything goes wrong we will have weeks if not months of botched surgery woe stories. Backgrid will drip out a few hours of photo shoots over 2 or 3 weeks.

And then what?
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Chatty Member
Fascinated by the thread lifts to her knees and elbows, photos needed please 🤪 🤪

Another distraction from her boat race, ohh you have such lovely mesmerising knees, and im sure your elbows must be peachy too, lets have a peek.
Never heard such bollocks!
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