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Well-known member
She's just not authentic for me. I can't take her seriously as a fitness influencer especially strength training. I don't want to look like her, all skinny and no muscles. She needs to walk the talk and start eating much more and lift heavy and actually know her stuff for me to take her seriously. Besides plenty of better accounts out there that I follow that have the knowledge and credibility when it comes to strength training.
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I'm not so sure, he seems a bit spineless to me. Probably will go along with it as I can't imagine anyone else wanting to be with him! Ouch is that too bitchy?? 😆
He does give very vanilla grandpa vibes. I actually don't even think that he originally put his foot down re showing Aurora's face. I think D is just lost and doesn't know what to do with her platform right now.
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RE her most recent reel... Maybe I am in my own little bubble but society is certainly not telling me that I can't lift weights because I'm a woman. Quite the contrary, I feel like a lazy lump because I don't haha. There's nothing radical about a woman going to the gym anymore. The "strong not skinny" schtick is old news at this stage
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
I wondered if this one had a Tattle thread! And I've found it. ☺
What on earth is she trying to achieve here? She looks like a rat man in a dress.


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Chatty Member
First time winning a thread title, yay!! 😜

Since giving birth, we’ve been watching with baited breath as Danae’s content slowly descends further into drivel. She’s lunching alone (but pretending she isn’t), flaunting her stretch marks (interspersed with snapshots of Italy), and talking with the BIGGEST SMILE at everything she can (while never seeming happy…).
She’s also giving posing tips in the guise of “social media isn’t real”…but really, just unearthing insecurities among the people she wants to “help”!

Sorry for the crappy recap; my brain is fried from a long day haha - hopefully someone else can do a better job!!
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This makes me think her and the Italian dont actually eat together unless it's out for dinner which again makes me think she doesn't eat proper meals just snacks throughout the day.

The yogurt story creeped me out. And I bet that one spoonfull she ate for the camera was all she had.
plus she's already shared that most of the photos and reels she shares which include food are simply posed for content, and she doesn't actually EAT the food. like that "behind the scenes" of her photos posing in red lipstick supposedly "eating" spaghetti, only to reveal - as predicted - that she then dumped her "meal" in the bin. and it's those behaviours and attitudes around food that will impact Aurora. same with Danae making a huge deal of allowing herself to eat a spoonful of yoghurt in front of Aurora, showing off her restrictive behaviours, and making comments about foods her daughter is eating and enjoying, declaring that SHE doesn't like it. Aurora may be a baby, but kids are like sponges and she will be absorbing all Danae's disordered relationship with food and her behaviours and attitudes and negative comments. Danae talks so much about how kids in the 90s absorbed attitudes toward food and dieting from their mothers, which was unintentional and simply a result of diet culture at the time, yet despite being very aware of that impact, she is teaching as much a damaging relationship with food to her own daughter. 😔
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also, as much as I do believe that Nico finally stepped in and put his foot down in terms of Danae constantly sharing photos of Aurora all over IG, it wouldn't surprise me if this supposed "bullying" and "stopped sharing me" will also be used to twist the reasoning behond her decision, with claims that she initially said it was about her own feelings about issues with consent as she was feeling too "vulnerable" to share the truth, but actually it was because the "bullies" made her feel she was a "bad mother" for exploiting her baby on a daily basis and that caused her to question herself in terms of sharing content featuring Aurora, because she was desperate to stop the "nasty" comments about her awkward and unnatural interaction with her daughter - a bond which would improve dramatically if she simply stopped palming her daughter off on a nanny! 🙄

and honestly, using the "the nasty comments got worse when I struggled with breastfeeding" was a real low, when the overwhelming majority of comments here - which she unsurprisingly chose not to share in her reel - were people concerned about her mental health & a potential relapse with disordered eating/her relationship with exercise as she was filming herself squatting and weight lifting only a week after giving birth, hoping she would seek support and therapy to help her, as she was clearly struggling with not being able to breastfeed and coming to terms with motherhood not being the fairytale she dreamed of and were talking about how there should be no stigma or shame associated with formula feeding, fed is best etc. it was not the unsupportive or critical environment she is pretending. 😡
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she really does have way too much time on her hands, doesn't she... something is seriously not right with her
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Wait so he was only there for 2-3 days, and yet Danae still had to take Aurora to the gym with her? Why wasn’t he trying to spend all the time he could with his young baby he hadn’t seen for over a month?
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Chatty Member
Oh danae... ouch!

These are just a few. Pretty much all of the comments are calling her out.

How can she be this done deaf? Does she, a woman in her 30s, really think the world is some kind of fairy tale? That everyone is a product of a loving relationship?


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She's just itching to exploit that baby! How is she not sure?
She's testing the waters, seeing how her followers react and whether she will get support for doing a uturn and start exploiting, er I mean sharing her baby's pictures or not. It's like she's wanting permission. Pathetic gutless wonder. Either do it or don't, stop dilly dallying.
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Man she is so dumb, what kinda bullshit content is she creating. Pretending to crawl to show her baby how it's done, and then claiming she doesn't know how to crawl herself. Oh have a day off love!
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VIP Member
Interesting. She has come around
Yeah, but like with everything, she never thinks about anything beforehand. It's like she's living on such a superficial level. Was it that hard to say "Hmmm, maybe I can ask for more mods or a new Admin bc I'm just way too busy now." Just like "Should I post this or should I look around for more info? Could this be offensive?" The fact that it took her looking at the angry comments to even realize this boggles my mind.
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"She clearly is someone oblivious to all the atrocities women experience..." This is gold... even her defenders think she's an idiot. :ROFLMAO:
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okay but she's not simply "in my human body, just existing" - she literally shares "what you don't see" photos, with close-ups of her stretchmarks, weirdly angled upward shots of her stomach to highlight her droopy skin etc - she goes out of her way to highlight every perceived flaw and shares said photos all over social media on a daily basis! it's not as though she posted a random photo of herself in her bikini, or a guy commented on her while she was at the beach - she actively shares these photos, and takes them purposefully, and i totally get what the guy means - nit that there is anything wrong with stretchmarks etc, but she has reached a point where sbe doesn't seem able to share a simple photo of her outfit, without following it up with a bunch of photos of her "cell u light" and posing with her body at jarring angles etc to emphasise them. in context, they are all totally normal parts of the human body, but the other day she literally took a photo of her outfit, and then filmed herself lifting up her skirt to show her bum as a "what you don't see" - like, wtf?! hardly part of the body people hide in public because they're self-conscious and she needs to normalise flaunting stretchmarks on her butt. 🤷🏻‍♂️

her content has far surpassed the realms of "normalising" women's bodies, it's almost become obsessional that she can't just share a single photo of herself and move on with her day - and the sudden trio of daily thighs pushed forward/thighs pushed backwards/standing normally photos in every outfit is particularly annoying. like yes, people pose to give the illusion of a thigh gap, but who the fuck stands with their hips forward and thighs pushed together, in a way she needs to expose as "unrealistic". 🙄🙄

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VIP Member
Wait so he was only there for 2-3 days, and yet Danae still had to take Aurora to the gym with her? Why wasn’t he trying to spend all the time he could with his young baby he hadn’t seen for over a month?
i'm sure he spent a few hours with her at some point over his stay which - according to Danae's logic - constitutes a "daddy day". like that time Danae was away for the night, so Aurora had a "daddy day" where Nico spent a full hour and a half with his daughter before the nanny arrived and he left for work! he didn't even get her dressed or give her breakfast - both jobs for the nanny when she arrived! 🙄🙄
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This cleanse (read detox/weight loss) holiday is to get her body in shape before she goes full on ambassador role for that orangegym brand I reckon. She's about to change her account and become a fitness mum guru I reckon.
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Surely when she looks at her stats she must realise people are bored of the same shit every single day. She’s stuck in a rut of posting her ‘posed v relaxed’ posts that she doesn’t have anything else to post.
Looks like whinging about tattle had the opposite to the desired effect and 8k people left within 30 days! Wow
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