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God she makes me cringe the way she calls her husband "The Italian". I'm sure she's my age and I don't know anyone who would talk like that under 25.
I think they'll be split by the end of the year going by her post today.

Also, I don't know if she deliberately makes her posture awful for her content but she's going to do herself an injury if she continues walking around leading with her abdomen.
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did anyone else catch her accent changing on and off throughout the whole hotel story, haven't heard her use the 'English accent' for a while lol
okay, I'm glad it wasn't just me who noticed that! her accent was all over the place and there were points where the English accent was very noticeable! I think she struggles with keeping up that soft, gentle voice - because it isn't the way she speaks normally - so her accent is all over the place because she is focused on trying to say each word in a way that sounds the softest possible, and i guess certain words sound more gentle in some accents than others, so she just merges it all together. can totally imagine the entitled, Karen kinda way she speaks in real life, all attitude - hence why the hotel employee felt so uncomfortable she left to call the police! 🙄
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ha, every single one of those quotes in her reel are copied directly from tattle! she's sharing it as though she's been receiving endless critical DMs and comment she hasn't been able to avoid, when in actuality, she feels "vulnerable" because she chooses to read tattle thus actively goes out of her way to read people's negative opinions of her behaviour - which they are entirely entitled to! sure, it would be "bullying" if people were hounding her and flooding her inbox with nasty messages - but it's hardly bullying when you choose to search a gossip site to read people's comments!

but ofc, since she's no longer exploiting her daughter, she is clearly desperate and scraping the barrel for content - hence her choosing to totally manipulate the narrative to twist the situation into benefitting HER, because the moment she uses sympathy-enduring terms like "bullying" and "venerable", it's all "poor me", which she knows her it will boost engagement as her fans flock to the comments to leave sickenly supportive comments and slag off the "haterz". 🙄🙄
😂😂 I was like ooooh these look very familiar haha!
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Ughhhh she had ALL those stretch marks before having a baby though! She’s acting like she was this perfect fit tight body before and pregnancy turned her into a saggy old bag which is just not true. I am so done with her. How is she not embarrassed. The money must be good because she keeps losing followers and still posts that shit. People don’t even comment on it anymore.
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I honestly cannot stand this woman anymore. I wish instead of detox trips she'd go back to therapy because her ED is back in full swing and she is not fooling anyone :( plate full of dry leaves and a juice with captions not to forget to eat today yet she deprives herself of food all the time.
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I don’t know who she’s trying to be ‘relatable’ to.. most normal folk can’t just pick up & piss off to a different country everyday, travel business class, hire nannies & have a carefree time. She’s so out of touch with actual reality it’s shocking! That poor child has no routine, no sense of stability.. she’s never at home in her own environment it’s crazy! Her marriage is also clearly a sham
Her latest story repost about how hard it is to be a mother. 😂 As if she has those issues. She doesn't cook, clean, iron etc. She has a well paying job where she decides her schedule. GTFO, Danae.
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also its not the same photo, like ffs she bangs on about angles so much and there she is doing the irish dancers toe pose in the second one... at least compare like with like.
Speaking of toes... Even ignoring hole of her husband not being there I'm howling at her thinking we're all dumb enough to think that's a candid shot with her toes pointed, feet arched and angled just so and her calves flexing for their life in that pic.
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She’s been steadily losing followers so now it’s time to to play the victim card 🙄
the irony is that if she actually took these comments on board, and quit the repetitive "posed vs u posed" photos, all the body checking selfies and dumbed down questions about babies and motherhood, hypocritically ranting about the damaging impact of filters whilst simultaneously using filters on a regular basis, reminding everyone that it okay for your body to change, and to have loose skin, stretchmarks, "cell u light" etc - but ONLY if you are a mother, and can attribute your "birth tattoos" to growing a baby - and encouraging new mother's to focus on their babies not feeling pressured to change their post-partum. body, whilst guilt-tripping her followers by sharing regularly footage of her working out and doing squats literally days after giving birth , she wouldn't have lost so many followers in the first place! 🤷🏻‍♂️

twisting the narrative into claims of "bullying" is incredibly manipulative and she is clearly using it as an engag tactic, knowing full well that people will message her to show their sympathy and support - which wouldn't be an issue if she was genuinely being bullied, and not playing. the victim card while sharing comments she has intentionally sought out on a gossip forum! 🙄🙄

also, those stories from earlier at the wellness retreat, i genuinely can't imagine working out or doing yoga, having previously set up a camera on a tripod behind me to film myself doing so, just for the sake of sharing yet more videos of myself working out. her entire life is all so staged and scripted and posed, she can't just chill and do anything spontaneously or naturally! there is no need to turn every exercise class etc but into content. hardly surprising she is losing followers when her content is not only incredibly repetitive, but also totally contradicts the message she supposedly promotes about accepting your body and not feeling pressured to change it or lose weight or tone up etc. 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Who the hell poses like that with the leg up and kicked back in a family photo. Looks like she's trying to make herself as small as possible.. so much for her message.
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Lol! Day with Papa but he left at 9:30:ROFLMAO:. She really is just honestly bullshitting people for her page. For someone who is literally social-media-famous for talking about the parts on social media that aren't seen, it's kind of shocking how blatantly disingenuous she is.

Someone actually called her out in a comment in the post after the 'bully' post about it not being a good idea to deliberately search for that stuff (like on a gossip site, not so subtly pointing out the 'mean' quotes came from here) and she actually responded that she knows and is going to hold herself to not reading it anymore. I don't believe she's stopped but I thought it was pretty gross she only admitted that in a buried comment, most people didn't see while afterward, she was still posting more stories with the screenshots and never clarified the truth.
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Just before this she posted about opening FB and seeing ads for weight loss and body image stuff. But if Women's Best comes out with protein drinks, hey, gotta shill it. The hypocrisy is amazing.

<<Our aim was to create a product based on whey protein isolate that can be easily prepared with a maximum of 350 ml of water and contains 26 g of protein per drink. It had to be ideal for hot summer days, low in lactose, fat, and carbohydrates>>

View attachment 2261766
My thoughts etc! complaining that she went on FB and was faced with loads of ads about weight loss, only to then share an ad for a protein supplement from their "body shaping supplements" range! i wasn't actually aware, until recently, that woman's best sell use a vast amount of weight loss supplements, including fat burning and metabolism boosting tablets and low calorie/low sugar/high protein foods, like skinny syrups, bars, spreads etc - until now, i genuinely thought they just sold leggings and active wear!

so Danae is a brand ambassador for a company immersed in diet culture and her entire IG account is dedicated to posts about body image - yet she surprised that she is being shown a load of ads for weight loss and body image on social media! as an "influenza", surely she should be aware how the algorithm works? it's you Danae, you're the problem. 🙄🙄
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If skin folds and that’s okay WHY DID YOU POSE SO THAT IT WAS HIDDEN IN THE FIRST PICTURE DANAE? Why not just put out an ad for women’s best WITH the skin roll? Oh yeah because you still want to be accepted into the community you spend your time criticising, you know when it suits you (ie when they’re paying you)
I think that's one of the things that really made her so offputting to me. She's famous for being this body-positive influencer while still having a body that she can and does pose as other models do (even literal weeks after having a baby) whenever she's advertising, is taking selfies with friends or her husband, or just wants that picture to prove she looks like that. Half of her 'relaxed' poses are so blatantly fake, exaggerated, and edited to look worse than she looks. She did a walking video the other day to the camera that literally looked like the walk the Queen did in the Princess Diaries when she was making fun of Mia for 'schlumping' 😂
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The Italian gives me the ick. Awful comment I know but she goes on about him likes he's some gorgeous hunk and he just makes me cringe, them together makes me cringe even more. 🤢
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I tend to agree with those in the comments saying she's blinded by her own insecurities. But I would add that she also assumes most women are the same so she uses them as a weapon to gin up outrage and support. She failed this time.

Also, I can't stand that pouty face. It's the one Aurora's taken on and it bugs me🙈
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Good grief
What was his costume meant to be? based on the hat, I'm assuming maybe the Mad Hatter, given that Aurora was Alice and Danae was a vague attempt at the White Rabbit - but why is he dressed head-to-toe in black? and what's with the dark glasses?! seems quite a scary looking outfit to wear to a party for babies and toddlers!

also the way Danae announced that the couldn't have managed to throw their party without the nanny - so presumably Danae had the nanny decorating and preparing food, while simultaneously caring for Aurora, while Danae faffed about posing for selfies in her costume and doing her make up. 😡

plus it was weirdly jarring watching her stories as she shared photos from the party and some of the party food, then a random close-up photo of her stomach captioned "skin", only for her to immediately resume sharing photos of the party! just shows the extent of her obsession with body checking if she can't even enjoy a halloween party with her daughter without the need to take photos of her body and prioritise uploading them to IG. genuinely sad that she can't focus on the party because she is so preoccupied by her body. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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she's in Abu Dhabi, yet she is "walking. Aurora to sleep" on a treadmill in the hotel gym?! yeah Danae, such a totally normal and healthy approach to exercise, as she prioritises working out before her anniversary meal - gotta work off those calories beforehand, eh Danae! no matter how she tries to hide it, her behaviour is beyond disordered. she could be wandering around the hotel grounds while Aurora falls asleep, outside in the fresh air, actually focusing on her daughter and the beautiful scenery, but instead she has her baby in a gym environment as she focuses on taking gym selfies for content and watching her step count. Aurora is wide awake in that photo - and staring up, not at her mother, but at the phone in her hand, which honestly says everything baout their relationship as her baby falls asleep watching her mother stare at a screen. 😔
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she is nothing but a prop to use for engagement that's why, I doubt they have actually even bonded properly off camera
i honestly doubt they have! it's usually the nanny who puts Aurora to bed and feeds her - she even starting the weaning process when Danae was out of the country and was updating her via messages, with Danae seemingly not bothered that she was missing out! her daughter perceives the nanny/ies are a far more familiar face, as they are the ones who spend time with her, feed her, play with her, engage with her, put her to bed and the face she sees when she wakes up - probably the ones she automatically seeks comfort from, not her own mother who whacks huge bows on her head and uses her as a cute photo prop, and only engages with her daughter when she can film the moment as content. wouldn't surprise me if she sees Aurora's first steps via a video call from the nanny. the poor girl is far more an accessory than the daughter Danae supposedly dreamed of. 😔
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It feels like increasingly her simpleton followers are finally wising up about her. I'm loving her getting it so wrong, story after story. 😂
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