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I can’t imagine never putting my kids to bed! What the fuck is that about??

I remember messaging stokke about the three high chairs! It’s disgusting that company have gifted one family 5 of them!
If they were that desperate to match they should of purchased them!! I can imagine them begging for them! I literally can’t stand them!

Just watched her story! ‘This is what Jimmy can see? My double chin’
no Charlotte, what he can see is a fucking phone in his face!
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Chatty Member
Such nerve! So he cares more about the "hate" he gets instead of celebrating their birthday? And, your page is PUBLIC, so anybody can look at it and say anything they want, greasy fatass. If you don't like people not kissing your ass, then either make your profile private, or better yet, do us a favor and get OFF instagram. Bye
Guarantee nobody has , it will be us on here .
Noticing their shit , and not making excuses for it . You don’t like the opinion don’t read what we think. I for one am sick of these “influencers”. Really hope this lockdown puts a stop , to this inviting wannabe celebs to events to amass more free shit. They don’t need and won’t even use . Have to back to working full time then pal .
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How can they get Jimmy more active - on the beg again I see. You’ve had 4 other children, if don’t know now I don’t think you ever will. All a load of crap put on so they can get more freebies. Why does Jimmy join in with lunch? He’s 7 months, sit him outside in a high chair with some of that fruit and let him join in.
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Anyone watched the stories on their home account shopping for Tiles? Lottie is under the pram and literally reaches her hands out for Charlotte and she blanks it and goes into Jimmy. In the next story you still see Lotties hands up. My heart is breaking for that little girl. If they continue giving jimmy all the attention these four kids are going to grow up disliking him which is so unfair
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Quite Contrary

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Feel so sad for Lottie still (I secretly hope she kicked off a bit about not getting a new one - oops!), but OMG they still have the sticker on their oven!!! Has it literally never been used 😱 wasteful, greedy, boastful layabouts! I used to really like them and their content but they are the pits 😲
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I don't understand why their house is such a state?! Piles of stuff everywhere! There are cupboards in the kitchen and utility. There's 6 bedrooms of storage. What's their excuse for it?!
There's no excuse for it, they are just prime examples of lazy slobs.
Looking in from the garden yesterday it was piled high with stuff.

Maybe they need to stop accepting everything that gets thrown their way, I've never know a family have so much stuff, most is not needed. And why do they keep buying 3 of exact same thing, it's ridiculous, the girls need to share one thing, like the trikes yesterday 3 of those, why not just get one and then one of something different then they can share and take turns, we have twins in our family and they very rarely got given the exact same thing as each other.
They maybe triplets but they are also individuals, the constant dressing the same I think needs to slow down too especially Lottie as her clothes are always far too big.
I think the need to let people know they are triplets and the attention they get has completely taken over common sense, (if they had any to begin with)
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No bath..same dirty pj's but she still finds the time to take a evening walk when it's the girls bedtime! Does she realise she had 3 daughters!
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Every few pages I have to just say that this family absolutely bloody disgust me. You read on here you absolute slobs, feed your children proper food! They look so unwell and malnourished, apart from that poor baby that doesn’t get one bit of physical or mental stimulation.

The bedtime and pyjamas situation. Hyping them up, fucking moronic. Filming them every single fucking night of their lives to show strangers online, intrusive and disgusting. Putting them in thick layers of repeatedly worn pyjamas is so unhygienic and they could potentially overheat dangerously.

My house isn’t modern like theirs, it’s extremely old and doesn’t retain heat particularly well like theirs surely does. Still my children are currently wearing light cotton pyjamas with short sleeves and nothing on their feet. They have all natural breathable bedding, too. They’re all perfectly cosy. I don’t put my kids in the layers the triplets wear even in winter, they’d be boiling!
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I’ve slightly disliked the way they do certain things for a while but now that’s it. I’m done. I can’t stand them. Who the hell would do that to their child, buy their triplet sisters new prams for their birthday then line up an old one next to it for Lottie and say ‘yeah.. the old ones yours’. I know she has other presents and it’s not about the money at all but it’s just the principal and comes across as ‘Oh it’s only Lottie she can have the old one’. I don’t even have kids and I could never imagine doing that so how they can do it, show on the internet and still act all smug like they’re amazing parents is beyond me.
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Quite Contrary

VIP Member
How have the got there floor finished, social distancing and all that’s, only keep with in your house hold and all that
That floor is as ill-thought out as the girls’ top floor bedroom, it’ll get sooo slippy 🤦🏼‍♀️

Haven’t had time to watch all the stories today but FFS Alex ‘do you want a fruit pouch?’ They’re 3 next month!!!!!







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I can’t believe she’s actually sharing that info about the girls looking after Jimmy in the morning and Henry doing them all breakfast... lazy cow 🤯
"Enjoy our lazy mornings" Charlotte your whole life is lazy, get a grip. Im sorry but I have a baby 2 weeks older than Jimmy and a toddler 2 months older thab the triplets.. Id never leave my toddler alone with the baby whilst I got ready. It only takes a second for something to go wrong, especially when there's 3 of them. And why cant Alex make the girls breakfast and get them ready?
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Pink Post It

Chatty Member
At this rate, the golden child will be out of nappies before the triplets.

What an awful woman she must be to literally emotionally abandon her first born, plus triplet daughters just because she conceived naturally, popped out a 5th baby and has successfully shoved a boob in since it arrived on the planet.

She’s not worthy of the adulation and praise heaped upon her by the instaflock.
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I find their ADs so cringy and unnatural!!! I wouldn't even think about going out and buying anything that they promote. All sat on the bathroom floor talking about how bad plastic is for the environment then the next thing they'll be gifted something from little tikes that is made solely from plastic!!! Did you notice a lot of the "mum influencers" on Instagram (if that's what there called) got gifted a little tikes water table a few weeks ago literally it was all over my Instagram
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@peachy12 I think we’re all adult enough to respect people have a different opinion to ours so please don’t be worried about back’s not NetMums.... but I would love to respond to your post......whilst I used to really admire them for their parenting I have seen a huge decline in the way they parent the kids now. More so since the youngest golden boy has arrived. I’m a parent of 2. I take my hat off to anyone who has more. But this is where decent organisation and routines come into play....routine has since gone out the window since Jimmy came along! the gripes I have are ones that seem to go largely unnoticed to most followers....So I shall begin.......

the comments about keeping them warm of a night because they were prem.....are largely down to the fact they don’t want them waking up during the night and disturbing their sleep or waking up too early of a morning.

The ‘oh I’ll ask Insta for an opinion’ send me free shit posts! Completely don’t agree with these beggy posts that she puts on, in the hope of getting free stuff!

The complete lack of brand association with the companies that pay them to promote their products. Pretty sure most of the gifted items are not used to their potential and just sitting in the shithole house somewhere gathering dust. Which they then go on to sell once said child no longer has a use for it.

The way that Charlotte favours the youngest kid and doesn’t really pay much attention to the girls, especially at bedtime. I get that bedtime can be especially difficult but it comes across as being lazy that she doesn’t bother with the kids at bedtime.

Lack of hygiene......absolutely no excuse here. I saw one of the girls in her PJ’s last night and she had chocolate all round her face! It’s rare my kids don’t have a daily bath. It should be an integral part of their day, to wind down, relax and get all the muck out of them! instead of doing some stupid fucking interview on the landing, Bath your kids!!

Their complete disregard to their families safety. They run a Ltd company, their address is available on a public forum. Weird!!

The lack of home cooked meals for the kids....such a shit age for fussing! I’m going through it myself with my youngest, everything is yuck but it doesn’t stop me from making home cooked meals instead of plain pasta. I’m sure given the chance the kids would eat so much more.....and how many of your 4 kids eats 3 yoghurts in one sitting? Mine have 1 per day!!! 😂

YouTube.....was a flop before, is a flop now! They are like dogs with bones on this one and can’t see that it’s just not going to work!!

There is so much more but I think most of us here just seen how they are no longer that genuine family they once were, they are greedy, on the beg and unashamedly exploiting their children on Instagram for their own personal gain and gratification.

You could say jealousy comes into it as I’m sure most tattle haters will say we are jealous but I can wholeheartedly assure you that is not that case. Would it be nice to be sent free stuff week in week out.....yes but not that the expense of my mental health.....which you say we have an impact on and the exploitation of their dear little children! Makes me sad to be honest, really sad as to what these kids will eventually turn into? Greedy, unappreciative little brats? Hopefully not but time will tell.....
Great post 👏 👏 👏 👏, think you have said everything we are all thinking.

As for feeling sorry for them, I feel sorry for those kids and the way they are being dragged up, but no sympathy whatsoever for the 2 so called parents, they are just the pits.

I used to really like them when the girls were small, it all went wrong for me a few months before the move, when her posts changed from just the kids to daily opening free stuff, the #ad's were constant, the greed was showing.

I shall continue to say what I think, if anyone doesn't like it they don't have to read it, but as long as the misfits sell their kids, I will post.
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Came here to say this, clearly been reading and that video was purely for our benefit! Poor Lottie.
It was so obvious wasn't it. Poor Lottie, she's a clever little thing, and I think knows already her dad's a twat.
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More #gifted stuff given to the kids, why do these companies just keep giving to families that have so bloody much. The girls bags full of frozen stuff, plastic rubbish, nothing they actually want or need. The amount that these 4 kids have is disgusting.

I wonder how many kids shut up in a flat with 1 parent families who are watching every penny, would of absolutely loved to receive something like this, these GREEDbally kids get so much they don't even seem grateful or particularly happy 😔


More #gifted stuff given to the kids, why do these companies just keep giving to families that have so bloody much. The girls bags full of frozen stuff, plastic rubbish, nothing they actually want or need. The amount that these 4 kids have is disgusting.

I wonder how many kids shut up in a flat with 1 parent families who are watching every penny, would of absolutely loved to receive something like this, these GREEDbally kids get so much they don't even seem grateful or particularly happy 😔

This made me quite sad watching them get these bags when so many kids have nothing, these will grow up not appreciating anything, it just all arrives for free, awful way to bring up your kids.

Would love to see the kids packing up some of the humongous amount of toys they gave, and give them to others that are spoilt and have nothing.

Alex & Charlotte take note!
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