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The more I think about it the more I actually think that Charlotte has a lot to answer for in this situation. Mr Grabally has been very open about his mental health struggles and I think part of that is to make sure someone holds him accountable because he can see his own spiral.

This leads me to question even harder why Charlotte would think it is acceptable to leave him to flounder in the rearing of the 4 older children. Alex makes poor decisions when it comes to feeding the children, in fact a lot of his decisions are really shite. He may genuinely be doing the best he can and we don’t ever see Charlotte there to support or encourage better decisions. I don’t think she’s particularly bright but we have seen when the girls were young that she, at least, does know better so I can't understand why she is a bystander in all of this.
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This has fucked of (so sorry) mum n I..
Its Lottie again. She doesn't get a look in.
She gets the old parm no thats not right. Get her a new one aswell. She is the one who loves pushing the pram get her a new one. Or better still don't get prams. This is heartbreaking for us. Lottie is ALWAYS the one who gets pushed or left out. Her father neglects her. He posts pictures up of her when her face doesn't look good. He doesn't film her as much as the other two. You can tell Lottie senses it and thats why she turns her back on him. Lottie is freaking smart. She maybe the youngest triplets n walked late etc but she was the first one to talk. Now we love Lottie in our household she is our favourite but seeing this is making me want to unfollow but i will miss Lottie.
Its the same with the Sacconejolys we adore Eduardo n we keep looking in on Instagram n scroll through youtube he is neglect n bullied by his parents n older sister. We are also worried about Alessia at the mo too. What is wrong with parents theses days it just makes me so flipping angry.
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Alex’s latest post 🤦🏻‍♀️ I love that people are kind but there’s no need to post about you being kind so you can get all the insta loving about you being kind. Narcissistic behaviour! I feel desperately sad for anyone on their own in these awful times but imagine having those two living next door 😭
I don't believe it. What are the chances. That day the ball went over the fence and never came back was the day her mother died. Also how come he hadn't checked in with her before as we have been in lockdown for nearly 4 weeks?!
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They have had 5 kids yet don’t actually seem interested in spending any quality time with them? All they want is for them to traipse around the shops and sit in cafes. Don’t seem to just all sit together playing with toys. Of course it can get boring at times, but you don’t even seem them doing any jigsaws, puzzles l, setting up a train track, anything where they’re actually interacting.
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Alex, bath the girls. They need to be clean but they also need some wind down time for their mental health- you should be able to respect that with your own struggles. They won't sleep well if they're filthy. They don't need those fleece onesies to stay asleep, they need to be bathed, calmed and clean. Try it, I bet they sleep better.
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I can't remember exactly what day it was, but in the last few days Alex posted a video of everyone eating and said "Jimmy's got nothing". He's 2 weeks younger than my youngest and ive seen him with food once. I dont know about other parents, but I give both my kids their food at the same time to get my youngest used to eating with us all! Is she actually weaning him or does she just want him to be breastfed only for as long as possible?
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After watching her special get all your take away and wrap it in a giant nann bread. No thanks love , I shan’t be taking food, diet , exercise or weaning advice off you. You need a dietician really , can someone gift them one please ?
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Pink Post It

Chatty Member
And he’s taken a mortgage holiday. Of course he has. Because paying for anything is just not the norm for the tight-fisted Neanderthal.
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Katie 0099

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So it was top tip Tuesday and they give the kids ham and cheese for the lunch because they were filming them, todays lunch chocolate spread all round lol 😂
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So Mrs greed did a guest speak on a fitness page this morning! Why I don’t know!
But guess what she was doing??
Breastfeeding! Shock!! I really wish they’d just FUCK RIGHT OFF!
I’m sorry I’m not one to bring other women down. All for in your own time and if your happy then fuck what anyone thinks. But she’s done a guest speak on a fitness page , She doesn’t work out . She does no exercise and eats take away constantly . Since having jimmy she put more weight on than being pregnant . The both of them looking a lot bigger . The only exercise she does is that walk at night, and we all know that’s to get away from the
Girls .
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Time for the nightly pre bedtime interview and surprise, surprise, theyre wearing the same pyjamas AGAIN. How long has that been now? Theres really no excuse.
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Same Pjs as last night , what is that about I don’t get it ? Our kids strip off and stick their pjs in the wash basket . And have clean pjs every night. Bedding changed once a week, and a bath every other night . We have three soon to be four , with a husband who works full time . No help of grandparents , and a home cooked meal every evening .
I’m no super parent, and have times where I want to run and hide . But Jesus Christ , she puts zero effort into those girls now .’
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VIP Member
C has a bad night with Prince JimJim and she’s staying in bed for a lie in. Fine, I get that but a lie in till 12!!!
Poor Chezza, she does FA all day, letting her sleep in, "but she's probably looking at her phone" of course she's fucking looking at her phone, she does nothing else.

Love how Lottie continues to ignore fuckwit, think that's why he leaves her out as not so much content from Lottie as the others.

Looks like chocolate spread all round for breakfast 😡
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Same PJs on again for the girls tonight. Its so unfair on them, I know not every parent may be the same but I put my two in fresh PJs every night! Especially with it being warm at the moment, my eldest gets so sweaty over night. Those poor girls are always in the same PJs, you can see the dirt on them tonight!! And once again Charlotte is nowhere to be seen at bed time. Its so unfair how she shows them little to no attention at the moment. What happens if one of them wants their Mummy at bedtime?
I may not like Alex that much, but how he doesnt get fed up with Charlotte I dont know, he's pretty much doing everything for those other kids on his own and seems to get no time with Jimmy.
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Chatty Member
This is not on, Greasebally I know your reading. SORT IT OUT this is unacceptable, whatever your reasons or excuses or whatever just no..
Please, please, please remove the other two prams, order another on amazon prime and give them to them in a couple of days when they all have one. .
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Tattle is where people can go to discuss what they agree/disagree with on people who purposely put their lives out for the public to see (which does not always bring pats on the back)
This is here, rather than on their instagram comments, where they have to look because its directed on their page. On tattle, they do not have to look here, noone does.

Edit: this was in response to a comment that has now been deleted 🤷🏻‍♀️
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They are probably putting them in clothes they’ve been gifted.
I meant could the request smaller sizes from fine people giving the gifting. That wasn’t clear in my original message. I apologise.

I agree, poor Lottie is always going to be the odd one out, I think as they grow it will definitely be two's company three's a crowd.

Her sorry excuses for parents do nothing to make her feel special 😔 she always seems to be pushed aside for the twins, who aren't anywhere near as cute and bright as Lottie.
Please don’t be unkind about the twins appearance or intelligence. They don’t ask to be favoured.
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How had Jimmy only just come out of a newborn seat? Imagine stunting your kids development til you get something tor free. Mad.
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Pink Post It

Chatty Member
Tits Out Charlie needs to remember she has 5 kids and parenting isn’t a choice as to which one to care for at any one time.

They all need your love and care, you stupid, selfish, dumb cow.
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