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Quite Contrary

VIP Member
One wants help putting on the dirty onesie where's fucking Chezza, their mother, urghhhh she is such a lazy bitch.

And as for greaseball, I know let's put the camera right in your face and ask you stupid questions, should of asked them "av you had a barf" been playing and out for a walk (thanks to us on here), ready for bed in dirty pj's and bloody awful onesie but still no bath.

We know you both read here, well YOUR BOTH A WASTE OF SPACE AND SHIT PARENTS.
Just stumbled across those clips from last night, can you just PARENT those children please, not fucking interview them 🤪
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Isn’t one of life’s joys cuddling a freshly bath child in their PJs?

The beds broke but their been mended this is why you don't jump on the bed. The twins are very rude and bossy. Lottie is just the sweetest. But i don't understand what the twins say only Lottie.
That’s a lot of toddlers. Not trying to steer the thread but I feel uncomfortable with people putting the twins down to build Lottie up. They are all victims of their parents’ very questionable choices.
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She’ll blame their speech on being premature!! 🙄
She wouldn’t of known the state of lotties ph

Someone’s set up an account like a fan of Florence and charlottes following??????? Is t that weird 😳
They seem ok with it!? thats just fucking outrageous!
An account made by a stranger dedicated to your 3 year old
Thats weird and disgusting and id be calling the police regardless if they are showering florence with praise thats weird
Goes to show you dont know what weirdos lurking out there to get an obsession with your child!!

Hang on its an account for all of them and their fave is florence
Another where they have made a fan instagram but their “favourite” is annabella and they say shes “their girl”
thats horrific! I know we all say here lottee is our fave but im not going to be making an instagram account, copying their pictures and looking at them long enough to make collages.
Noone should call your infant daughter “my girl” unless theyre family or close friends!
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Chezza on the beg again, 5th kid and asking what should she have next for Jimmy, they must have 3 of everything, like jumparoo etc, (unless they gave sold them)

Why would any decent mum ask such a question if not in the hope she will get something #gifted. I cringe watching her beg, watch this space, let's see what appears, in the mean time they will just leave Jimmy on his back!!

If your a good girl then you can all have cuddles with Jimmy after lunch 🤮 can't they come near him otherwise Charlotte , is a cuddle with Jimmy so bloody special, he's their brother, talk about letting them know who the favorite child is, unbelievable.

Chezza you just sit in the sun drinking tea, lazy bint.

If you are reading this, are the girls going to get a barf tonight, it's been along time since the last one. 😡
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I think they said when this started , because they are preemies they are keeping them indoors. But they should also be keeping themselves indoors if that’s the case. They could quite easily carry it and bring it home. But they also had work men in the house when this first began.
I think they use the preemie explanation a lot when it doesn't seem to apply to their girls any longer? They're 3 years old with as far as we know no lasting conditions due to their prematurity. They're like any other relatively healthy kids now. My 3 year old was a 30 week preemie and we don't put millions of layers on him in case he feels the cold, or keep him completely indoors. Unforunately he has a mental delay however is physically fine, the girls seem mentally and physically well for their age? I was told that by 2 years old the health service view that they've 'caught up' and no longer considered preemies. So wondering when they will let this 'it's because they were premature!!!!!' thing go as it feels like an excuse for lazy parenting most of the time.
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Looks like take out pizza was had for tea 😡

Does Mrs Twat do anything in that shite house other than breastfeed, (yes she's still breastfeeding for those that don't know), I can't get my head around the shitty diet all those kids get fed.
I've yet to see a home cooked meal, new fancy kitchen yet lazy Mrs Twat just can't be bothered.

And there's Jimmy 🙈, still in that dam chair, he should be rolling around, trying to crawl etc now, but he's either in that chair or on her boob, 🙄

What a disfunctional family they are.
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Have you seen there new post 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ lunchtime hacks???? What are they going to hack??? How to make a cheese sandwich, how to open a bag of pom bear crisps at the right end or I know how to take your kids to Costa and let them stand on tables why you drink your hot cup of tea Seriously my little boy is so fussy but I would not be taking lunch hacks from this pair 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Charlotte put a grid post up last night about how all the older kids had a nap in the afternoon and she wished she'd joined them, or had a nap sunbathing in the garden, like she doesnt spend loads of time staying in bed, sleeping in and doing nothing anyway. She gets way more chill time than most parents I know.
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Pink Post It

Chatty Member
They put the others into their bedroom at 6 months, but she won’t give BJ (Baby JimJim) his freedom as she likes him being latched on too much and prefers not to have to get up in the night to deal with him, when she can flop one out and shut him up if he’s just next to her.

What a calibre of mother she is.
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Ulterior motive! He wanted to fuck off on his own for a 14 mile bike ride!!
Always a hidden agenda with that greaseball! 🤢

Also I used to think the colour coding was cute but it irritates me! Anyone else???!
What if they decide they don’t want that colour that day? It really defines them 🙈
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Chatty Member
They were also gifted 3 of the bigger sleepyheads for the girls which they later sold.
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I really want to email the PR teams from each brand they promote and tell them it’s put me off ever buying their products. Why are they giving to this greedy family, who reward the companies with shoddily filmed videos (Brush Box), boring content (M&S seeds) and products they never use (Ready Brek etc etc etc) 🙄
Do it, I've emailed a couple of companies for another account who is a complete fraud, one of them I used to order from but now no more.
Both replied saying sorry etc but they enjoyed working with said person.

I think we need to make our thoughts known to these companies otherwise what's the point.

The more people complain the sooner this selling shite will stop. Even after the ad, it may well make these companies think twice.
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Did you guys notice how much they went on about the pram situation yesterday? Especially Charlotte on her stories before the girls went to bed! I reckon they realised how wrong it was to purposely leave on girl out. Theyre saying they'll order another one but why didnt they do that when they first arrived?
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Ah so it’s not a new high chair they’ve just now finally managed to change to it the next level, about 6 weeks too late. Jimmy looks utterly shocked he is now sat up 😂
Yes it is a new #gifted chair 😡
So what happened to the 3 other high chairs, titface could of used, but no she kept him on his back until a #gifted one arrived.

Did you hear Henry say "we got a new goal aswell" well they said couple of weeks ago that he needs a new football goal, wants a bigger proper one. Well looks like ones been #gifted, titface quickly told him they will "do that later" probably waiting for fatso greaseball to talk about how that was #gifted.

Unbelievable, nasty greedy family, #ChildAbuse
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Quite Contrary

VIP Member
I don’t even have the energy to be annoyed at these reprobates anymore 🤦🏼‍♀️ ‘Do you want a fruit pouch?’ There is such a thing as actual fruit, you moron, like in that fruit and veg box you got!! Just feel so sorry for those girls being denied basic foods - my 2.5 year old would refuse anything like a pouch or purée and ask for an apple/banana/orange/berries 🙄
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