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How will she film their crazy late night sista antics with a head shake and look off to the side and a lip bite if she’s not staying with them?
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She’s moving to Sydney. WTF. Just get a normal job and have some stability in your life. Filming yourself about to have a panic attack in your son’s wardrobe is just such a choice. I’ll never understand these dickheads that post all this shit to social media and ruin their own lives and their kid’s lives in the pursuit of trying to be famous influencers. Just get a normal, stable job and work on your relationship with your children FFS.
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So now what happens to the young one? Fucking hell this bitch needs a good slap. What a terrible mother.
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Just so any new viewers have some context, her being an unfit mum isn’t a new thing. It started practically from the moment she got both kids back and had a chance at a do-over and fresh start. She never made the effort with them though, she was too concerned with being a “travelling designer” and trying to look like a jetsetter. These screencaps are also from last March. She had been melting down publicly for a few days, posting crying videos for attention. Which prompted multiple people to be very concerned and contact Jonny’s dad (we’re assuming). Of course she made all of that public as well because she never once prioritized her children’s well-being over her own need for attention.

P.S. this was after she dragged Jonny into school 3 days late to term because she decided flying to Canada to ride dick was more important than getting him settled into his brand new school. She couldn’t even bother to get his school supplies or uniforms sorted until that morning. She then pulled him out of school a couple of times to go with her to Sydney for meetings because she thought that was more important than his education.


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Smug Crystal has entered the chat. She’s woken up in Bali feeling froggy. Telling her lies and promising to burn everything to the ground and not let anyone silence her any more!

‘I make a really great income, I don’t even talk about how much money I make’ - you just had to buy a used laptop, bitch! You couldn’t put a roof over your head if you didn’t have a flatmate! YOU FUCK OLD MEN FOR MONEY. Psycho lunatic.
She seems VERY triggered by something or someone!!
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I hope she is planning on reconfiguring the prices of her retreats if they will only run on school holidays. It's more expensive and much busier, especially in Bali hotspots.

Also, am I recalling correctly that she made a big deal about the retreat not being twin share? I'd be fucking filthy if I showed up and had to share with a stranger with no warning after being promised otherwise.
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She would have an easier and healthier and successful existence with Lithium.

This is no hate. I have an easier and healthier existence with Vyvanse
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Can buy 20 fake designer hats but can’t buy herself a laptop case to protect it from the rain.
Can pack 10 fake designer hats but only one pair of shoes.
Nobody can accuse Crystal of using her head.

I’m guessing the trip home either has something to do with that “hard” meeting she had or it’s to get a new laptop. Or maybe get some money from mum and dad to be able to pull off the retreat? She’s covering for whatever it is by saying it’s because she misses her kids. Not a chance. Beside, I think I remember her saying London was going to be in Melbourne for the whole month preparing for his competition.

And what the fuck is this "leadership role" that she "used to do" that she keeps talking about??? Girl is trippin.
WHO doesn't have a protective cover for their laptop?!!!!! That's just crazy; it could be damaged in so many ways, let alone by rain! 🤦‍♀️ And I was going to say the same thing @EveryDaysASoulDay, she brings 20,000 hats & ONE pair of shoes for ONE month?!! Unbelievable.

I wonder if that "hard meeting" had to do with the upcoming retreat. Wasn't there some woman who put it all together for her or something?

She just doesn't know how NOT to lie. And expects us to be stupid enough to believe it. Trying to say she's going home because she just misses her kids sahhhh much. When EVERYTHING she's been exclaiming over since she got there is how happy & free & relaxed she is now that she's there?

And that whole "leadership" thing is a bunch of crock. Wasn't her mental breakdown in Feb or March? When she said she is now going to be "spirit led" about everything now???
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Thanks for posting that link! As usual, she’s being shady as fuck about the money.
At the top of the checkout page it says it an all-inclusive trip for $990. At the bottom she makes it intentionally less noticeable and quite confusing by stating in much smaller print that “todays payment” is $990 and under “future payments” two monthly payments at $990. Is that two payments total or two additional payments, Crystal? Why not be clear? Is the cost of the trip $990 or 2 x $990 or 3 x $990?

Sleazy scammer!

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Surely by now she has to know that people are realising she is full of shit. Every post is about how incredible her life is, followed by a post about how the ‘incredible’ time was the worst time of her life. It’s fucking weird man, make up your mind
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I just listened to daily bailey, and it was riveting as usual, not. She touched on the Pvt Investigator revealing 'those women' who have been trolling her for the past 2.5 yrs and her friend for 7 yrs. She knows who they are, and she has asked them to stop because it's not in her to name and shame and hurt them. I'm sure someone will download the reels into here but what a load of crap. She scrolls through tattle on the reel and says she was shocked as its friends of hers.
her eyes are darting all over the place in that Dailey blah, covering her face a lot too, all those classic tell tale signs of a liar. My favourite part was when she said that it’s not a monetary thing for her. So she isn’t charging people to go to Bali with her?
Is liela the friend that’s been trolled for seven years? She broke as fuck, no way she has paid for a PI.
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It’s bizarre, isn’t it?? Even more bizarre that she thinks people are going to buy it when she’s never mentioned it before.
It’s as if all of the sudden she’s got this parallel universe running in her head where she has actually accomplished something. Either that or she’s told a lie about her credentials to someone she wants to work with and thinks if she just throws it out there now in casual conversation as if it’s true they’ll believe her. Who knows what’s going on in that chaotic head of hers. The ease with which she lies is disturbing.
I wouldn’t mind betting the “leadership role” she’s referring to is herself mentoring women via her Instagram stories. She’s so deluded that she probably thinks her time spent “taking a break from social media” was her stepping down from a leadership position. 🤣
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Did anyone notice in this video that the 12 projects she’s showcasing are literally the only projects she’s ever show on her Instagram, resharing the same ones every now and then? Proof that she’s only had max 12 clients her whole career! And not all would have been paying, as we know most of those she has said were jobs she did for free, and one is her sisters house. 🤣


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He hasn’t died. She can still make the effort to call him regularly, have him on holidays, go visit him instead of extended holidays in Bali. She mentioned in another clip she had to pack up his room which I thought was really strange, you could keep his room for him to come visit. Is she not planning on making any effort to see him, or does he not want to see her?
On another note can you imagine the nightly performance of her singing to them. Massive eye roll.
Edited to add - plus she made a big deal about working from anywhere, that’s got to be easier than working at a theme park but I doubt we will get any stories showing that.
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Jonny seemed to be a pretty sensitive and mature-beyond-his-years kid. Of course this is complete conjecture on my part but I’m assuming that even if he couldn’t articulate it (but perhaps he could) I’m sure he could feel that mum was always putting her whims before his needs. Which would be destabilizing for anyone but especially for a 13 yr old. I’m with @tictactoehighandlow, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it came out eventually that he asked to go back to Tamworth. I don’t feel the least bit sorry for her but I do feel awful for him. Every single day that she had them with her was a new opportunity to wake up and try to do the right thing by those children. What is that, about 500 chances? And she pissed them all away.
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A woman less than an hour from Crystal will soon have to pack up her child's room, because, yesterday, her ex-partner killed them and then himself. She doesn't seem to comprehend that there are levels to the human experience.

I'm not suggesting what Crystal is doing is easy for anyone, but this performative content around tragedy in her life is so toxic.
That tragic news update, what an absolutely horrendous event for the mothers and for that community.

Crystal on the other hand might have pangs in her heart, but like you say it’s the performance and the sharing on the internet. It’s like she read here and wanted to update us as she answered literally every comment made yesterday. She’s puts her self above her children’s privacy every day. But hey, it’s proven by the children wanting nothing to do with her what type of mother she really is.
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You know, this post ... I’m torn. It’s a sweet gesture.
On the one hand it’s lovely that Crystal’s mum appears to be a million times more caring than she has ever bothered to be with her own kids. On the other hand it’s nauseating to me that her own parents, the people whose literal responsibility it is to have tough conversations with her and hold her accountable, seem to constantly smooth over her heinous behaviour. Maybe, mama Bailey, it’s way past time to stop blowing smoke up your grown daughters ass, hey?

She’s not incapacitated, she’s quite functional. She is surprisingly resourceful and manages to make lots of frivolous self-serving shit happen in her life. Just not the things that actually count. Like fulfilling her responsibilities to her kids and making them feel unconditionally loved and secure. Maybe mum and dad coddling her has only enabled her really horrid fucking treatment of her own kids? Maybe you constantly indulging her selfishness and irresponsibility has led her to believe that you endorse it? Maybe you not having frank and hard conversations with her has enabled the child abuse of your own grandchildren, have you thought of that? She is most definitely not a bright thread to her kids, she does not weave strength and beauty into every moment for them. She undermines their peace and sense of self. She emotionally abuses them, no two ways about it, and they will hurt from that abuse for the rest of their lives. Period. If you love your grandkids it’s time to stop placating her.


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