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So, she has moved to Brisbane. Wow! How the hell do you walk away from your children so easy. She uses 'Spiritually led' for every excuse under the sun. You lost your sons due to being a lousy mum. Parenting is a hard gig and there are easy and hard times, but the eldest boy is a teenager and that's a hard enough age to be without his mum. How often will she see him now? and what about London, will he be a whim visit? I'm glad for the boys sake they have their dads, she's not a fucking mothers arse that's for sure.
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He must be rich or she wouldn't waste her time.
Haha. If she were smart she would only go for wealthy men since that’s the only way she will ever have any stability in her life, considering she can’t keep her shit together for more than a fortnight. Since she was so desperate for a man that she made sure to tell everyone that she lowered her standards to backtrack and swipe right on lettuce guy with the platform sneakers, I think there is an equal chance that she has fallen in love with a local who drives tourists around on scooters for a living. I think anyone who can put up with her incessant talking about herself has a decent shot, tbh.
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When I started my business 10 years ago at 29 years old, I was a single mum that had just $10 in my bank
Oh. You mean that business called Design Twins, that was named that because you started it with your husband, and you always called each other ‘twinny’ because you were so much alike?

When I walked away from all of that
Oh. You mean when you were dragged away from the store and thrown in jail and then the psyche ward because you attacked your husband with a knife? When you were thrown out of the business by a judge and were broke, had your car repo’d and kicked out of your home because you were burning through money you didn’t have? Is that what we’re calling “walked away from” now?

Crystal Bailey - lies like a rug. If she’s talking she’s lying.
She was literally dragged away from the store? When did all the stealing happen, when people paid for the products and never received them? And when was the period she lost her license due to drunk driving? I can't keep all these facts straight, there's been so much! 🥴😵💫
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“I’m not saying it’s bad to have a job but” I’m just going to shit on everyone who works at bunnings. There’s no way she could hold down a job like that, showing up consistently on time, working cooperatively as part of a team, she wouldn’t last a week. People who hold down steady jobs she thinks are beneath her are doing much better in life than she is, she’s just too narcissistic to see it.


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Crystal is trying on Leila’s signature camera angle and heavy filter to make herself look thinner and prettier.
Now that there are no kids in the house she’s going to be going full bore on finding a man to latch onto.
Get ready for the thirst traps. She’s already gotten a fresh weave, looks like she may have even upgraded from her highly flammable extensions to something resembling actual hair this time.

(Which reminds me, no other mention of the “beautiful man” she fell in love with in Bali. I guess he couldn’t stand the sound of her nonstop running her mouth after all.)


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I can't keep up with her. Is she having a mental breakdown? There is something seriously going on with her, everything she is throwing out there seems to be a call of desperation. Shes jumping from pillar to post with these eat pray shit retreats, the mentoring and leadership roles, I feel she needs to get help mentally.
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They’ve already had a couple of women remove their accounts. Sure thing!
Funny, I haven’t noticed any absences, but OK 👍😉

Tell me, princess, if you haven’t had direct contact with these so called friends of yours then who exactly confronted them that resulted in getting their accounts removed?
And if you have the ability to confront tattlers directly then why bother with a public appeal?
(P.S. we know you throw this tattle tantrum every time you’re deep in mania and have fucked up some area of your life. You’re as predictable as a clock 🥱)

I just wanna know who said she had Lego eyebrows because I don’t recall that one 😂
Hahaha I thought I had missed Lego eyebrows too. Good one Crystal.

Nothing she says makes any sense. Big meltdown imminent and again she’s wasting precious limited headspace focusing on Tattle. If it was the best month of your life would you be so hellbent bringing more attention to a silly little internet site like this?
Is she telling her soul sistas that her PI is onto whoever is telling whatever has gotten under her skin this time?

i still want to know who the day care centre owner is 😂
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Asked if you could join their conversation? 😬 And now you’re having dinner with them?
Or - you didn’t wait to be invited into their private conversation, pushed yourself in on them and now they’re forced to include you in their dinner plans because you’re stuck like Velcro?


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Oh fuck me. 😂 So Leila spearheaded hiring a private investigator over the last few years to reveal their nemesis’? This dumbass has no earthly idea how many tens of thousands of dollars hiring a private investigator would cost, clearly! 🙄

This is going around the dodgy influencer world again, like it did previously, claiming that a P.I. has been hired and they now know the identities and an expose is imminent. Anna Rose Richards did it the other day. Yawn.

I’ll pop the videos up shortly … stay tuned …
Since you asked so nicely you crack head?! Ill delete my account. Nahhhhht.

Stop scamming people, look after your kids and we might not talk about you dipshit.
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The PI thing is so weird. I don’t believe it for a second, and also don’t believe they can find the identity of anyone. But if they did and could, then what? It’s not a crime to make commentary online (aka share your thoughts) on what a public figure is sharing
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I definitely think the builder expected more for their money. I think in Crystal’s mind she thought she could knock out a quick day’s work with no preparation, forethought or follow through, throw up some half-assed reels and not think about it again. Because in her mind this all fell in her lap from god because she wanted money for her trip, it wasn’t a serious business commitment. It never occurs to her that the people who pay her to promote their company expect her to execute deliverables with professionalism and integrity. It’s all just money that god makes appear for her because she deserves it, for being spirit led.

Everything she posted last evening was pre-recorded and were re-posts from the day of the tours so I’m anxious to see exactly what she needs to be going home for. She could have released all of her pre-recorded stuff from Bali, why is she going to the expense of flying home? If she doesn’t release new tours then she’s using this as an excuse to cover for some other stuff-up also.
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She’s going to talk and talk and talk repetitively until their ears bleed and their brains explode she is the epitome of ‘empty vessels make the most sound’ they need that woman from Bisque in Bangalow (I think ?) who messaged her saying ‘I’ve never met anyone who talks as much as you’ and as usual she completely turned it around and took nothing in.
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She's all smiles and poses when they're participating in content. Wonder what the "spirit-led" decisions look like when a camera isn't recording them; my guess is it looks frustrated, lacks emotional regulation, and is very hands-off.

She's disgraceful, and obviously it's too late now, but she should never have had children. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is know that parenthood is not for you.
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Ahhh. She must have been evicted last week with that message from her landlord because her lease isn’t up until October. This woman is 40 yrs old and getting her ass evicted. Good god what a loser.

She’s heading off to Sydney this week because she’s got “an incredible partnership”? Surely she’s not talking about CryptoBro Joe? She’s literally just met him. And surely she’s not introducing her kids to him already.

Also, did you notice she said she’ll still be going to Byron every second weekend? So she has “designed her life to work and live anywhere”, in fact already had an established home there, and yet chooses to move away from her youngest son and only see him once a month. Worthless. Time after time she chooses to be as far away from her kids as possible.
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