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VIP Member
Your in England? If so she should contact the local council every child is entitled to a nursery place for pre school. The early years dept of education would help her find a place.
She has contacted them it’s an ongoing battle. They can only “guarantee” him a place when he’s 4.
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VIP Member
Wasn't it said here that the vaccines hadn't caused any confirmed deaths of children?

A freedom of information request and a reply from the ONS says different.
I'm assuming they're a trustworthy source?

Meanwhile, there have been 0 deaths for under 24yr olds due to covid

Can you find anything for stillbirths for this year ? I couldn't .
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You or anyone else doesn’t know indefinitely that the vaccine made it feel like a mild cold to him, or if he would of felt like it was a mild cold anyway. Yes the vaccine has reduced overall hospitalisation and severity of covid disease but many people unvaccinated have also felt their experience with covid has been like a mild cold. Everyone’s experience is unique.
I’m simply stating what he said. Taking into account his age, the vaccine most probably did lessen the severity of Covid-19.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
I like to think of us as pure bloods 💪🏼

On another note though, now that the boosters are available for over 40’s does that mean anyone who doesnt take the booster will classed as unvaccinated in the death tolls? Wonder if we see a huge surge of “unvaccinated” deaths at in the winter but its actually double jabbed who have refused boosters. Does anyone know how the stats will be counted?
I call myself free range cluck cluck lol
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I'm sure that this is the reason why cases are soaring.
As it stands any double vaccinated person doesn't have to isolate if someone in their house had covid.

So I could be double vaccinated and sleeping with my double vaccinated covid postive husband coughing in my face every night, or my covid postive child who I'm comforting, but I can then go to work because I'm double vaxxed.
I then have a 50/50 chance of passing that on based on vaccine statistics.
If I'm not vaccinated though I have to remain at home, with zero chance of passing the virus on.

To then say that no one vaccinated has to isolate when they test positive just beggars belief!

I'm no scientist, but even I can work that one out!
If you are double vaccinated and someone close to you tests positive, the most sensible thing to do would be to do an LFT/PCR. Of course if that comes back positive you would have to isolate regardless of vaccine/no vaccine.

To be fair, you're meant to get a PCR test if you've been in contact with someone who's tested positive when you're double jabbed and only go to work if the test is negative.
I have been notified as being someone who came into contact with a person who tested positive. First thing I did was an LFT as well as a PCR. Both were negative.
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VIP Member
Horrific. My midwife was off the other day and the replacement one said "Can I ask you why you won't have the COVID vaccine" and I said "No" and you'd think I'd just shot her in the face. She then replied "Well you'll have to accept that we will ask you everytime" so I said "And you will have to accept that it won't change my mind" and to that one you'd think I'd shot her child in the face.

I could sit for 10 years and try and discuss it with her and her opinion will remain the same, as will mine. Floors me that they still believe bullying you will get them anywhere.

How about my choices over my body and my baby are none of your business. Sure, maybe it is your job to 'advise' but once I've said no - no means fucking no.
To be fair I think what she was getting at is if you give a reason they will stop repeatedly asking you. She will have a form to complete.

I refused some testing whilst pregnant, and once I explained it was noted and I wasn’t asked and again and patient choice respected.
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Chatty Member
I have been quite vocal on here in the past about my opinions but I want to make this objective and say I haven't read each of these reports and so it is possible that some/several/I don't know were related to the vaccine and have been confirmed as such by medical professionals. As stated before I do accept that some people have died because of it but I was only aware of a very small number in the media, etc.

However one of the stories towards the top of the linked article is about a footballer who has died suddenly and whose cause of death has not been confirmed. But the story then releases statements from his old club including 'it's ok not to be ok' and 'talking doesn't make you any less of a man'. As far as I'm concerned there is only one conclusion that can be drawn from that and it's not that it was due to the vaccine.

I've done a lot of research into sudden cardiac death in adults as it actually happened in my close family; sadly young fit athletes have always been prone to this due to conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; this has happened disproportionately long before Covid
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VIP Member
Van Tam confirmed today they will be looking at vaccinating younger kids once the JCVI have more data but couldn't give a date.
Looking into it, and licensing a vaccine for pre schoolers…and then a book seemingly brainwashing young children into having a mythical licensed covid vaccine are two very different things.
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VIP Member
I didn't think anything that woman murphy said was lies the same was said this morning by the chair of the HSE and he wasn't run out of town .
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VIP Member
You are the one who brought up charging, I just commented on your hypothetical scenario.

yes the different brands may be slightly different but generally speaking if someone gets 3 covid vaccines they’re all the same they aren’t tweaked for different variants of covid, they are the same vaccine whereas the flu vaccines are tweaked each time for combating different strains of flu.
Well, I didn't actually, it was EmilyChambers. I, too, commented on her hypothetical scenario.

But yes, it's possible to have all three jabs the same, as each one stimulates your immune system to protect itself against the virus.

I understand they're doing research and trials into future covid vaccines being used against different strains which would make sense. I think someone who posted here has been part of trials, hopefully they'll clarify.
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I certainly don't respond to those (because I don't believe them) but I do respond to everyone who says they have covid or a loved one passed from covid.

I've noticed you don't respond to any vaccine deaths or injuries at all but will respond to all covid deaths or members with covid even if they say they are fine.
I have responded, surely you don’t keep watch over me to know. Many of the articles posted about deaths don’t state the cause of death … yet people attribute vaccines without even knowing.
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VIP Member
I wonder what the headlines for the covid medications will read in decades to come
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