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VIP Member
I was pregnant when the vaccine came out and basic common sense told me to keep that shit the fuck away from my bloodstream. If Jesus himself came down and told me to get the vaccine I'd have still refused it. Definitely wasn't listening to a bunch of brainwashed Pfizer shills.
I was the pregnant when it came out too. One week I was told not to have it off the midwife and then about 2 weeks later I was told it was safe and to get it. I didn't. How can they claim it's safe within 2 weeks???
I had a lot of arguments with family about it, not protecting my unborn child etc. My partner didn't want the vax either so didn't get it.
In the end we all caught covid when my daughter was just turning 1, my partner had it really mild, it was just a cold to him, my daughter had it for literally a day and I came off worse with maybe 3/4 days of being unwell. But my immune system was through the floor because of anemia and breastfeeding. Still wouldn't take it if I was asked again!
(Didn't actually test my daughter but think it was safe to assume that because we were both positive and she was unwell she probably was too)
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I hope she recovers, but I'm just surprised India was the only one to demand their own safety tests before signing the contracts.

Pfizer decided to pull out entirely when it would have made them millions more..

Ho hum maybe it's because like Africa they actually remember being experimented on without consent.

Pretty sad: “My life will go anyway someday,” Hira Bai, a mother of three, said sardonically. “I went because of the greed of 750 rupees, anyway we are used to dying … my life has no value.”

£7.47 in Pounds.
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Tbf a lot of people had that choice taken away if they were to stay in employment and support their families.
True, but those of us against the vaccine were always in the minority. My husband, the sole provider was pressured to get the vaccine. We have children to provide for too but to us, how could we lay on our deathbed and say to our grandchildren we rolled over and accepted tyranny.

Yes people would have suffered for standing up for their rights but to let yourself be injected against an illness that was killing 0% of healthy people is a step too far.

I think if you're in a situation where someone is saying "inject this new syrup or you're fired", that is a clear red flag that something is really not right. Just like the bribery of free burgers, a vaccine so heavily pushed onto people should make the right-minded person run away as fast as they can.

But my heart breaks for the children forced to get vaccinated by their parents. Volunteering your own offspring for an experimental vaccine against a non-fatal illness is not something I can understand.
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So many older people I know or know of have had mysterious anaemia or other blood related issues since getting the vaccines all of whom don’t appear to have any specific causes for any of these health issues . It’s worrying but none of them want to think about the vaccine causing these problems so what can you do except hope it doesn’t get worse for them
Same here. My mum has had many, ongoing problems after her one and only including suddenly being anaemic but also my dad who sailed through his 5 or 6 I've lost count is also now anaemic for the first time in his life and they both need b12 injections as do many of their friends.
These things that we are seeing in our loved ones and acquaintances plus thyroid, recurring and sudden advanced cancers, strokes and heart problems, neurological problems and even eye issues are too widespread to be a coincidence imo.
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The Pussy cat doll singer in the snippet above mentioned that it was removed following one death....

I'm just surprised the the eyedrop patients have not told been told it's all in their head. o_O
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I only mention the sudden deaths because we don’t know for sure either way, it’s a hot topic even in the medical world .I’ve lost count of how many young sudden deaths have been reported here, it’s something future generations may be able to answer as we’re still very much in the keep quiet or be ridiculed phase of the vaccine question , but I’m sure everything will make sense one day.
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Iconic Member

We do actually know what's in the *fast tracked fuck knows what was in it* vaccine.

Hope that helps hun.

"The full quantitative composition of each COVID-19 vaccine is exempt under Section 41* and Section 43* of the FOI Act."

View attachment 2108346

View attachment 2108355

View attachment 2108353
*Credit Jonathan Weissman
yeah share that with the people I’ve met who have had reactions to the vaccine, or had family members end up in hospital straight after getting it and die within weeks or go so downhill they don’t recognise them anymore.

On a side note, to lighten the mood……
you really “hun’ed” me 😂😂 well that’s a blast from the past.
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Chatty Member
I’m sure I read Pfizer and Moderna are being discontinued in the US in favour of the new Bivalent vaccines, how will they know what vaccine caused what ailment if they’re mixed?
i think its deliberate mixing brands, types, versions makes it harder to link any problems back to the vax
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This was scoffed at on here as a conspiracy theory.
Not as exciting as a sick 🤢 emoji ☺

I wonder how those (unvaccinated )in Esters situation felt to hear those words 😕 life has a way of biting you on the arse.
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Hi everyone! I’ve applied for vaccine damage payment as I’ve had 3 doses of Pfizer and since I’ve had my covid vaccines I’ve had muscle spasms in both my top arms and my legs go to sleep frequently, and I had none of this before the covid vaccine. I didn’t want the covid vaccine in the first place but my dad told me to get me as otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to go on holiday as dad was worried they might not have let me go on the plane if I didn’t have it as we were going to Greece in 2022. I regret having it but had it to keep my family happy. My children will not be having it. I have had vaccines when I was a baby and high school and never had any problems like this.
How does that work, does a medical professional have to refer you or is it self referral? I hope you’re successful in your claim .
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I really don't think mask mandates will ever come back in the UK or Ireland. Here in Ireland, the head of the nurses' union kept calling, all through Winter, for masks to be mandated again, and the government refused. The mandate is gone from healthcare settings here now, as well, since mid April.
I hated masks, I just couldn't breathe in them, I got in trouble at work for not wearing one, scolded by someone who constantly wore hers slung under her nose 🙄 I think that's what I hated the most, the stupidity of it! Like a stupid visor, or a cloth pulled out of a pocket, was going to be hygienic!
My friend worked in TK Maxx, and they were told by management not to tackle any customers not wearing masks, as it wasn't worth the hassle.
That was one of the awful things about mask mandates, that minimum wage staff were expected to police it, at first.
Didn't you find though you would always get some jobsworth who would take great pleasure in pulling you up on not wearing a mask. I really think covid brought out the worst in people, it made alot of people feel superior and powerful and they made it their whole personality. They would grass on their neighbour's or pull people up for not social distancing or wearing a mask, clap for the NHS every week then talk shit about people who didn’t, vilified people for not taking the vaccine or for not taking the pandemic seriously enough. Now people act like nothing has happened and all is forgotten but Ill never forget some of the people that gave me shit.
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So sad. I thought the vax companies were given immunity of all legal liability (🚩) and so any payout would come from the taxpayers?
Yeah it’s hard to work out the legal standpoint when it comes to these vaccines. Looks like the MSM are trying to scapegoat AstraZeneca which is interesting because all of the vaccine manufacturers cause similar injuries. They all need suing imo.
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Hey Hey…here from another thread. Was browsing different forums. Happy and blessed to say I am a tin foil hat wearing non covid vaxxed human! ❤ Honestly, I have yet to run into another that has said, Dang It! I really regret not getting that booster.
Greetings fellow tin foiler.


There's a few of us here thankfully and we do seem to have survived the UK's £530million pound covid vaccine advertising spree.

Only £184 million in the first year.

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So many people with cancer recently. My girls great nan passed away in October from an aggressive untreatable cancer, a mum from school has bowel cancer, a friend had lung, mum has it in breast/lymph, my Aunty has untreatable leukemia and there's a lady in mum's village who also has breast cancer.
My circle is quite small so to be aware of so many and in such a short space of time is awful.
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