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VIP Member
Tbh, I just think you're someone who wants that lifestyle and you live through the Instagrammers you follow.
95% of your posts on Tattle are questioning how someone can afford the things they show in their life. Or insisting that the people aren't as rich as they appear.
You're obsessed with other people's wealth and whether they're 'rich' or not 🤷🏻‍♀️

Just over a year ago you said you lived in a flat, now own some expensive house and your business was just starting up but within a year, you earn 50k after expenses.
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What’s wrong with my attitude I’m just being honest on the type of life I desire and quite frankly I make no apologies for it !
the thought of wearing primark and driving a focus give you anxiety? And you wouldn’t want to be with someone earning, what I consider a decent wage. But it’s all about the money. Not falling in love and being with someone because of them. But by what their bank balance says
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Doing something you love its great but ultimately I still think you need to think of finances and for you future , are you happy to work until your practically dead (no one will be able live off the state pension that’s even if there will be one in future or unless your going to inherit enough ) , also you need atleast a million budget to live somewhere half decent that’s close enough to London ( for a 4 bed family home in a nice area) , depends what you want in life but nice house, nice car , holidays and private school fees ( all fairly normal and fair goals people aspire to have ) all add up financially and just being in a job that makes you happy , with no real long term earning potential won’t get you that !
I've never met anyone with or without kids who's goal it was in life to send their kids to a private school.
Doesn't mean you'll end up any better either.
Half the people you look down on probably went to a private school.
I worked in a supermarket and knew of 5 that were privately educated. All had lower grades than me, had worse education imo.
And all did coke/drugs 🙃

Majority of people want to live as far away from London as possible too!
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I’m not a troll im just stating the things I desire in life !


About 50k at the moment after advertising costs , it’s a part time lifestyle business for me as I have my child now (not MLM) , I do it around my child but my ambition and goal is it to grow it further once she starts nursery the ultimate goal is a six figure lifestyle business and in the longer term (10 year plan) grow it further to sell for enough money as part of my retirement for the future . My husband is the main earner in our household by far , fortunately most of my income is mostly disposable but I am saving and investing for the future which I think is so important no matter what you earn ( I believe everyone should aim to have at least a years salary put away just in case of a rainy day/emergencies and I think this is something we should now teach in schools ) , anyway to be honest a six figure household income is not enough these days after the ridiculous amount of tax you have to pay especially living London / Bucks and if you want to have a nice lifestyle 😡 … I also like eating out a lot ( but I don’t go into Mayfair/ central london so much now as I have little one so that’s helped me save more), and I like holidays nothing wrong with UK breaks if it’s in a nice place with nice accommodation ( not sure I could do camping though! ) but I just find the weather unpredictable here and it is nice to just get out the country I think a few times a year if you can , my biggest expenses are eating out , holidays , and other little things like nails and hair and Botox lool but all adds up , I’m actually not too fussed about designer clothes ( and yes I hate big labels that show, I do think that’s tacky unless your a footballer or sports person ) but I admit I love designer handbags ! In short , we are not super rich in case anyone is wondering, but I would say top 10% as a household income, his family though are millionaires with multiple assets so he will inherit a fair bit. I would actually class myself as quite down to earth I just like luxury things and I like talking about money and goals as does my husband he is extremely driven to be financially successful. I don’t need a Ferrari / Lamborghini but I don’t want to go back to having a basic car, I’m not criticising anyone else who maybe happy to drive a Ford / Skoda etc , I just would not really want to go back to that personally and nothing wrong with low paid work if that’s what people do I would just struggle to have the lifestyle I wanted, if to say we earned say a joint income of 50k a year as a family

Ffs I think your over thinking it now , yes who’s to say what’s a nice car mayb

not true I don’t care so long as people work and are not expecting to live off benefits their whole life (unless they are genuinely sick) , my point is the lifestyle people want and if you think you can be happy earning minimum wage / lower paid work and if you would be happy to be with someone who was content with that , I’m not bragging about anything I’m just responding to the person asked if I drive an Audi !
After reading this, I’m just gonna come out and say it
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Hope you never end up in a care home needing the minimum wage care staff to wipe your rich ass for you…

maybe they’ll use gold lined toilet paper imprinted with little Porsches just for you.
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Tinkerbell cat

VIP Member
This thread honestly 🤦🏻‍♀️

We are in a “minimum wage” family, I’m 32 and have gone back to uni to train to be a nurse. My husband is self employed and has a small business with his dad. We have a 15 month old who wants for nothing, and dressed head to toe in primark and sainsburys.

We laugh everyday, we are excited for our annual Cornwall caravan trip. If someone asked me what my dream car was, I wouldn’t even know where to start as I literally couldn’t give a monkeys as long as it drove and it was safe.

I feel like I’ve won the lottery of life and it’s never had anything to do with the amount of money I or my husband earns. I would never ever swap this for a Rangerover or a designer bag, not in a million years.
That is the most important thing. I feel the same way in my relationship with my partner and its always been like that. We smile, laugh and joke everyday and after all these years we are still best friends regardless. Two weeks ago we went for a drive round the coast, got fish & chips & ate it in the car then went into the amusements were he won me a key ring lol, that is happiness, the simple things in life 💕
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I work an office job, Mon-Fri 9-5, £26k. I was previously a supervisor in my current department but my mental health couldn't cope with it so I stepped back down. I am so much happier now and have no ambitions to step back up. My job allows me to clock off at 5 and enjoy my life without worry or stress. I could earn another £3-4k if I chose but my happiness is more important.

My wife worked in a supermarket when we first got together, then switched to working in a care home just before Covid struck. She worked relentlessly through the pandemic, despite hating every moment of it. Last year she'd had enough and we agreed she would hand in her notice, without having a job to go to. Her mental health was more important to us, even though we knew that we would struggle a lot without her income. Luckily she got a job fairly quickly, she earns £20k and she is HAPPY! She occasionally has the choice of overtime, maybe one weekend a month, which she does and adds to our savings account.

Basically, we could both choose to go and find jobs that earn more but we are happy. We both finish at 5pm and can spend our evenings/weekends together. We don't want foreign holidays, prefer holidays in this country with our dogs. We both want the same in life.

I would rather be without someone that is happy in their life and wants to spend time with me, than someone who earns more but spends all their time working.
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I probably wouldn't mind as long as they worked full time and worked hard. The work ethic is more important to me than the job itself.

I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who couldn't be bothered to work, or who worked part time when they didn't need to.

Sometimes lack of ambition can be laziness, but other times it can just be because the person loves their current job and doesn't want all the shit that comes from higher ranking jobs. I do sometimes wonder if I made the right decision heading into a management grade, because more of my job seems to be managing other people (some of whom are lazy) than just getting on with the work. I can understand why that puts some people off progressing.
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VIP Member
Doing something you love it great but ultimately I still think you need to think of finances and for you future , are you happy to work until your practically dead (no one will be able live off the state pension that’s even if there will be one in future or unless your going to inherit enough ) , also you need atleast a million budget to live somewhere half decent that’s close enough to London ( for a 4 bed family home in a nice area) , depends what you want in life but nice house, nice car , holidays and private school fees ( all fairly normal and fair goals people aspire to have ) all add up financially and just being in a job that makes you happy , with no real long term earning potential won’t get you that !
Would rather be skint and happy than have money and be uptight and looking down on people 👍🏼
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It's also mid day on a Monday. Anyone earning a 6 figure salary is generally working and not sat on Tattle commenting on Ford focuses. Unless you're on maternity leave
Or you're a lazy skiving bastard like me...
Wait, do pence and the decimal point count as part of the 6 figures?
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VIP Member
Yuck to that I

Good for him I just would not want to go back to driving a Toyota personally , I simply prefer ranges / Porsche 4x4 cars now even though I said to my husband I really don’t want a big car and was scared to drive them first especially around london ! Really don’t see what the big deal is , never claimed to say I can buy a Ferrari / Lamborghini or wan one, my husband does though as he loves cars and his dad has a Ferrari and spends hours looking at cars and going to car shows together ( that’s nope my thing) , one of his goals to own a super car one day… suppose this will anger the snow flakes in here too !
People thinking you're a snob and judgemental ect doesn't make them snowflakes 😂
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Just read this whole thread after replying. F me 😂 you sound like a prick. I normally find the ones driving focus’ happier than those with hefty mortgages and driving range rovers happier and content because they’re not constantly living beyond their means. I’ve got friends who live that lifestyle of giant Audis, always eating out and drinking at fancy bars and restaurants and they’re mostly always maxed out on credit and worried about money and needing more and more. It’s like people who wear designer stuff, who is it really for? Mostly to impress others and convince people they’re well off hence why loads of idiots buy counterfeit 🫣
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As in range was my second car and now I drive the a Porsche ! The range was my first luxury car was the point I’m trying to make and even though I miss the Toyota I would fine it really hard going back to a basic brand !
You must drive like a twat with the amount of cars you’ve gone through 😂
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I have traditionally always been with partners who had money. It was a requirement of mine. Long story short, all those relationships didn’t work and they treated me terribly.

Fast forward now, I’m about to marry the love of my life, he works a manual job, and earns less than me. He has no desire to change his job. There is no progress there eother

But He is hard working in what he does, loves his job and his work mates and is so so mentally happy and goes to work every day smiling.

I encourage him to be ambitious in his happiness not his career and I help and encourage him to follow his interests and enjoy his hobbies. He in turn is emotional and physically so supportive of me and my mental needs my and everything else.

We have a beautiful house, which is majority paid for by me, but he makes it a home with the love and happiness he’s given to me and my kids.

So yes, I could and will marry someone with less money than me and I’m going to be so happy doing it.
But you do you! But be happy first and foremost
What you said about him going to work every day smiling and loving his job - I think that's absolutely priceless. Obviously nobody wants to be living on the breadline but having a happy partner is so important! You could have a partner who earns £200k a year, hates their job and has a nervous breakdown and goes on long-term sick from the stress of it - then what are you going to do?!
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As in range was my second car and now I drive the a Porsche ! The range was my first luxury car was the point I’m trying to make and even though I miss the Toyota I would fine it really hard going back to a basic brand !
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Active member
I have traditionally always been with partners who had money. It was a requirement of mine. Long story short, all those relationships didn’t work and they treated me terribly.

Fast forward now, I’m about to marry the love of my life, he works a manual job, and earns less than me. He has no desire to change his job. There is no progress there eother

But He is hard working in what he does, loves his job and his work mates and is so so mentally happy and goes to work every day smiling.

I encourage him to be ambitious in his happiness not his career and I help and encourage him to follow his interests and enjoy his hobbies. He in turn is emotional and physically so supportive of me and my mental needs my and everything else.

We have a beautiful house, which is majority paid for by me, but he makes it a home with the love and happiness he’s given to me and my kids.

So yes, I could and will marry someone with less money than me and I’m going to be so happy doing it.
But you do you! But be happy first and foremost
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Not all about the money but I do believe it’s an important factor in marriage or looking for a partner aswell as their goals , ambitions abs what kind of lifestyle they want to lead !
When I met my husband, he was in £20k worth of debt that I have helped get him out of. If I’d have said ‘no thanks’ I wouldn’t have the life I have now
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Correct we lived in a flat which we rent out and moved to house ! Yes because I like conversations about money , wealth , life style goals and nice things !
Shouldn’t you be busy shifting your Herbalife or is Monday your ‘day off?’
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Chatty Member
The main thing is if someone is generous. I’d rather marry a generous ‘poor’ guy than a tight ‘rich’ fucker. But also I have to say people who judge others on ‘stuff’ and are flashy with labels etc just scream New Money. And that’s the worst type of person to me.
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