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Chatty Member
Oh and I'm also in the higher wage bracket, and I drive a 12yo Ford Fiesta - the shame apparently 🤣 I've never been a car person, as long as it drives well, is clean and has aircon, it'll do for me. I'll run mine into the ground before getting a new car.
my standards are as long as I don’t have to de-ice the inside of my car in the winter, I’m winning
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I’ve reflected on this thread and it’s basically just the OP wanting people to let her know she’s got lots of nice things and she’s glad not to be poor, isn’t it?
But unable, perhaps, to talk to her friends about it without seeming braggy.
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Nope had the Toyota from my teens to t
No and quite frankly I would be happy to just drive a 10-15k car, it’s just more as my husband wanted it too, also I know my threads getting lots of hate but I’m just being honest … plus alot of it I think is to do with what you are used to being around, this area of Buckinghamshire where I now live has quite alot of wealthy people with nice things who work hard and generally quite ambitious with their careers or businesses … compared to where I grew up in London and the circles I used to hang around , in fact I don’t think hardly anyone I went to school with earns more than 30k some I think may even be on benefits / council housing.
That’s a hefty brush you’ve just tarred everyone from your school with 😂

I don’t understand the correlation you made between people who work hard and (or) are ambitious are the only people to have nice things and are wealthy? I bet the majority you observe in your area were born into it, as you simply cannot know the background of all these people and usually, that is the case. Look at all the MPs, they all went to the same schools and are within that circle- that’s life.

Peoples definition of wealth, or having nice things may not be the same as your idea. I know a lot of very hard working people who are under the glass ceiling and cannot physically make more than what they currently earn, but feel wealthy and believe they have nice things too.

I think your posts are really shallow and if having nice things in your life is your end goal, then you do you.

love an Audi driver 😘

P.S. buy yourself a Collins Complete Writing Guide. Your grammar is horrific.
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I think it's worth saying this is an anonymous site. No one knows if anything anyone is posting on here is the truth. We can make assumptions, like I assume the person who created this thread is a 14 year old girl, slightly spoilt but wants more than her parents can give and looks up to the likes of the Kardashians. Feels like if she tells enough lies they will come true and is generally a little sad sack.

I'd like to believe, especially in these days that no self respecting adult would come online being a braggy Betty and looking down their nose at anyone who has a job and earns their own money. We've all had a spell where we've been materialistic but we mature and realise you can't take it with you and there's a lot to be said for happiness.

It's also mid day on a Monday. Anyone earning a 6 figure salary is generally working and not sat on Tattle commenting on Ford focuses. Unless you're on maternity leave
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What you said about him going to work every day smiling and loving his job - I think that's absolutely priceless. Obviously nobody wants to be living on the breadline but having a happy partner is so important! You could have a partner who earns £200k a year, hates their job and has a nervous breakdown and goes on long-term sick from the stress of it - then what are you going to do?!
He does, he puts his little backpack on and smiles his little head off as he walks down the road to be picked up. I think if you love someone and they make you happy, their happiness should be a priority for you too. And if they love what they do and they’re not being paid a lot of money for it, but they’re mentally well that’s more important IMO.
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My partner earns a decent wage but when we met we both were young and in minimum wage jobs. We worked our way up, bought a house and now I’m fortunate to be able to stay at home with our baby. However I always check in on him that it’s not too much financial pressure on him. He recently got a job closer to home for a bit less money but it means he gets to see our baby in the mornings and evenings before bed which to us is so much more important.

I’d much rather he was happy and had a good work/life balance than be working all hours to buy me a Range Rover.
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The only snowflake here seems to be the person who has an issue with folk who drove a focus and shop in primark.
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Tinkerbell cat

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My partner and I both have decent jobs and live a comfortable life but if he wanted to take a pay cut and earn less I honestly wouldn’t care, I’d just want him to be happy and there’s no point burning yourself out just to have a few extra quid in the bank. My partner is really ambitious and I love that about him but to me personally, I wouldn’t care if he wasn’t ambitious, I love him regardless. God im cheesy haha
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What really gets me is who gets to decide a UK caravan holiday isn’t decent anyway? A holiday is a holiday, I’d rather be in a caravan exploring Wales with my family than in Dubai dressed head to toe in designer labels and eating whatever pretentious shite that those who look down on Primark and driving a Ford Focus deem worthy for their ‘I’m better than you’ tummies!
Dubai looks absolutely hideous! I mean I'm sure it's nice in places but it just looks full of chavs with money.
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I’m not a troll im just stating the things I desire in life !


About 50k at the moment after advertising costs , it’s a part time lifestyle business for me as I have my child now (not MLM) , I do it around my child but my ambition and goal is it to grow it further once she starts nursery the ultimate goal is a six figure lifestyle business and in the longer term (10 year plan) grow it further to sell for enough money as part of my retirement for the future . My husband is the main earner in our household by far , fortunately most of my income is mostly disposable but I am saving and investing for the future which I think is so important no matter what you earn ( I believe everyone should aim to have at least a years salary put away just in case of a rainy day/emergencies and I think this is something we should now teach in schools ) , anyway to be honest a six figure household income is not enough these days after the ridiculous amount of tax you have to pay especially living London / Bucks and if you want to have a nice lifestyle 😡 … I also like eating out a lot ( but I don’t go into Mayfair/ central london so much now as I have little one so that’s helped me save more), and I like holidays nothing wrong with UK breaks if it’s in a nice place with nice accommodation ( not sure I could do camping though! ) but I just find the weather unpredictable here and it is nice to just get out the country I think a few times a year if you can , my biggest expenses are eating out , holidays , and other little things like nails and hair and Botox lool but all adds up , I’m actually not too fussed about designer clothes ( and yes I hate big labels that show, I do think that’s tacky unless your a footballer or sports person ) but I admit I love designer handbags ! In short , we are not super rich in case anyone is wondering, but I would say top 10% as a household income, his family though are millionaires with multiple assets so he will inherit a fair bit. I would actually class myself as quite down to earth I just like luxury things and I like talking about money and goals as does my husband he is extremely driven to be financially successful. I don’t need a Ferrari / Lamborghini but I don’t want to go back to having a basic car, I’m not criticising anyone else who maybe happy to drive a Ford / Skoda etc , I just would not really want to go back to that personally and nothing wrong with low paid work if that’s what people do I would just struggle to have the lifestyle I wanted, if to say we earned say a joint income of 50k a year as a family

Ffs I think your over thinking it now , yes who’s to say what’s a nice car mayb

not true I don’t care so long as people work and are not expecting to live off benefits their whole life (unless they are genuinely sick) , my point is the lifestyle people want and if you think you can be happy earning minimum wage / lower paid work and if you would be happy to be with someone who was content with that , I’m not bragging about anything I’m just responding to the person asked if I drive an Audi !
Over thinking what? I don’t need to over think anything because you’ve made your points perfectly clear. You’ve literally said that the thought of wearing primark would give you anxiety and you’d prefer your car to have “luxury”.

you’re now trying to back track on everything you’ve said. Even though you’ve just admitted you only earn 50k yourself and most of your money comes from your husband. Embarrassing or what.

I don’t even believe half of what you’re saying about yourself or your husband. You sound like a fantasist.
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Chatty Member
Not really shallow…. in fact I actually drove a Toyota as my first car ! It’s just that since I got the Range Rover from my husband I don’t want to drive anything smaller or less !

Nope I drive a porsche
Good for you. I’d rather be driving my Ford than a Range Rover my husband gave me.
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Chatty Member
Oh come on you would genuinely be seen in that !? Lol it’s even been voted ugliest car ! 😂
I think you will find you’re incorrect. Porsche 4X4s have just been voted the ugliest car (for people with very ugly personalities) closely followed by a Range Rover
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I have to say, I'm really enjoying other fellow bird species joining in on this thread. Attenborough would be proud.
Also as a previous poster said, materialist things will provide pleasure,… temporarily until the next new thing comes out… imagine constantly chasing for new things for some sort of self worth/validation.

The OP said she couldn't be without 3 “decent” holidays a year (to keep her sane) and to me, that screams “I’m unhappy”… I bloody love a UK caravan holiday and appreciate the pretty corners this country has to offer. I’ve worked across the world and I’ve been lucky enough to holiday in some breautiful places, and I still find myself wanting to be within the U.K. 😂
What really gets me is who gets to decide a UK caravan holiday isn’t decent anyway? A holiday is a holiday, I’d rather be in a caravan exploring Wales with my family than in Dubai dressed head to toe in designer labels and eating whatever pretentious shite that those who look down on Primark and driving a Ford Focus deem worthy for their ‘I’m better than you’ tummies!
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Chatty Member
things that make you a leftie snowflake according to this thread:
- driving a Ford Focus
- not caring about someone’s wealth over their personality
- shopping in primark???
- wanting to be with your partner even though they aren’t in the top 1% of earners

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