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There's a lot of people saying about the number of kids and parents that are abusing the system .
My sister's gone the other way 😂 She's a teacher and her husband works for the NHS so they are entitled to a school space for my nephews. They've arranged for him to work from home and home school the boys to reduce the risk of her taking covid in to her school
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You obviously have misunderstood me. I’ve done my duty will do it again next weekend then concentrate on my grandaughter as my family don’t really want me there as they feel I’m putting myself at risk
Have to say I’ve actually really enjoyed it as a lot of these oldies are hilarious ( don’t know their own names and dob ( and that’s the sensible ones ) but they are all really grateful and kind
Just wanted to say well done for volunteering to help out with the vaccines.
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Take your rushed vaccine but social distancing for most of the year, maybe masks still around next winter, could lose immunity and need a regular jab.

That's no life.
Are you on some kind of commission for the Daily Mail? 😂 you use one of their articles in nearly every post.

No longer clicking anything from the DM because as always it’s speculation with minimal facts.
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If we are supposed to act like we have it then why is it safe for nursery workers to go and cuddle and care for up to 40 kids potentially spreading it to multiple families 😔
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Stepson’s school (secondary) does it quite well I think in that children going in simply get sat at a computer and do their online lessons as they would at home. That way teachers can teach one type of lesson, plan for all to be online and not have to worry about having to teach some in person. There’s no disparity then over kids getting better education if they’re going in, it’s the same for everybody. The school is therefore more like a childcare / supervision facility for those whose parents really can’t have them at home. I’m unsure if there is additional provision for SEN children, I would assume that there is.
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Chatty Member
My MIL has just been put on a ventilator due to her covid. I'm now listening to my poor husband telling his dad in hospital the sad news.

I'm so mad and angry right now - if they had just locked down a couple of weeks earlier this wouldn't be happening. She has not broken a single rule - all she did was pop into a corner shop and now she's fighting for her life on a ventilator less than 3 weeks later.

Not sure why im putting this here but I just needed to get that out - im so sad and scared for her. Wishing I was religious so I could pray for her recovery but know so many people in the exact same position. This is a cruel and evil virus.
I will pray for you ♥ sending you all lots of strength xx
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Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
The problem with NHS (and this comes from someone who grew up in a country with free healthcare too) is that there isn’t another option. I am Russian, and private healthcare there is relatively cheap - as a student I couldn’t afford an insurance but I could afford a visit to a particular doctor with a particular problem. It meant that I didn’t actually use state healthcare since I was 18 years old, which meant that the appointments were used by people who couldn’t afford a visit to a private doctor. Here only really rich people can afford private doctors, not an average middle class person. If it was cheaper, pressure would be relieved from NHS by removing a lot of people who go in to see a doctor with every sneeze they have.
Another problem is that NHS was created in simpler times in terms of medical science. In the 60s and 60s we didn’t do complicated heart surgeries, surgery on transgender people, a lot of neonatal care etc. I am NOT saying that all those things should be privatised. However, there needs to be a review on what exactly NHS is meant to provide in terms of care - for example here on the threads bed blockers have been mentioned - people who shouldn’t be in hospitals, but there is nowhere you can discharge them. There should be other facilities for people like that, possibly partly funded by the patient maybe?
I am foreign and we have to pay for the use of NHS, which we are very happy to do. However I would like to see people on investors visas pay more. On a Tier 1 Investment Visa a person has to invest at least £2 million into UK, and the more you invest, the faster you can get your settlement. Surely these people can spare £500 thousand (or maybe more?) to “give” to NHS? I believe that there were around 300 investor visas issued in 2018, how great would it be if these 300 people also had to invest a £1 million each into public services like NHS, police, schools, etc? Or even better, invest £2 million into the economy and then the more you spend on public services, the faster you get your settlement?
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My best friends mum has covid. She’s currently doing chemo as she was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. This is awful. Her white cells are low due to chemo and she’s really unwell.

My friend is a single mum, they’ve no other family as they lost her sister 18 months ago. They live in Blackpool and have no help. I live in Wales, I feel so so helpless. Her mums very unwell in hospital 😢😢😢 My friend has had to test too but she can’t even get to a postbox to post the test because she’s possibly got Covid and can’t leave the house. She also doesn’t feel well enough to go to the postbox and she has nobody who can post it for her. Her mum needs clothes etc and my friend can’t get them to her in hospital. I feel terrible for them in this mess.

She’s got a toddler and she’s all on her own, the last month or so has been dreadful for them since her mum got diagnosed 😢😢😢

Is there any help out there for people in this situation?
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It's sad that the elderly feel that way. They are most at risk from dying so should be glad of an appointment whatever the time, even if it's after 8 pm as mentioned in the link. You can bet younger people who have a very small risk of dying would be more than up for getting jabbed in the night if that's what it took to speed up normality.
A lot of elderly don’t feel safe going out if it’s dark especially if they’re unsteady on their feet with no one to help them , not to mention the fear of being mugged
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The thought of home schooling till Easter is just 🤯🤮😱💀
They did say schools are the priority, and will be the first thing they want back.

I don’t have kids so kind of have no horse in this race but we should know by beginning of Feb whether the lockdown is decreasing the cases as they hoped and whether the vaccination target can be reached.

People can say Easter all they want but no one knows. Everyone was adamant here that the November lockdown wouldn’t end December 4th and it did 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I really don’t think it’s as simple as “if there is a parent WFH, children should be at home”.
I’m not at home, my husband is (although in office a couple of days a week) But we don’t see him during the day as he’s back to back meetings every day. He would not be able to take care of the kids.
I don’t know what the answer is 🤷🏼‍♀️ My kids are in school/nursery.
This is bang on. It’s all well and good people saying if parent is one parent is at home, the children should be too. It’s not quite that simple.
Children below year 3 I would argue still require a lot of input with reading and understanding the tasks.
They need pretty much constant supervision and motivating too. It’s not a case of leaving them to it whilst I’m in my office trying to get work done without distractions. If Im expected to work from home and I can’t because my kids need me, my bills don’t get paid and then what happens?

sadly, because the people making these decisions can afford nanny’s and private tutors they don’t understand peoples circumstances.
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Chatty Member
I think the conspiracy nut jobs will be responsible for a lot of unnecessary deaths at this point 😔
Respectfully, I disagree, the only people responsible for unnecessary deaths (Covid and non-Covid) is the current government and their incompetent handling of the situation. Previous governments also aren’t blameless in this, the NHS has been cut and cut and cut over many years and it sooner or later was going to get to the point of no return and here we are now.
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Chatty Member
Just wait for Dubai. Give it a week or so and numbers will rise.
Yes, exactly! Dubai’s numbers will rocket in the next two weeks with the amount of influencers/z listers partying their over Christmas/NY. Sorry, I mean attending “critical business events” 🙄🙄

Let’s hope they remove that idiotic “travel corridor” with Dubai. So we can catch these influencers out when they go, come back and don’t isolate.
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Chatty Member
They also should never have taken their foot off the gas in the summer when they thought cases were dropping, I mean sending schools back as normal, when teachers had begun planning for distance learning and that whole eat out to help out, it's done far more harmer than good to peoples health and lively hoods. Yes there was pressure to ease restrictions but If it was managed better when cases were low, I don't think we would be in this position now. They also need to be honest about the schools, no one wants kids to miss out and I don't know what the answer is but at least be honest with us....the cases started rising drastically when the kids went back to school, there are no two ways about it. It certainly wasn't sandra's cafe round the corner serving two folk at a time that was spreading it like wildfire.
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VIP Member
Thankyou everyone, hopefully if the police ask they will be just as understanding
The chances are they won’t ask, but if they do they will understand. Message your friend now and take up her offer and get your ticket booked. You’ll feel better straight away for doing something. Look after yourself .
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My dog disagrees with you. Dogs need exercise, need walks to do their business, and need to do this two or three times a day.
Oh yes 100%! I meant it the other way round that we should all be allowed out. People who don’t have dogs shouldn’t be punished for that and only allowed out once per week if people with dogs can go out daily. We should all be allowed to go for walks daily.
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VIP Member
Why are you laughing about it. Pathetic.
Because everyone is making a big fuss about it

Nobody was kicking off about everyone in the summer when people went on holidays to turkey , Spain and Greece when they were on the uk travel corridors and we couldn’t go on holiday as all our hospital trusts were cancelling annual leave and nobody had a break for 7/8 months but as soon as annual leave was granted again , nurses and doctors wanted to go on holiday to countries that were allowed on the uk travel corridor before we had to go through this hell hole for the second time and yes we went during tier 3 when holidays were still allowed and yes we all had negative tests before entering the country and yes we personally screen ourselves twice a week for the last two months before we had holidays and continue to do so
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Has anyone else unfollowed friends/acquaintances who are obviously down the qanon/covid denier/right wing rabbit hole? Lol.
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1/2 a million people are on lockdown in Beijing- case and point that China has not completely eradicated the virus. I think it’s going to be interesting to see whether they allow travel during Chinese New Year next month (comparable to Christmas).
Last year they allowed it but people were then stuck in their family homes for months.

As for tighter restrictions here I’m dreading it. Looks like Hancock is on at 5pm so he could announce something. I saw Kier say the gov are looking at announcing new restrictions in the next 24hrs 🤦🏻‍♀️ End of March is looking a long way away now!!
They need to close our borders, not announce that the folks in our communities can’t go out for an hours walk. I’ve followed the rules but there’s no way I am adhering to one day a week exercise. As mentioned many times by many people on here there are so many others things that need to go first if they want to tighten up.
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