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Yes let's stand in a crowd and clap, with our baby and toddler. That seems fine.
I honestly think the police etc need to scrap the Thursday show, they are just attracting morons.
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Chatty Member
I don’t agree with clapping for parents or kids.... but it is hard not being able to take them out to blow off some steam on the park etc which we’d normally be able to do, or a play centre or have play dates. It’s our job I don’t want a clap but it’s hard to entertain them in the house constantly and nerves are being frayed on all parts.
I'm giving myself a round of applause* every night to celebrate getting through another full day with my children and husband.

*Netflix and gin.
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I’m sorry guys but you’ve absolutely crossed the line now. Salt and vinegar are not the worst?!?!? They’re right at the top of crisp choices!
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I don't expect a date. Id rather they would just put measures in place so can get back to reality. I am a mum the social aspect doesn't bother me as I don't go out much but I know it does to others and I feel that it's fIr that they can go on about their business. I also feel for the vulnerable people and would like them to get some sort of Normality back
I agree too. I miss normality. I miss going to the shop and taking my toddler to see my grandparents. I miss looking forward to my holiday we had saved and booked that we can’t go on.

the reality is there is no normal right now. we’re in a global pandemic. we can’t just say 6 weeks and we’re normal.
the absolute only positive about us being behind catching it in every other country is the fact we can see their exit strategies and see how they work

if they open up small businesses do they reinfect people? Does it the start to spread really fast? We all known inevitably we’ll all catch it but hopefully by then it might be a lesser strain or something
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Lars Guinard

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Covid- 19 I'm sure that name rings a bell :unsure:o_O:poop:
I heard from my brother's friend's neighbour's solicitor's window cleaner's girlfriend's aunt that it was something to do with China.😉

ETA- I didn't really, the window cleaner is single
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Well Sandra from the 3rd grade WhatsApp,
that will teach you to keep your legs closed won’t it, think off all the freedom you could have had living it up with Matthew on the patio watching Netflix.....

it’s a joke 😬 it’s a joke.
It’s got to be right... clapping for not giving up?! Sorry from what taking care of the child you brought into the world.

Yes it’s tough and it’s hard and some days you want to put them in the shed. But at the end of the day they are your kids, your not putting your life on the line to save a stranger. Your at home looking after the sprogs you have. Some families would give anything to be at home with children right now.
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The thing I find so baffling about this virus is how totally differently it affects different people - some people have no symptoms at all from it and others die. I can't think of another virus that produces such wildly differing effects in people, every other virus I can think of seems to follow a similar trajectory in each patient.
Yes me too. We were worried about my mum catching it as she was in hospital over Christmas with sepsis. Fingers crossed she's shown no symptoms so far, my Dad, with no underlying health conditions, has been on a ventilator on ICU since last Wednesday. So scary and unpredictable
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Perhaps if you are witnessing death on a daily basis you need some outlet as a way of coping with it.
I very much doubt any NHS worker would be doing a little dance in the corridor outside a room where someone has just died.
NHS workers are not robots, they are human beings. Goodness knows what this is doing to them mentally.
My closest friend is a nurse and we speak at least once a week. I’ve not spoken to her in a few weeks because she said she’s not in a good place right now. Yet she still goes on the wards every day to help others. If a silly dance with her colleagues for a few minutes gives her a little bit of light relief to help get her through the day, then who the hell are we to judge?
Absolutely, having spent weeks sat 24 hrs a day between a icu bedside and the family room. We needed moments of light relief. There was a few moments we actually laughed with staff members. It was a mental break just for a snippet of the day. It kept us going.
These staff in my eyes are hero’s, and if a silly dance or a clap keeps them going. If it gives them the relief they need mentality to keep treating patients then let them. I really can’t imagine the strain anyone in the care profession is under right now
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Think it's people with cancer getting their treatment delayed this person was talking about...if it's true they've got a point !!
It's definitely true, my father in law was all set to go into hospital a couple of weeks ago to start his bowel cancer treatment, and it got postponed, seemingly indefinitely, just days beforehand because the NHS hospitals have pretty much binned off everything other than treating CV.

So, he'll probably die now, because by the time they get the non-CV treatments started again, and get stuck into the backlog, he might well be too far along to warrant starting treatment.

You can imagine my family's house has not been a happy place the last few weeks, because of this.

Personally I was part way through a course of podiatry treatment which has now been shelved, so that'll have to restart all over again at some point. Nothing compared to being told your cancer treatment is cancelled of course, but still irritating. Have no idea why they've cancelled EVERYTHING, I mean what are the NHS podiatrists really now doing for coronavirus? My treatment was never in hospitals, it was in dedicated NHS podiatry rooms in different community health centres. No way those rooms or specialists are now turned over to coronavirus, they are all just standing idle, because the NHS management had this kneejerk reaction to shut everything down.

Now that they have these various Nightingale temporary hospitals around the country ready and available, the regular hospitals should all be allowed to convert back to their regular every day operations and treatments, otherwise there's going to be enormous other health problems for them to get through, such as my foot problems, and a load of unnecessarily dead people who were all set for their cancer treatment like my Father in Law.
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Things seem to betting a tad tense in here so here is an intermission...

Ignore the American spelling of colour, but this actually works...

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Reflected view

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Pretty sure the doctors and nurses wouldn’t have just declared the patients dead and skipped out of the ward doing the can-can.

Anything the perks up these amazing people caring for and trying to save lives every day whilst being isolated from their own families and risking their own lives is ok in my book 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Yes absolutely 👏🏻 Every time my mum called up to ask about my uncle the nurses where absolutely amazing and went above and beyond, they expressed to my mum if she wanted to call every five minutes then she should, and the fatal day when my mum got the call saying my uncle passed away due to covid the nurse was choked up telling my her, so if the doctors and nurses want to do crazy dances then so they should , they need to be able to express themselves and detach from the pressure they are under in theses horrible times, here’s to the NHS 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Chatty Member
I did wonder how drug dealers were getting on. Also people having affairs they’ll be struggling under lockdown 😂
Can I just clarify that I haven't actually tried to get hold of any coke 🤷‍♀️ I did see a meme saying people who've been living double lives must be struggling right now.
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I found that some days I was enjoying this whole homeschooling lark but I'm starting to crack. Trying to parent, study, homeschool and look after the house is proving increasingly difficult and my kids are bouncing off the walls, my eldest keeps asking when "this nasty bug" is going to go away because he doesn't like having to avoid other people and misses his grandparents/extended family. It's shit but I definitely don't want someone to clap for me :rolleyes:
It’s the sheer sensory overload for me. Constant noise and no escape from it. I’d love to take my walk alone. 😂 if I go to the loo I’m followed. I know for sahm it’s like this all the time and I’ve always said I wouldn’t be able to cope with that either. It’s just the way my brain is I need some silent time.
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I'm so fed up of people saying we have no right to be bored because drs and nurses don't get to be bored, those in hospital don't get to be bored etc. I've had a shitty text today from a family member because I posted on Facebook about having another boring day and was told that I need to have some empathy for those dying!
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I think if a vaccine is found, it will be given to vulnerable and older people first. It is very tricky as I will not be ok with getting a vaccine that has not been extensively tested first and that takes years. There will come a point where they will gradually have to open things again, as you can't keep people locked in their houses for years.
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