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I never thought I’d talk back to a policeman in my life!

After taking my daughter to work this morning I was on my way to pets at home this morning and a policeman flagged me down. Asked where I was going then said pet food isn’t essential??

One of my cats is on a special diet and I can’t buy his food in supermarkets. Yes, it’s my fault for not being more organised and ordering it online sooner. It was going to take 14 days for delivery. But I argued asking what our pets are supposed to eat?

He was nice about it, and I totally understand the guidelines and pressure the police are under, but pet food is definitely an essential in my home! He was also nowhere near 2 metres away from my car window.
Pet food is 100 percent essential!! What are they supposed to eat!
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I'm a parent and even I find this ridiculous 🤦🏽‍♀️View attachment 111708
This was the norm for me when my children were young. We don’t live near any family so they only saw grandparents, aunties and uncles a couple of times a year. SAHM so I never got a break from childcare..couldn’t send them around to grandparents. Husband worked long hours so I never got a break or me time. Some people don’t know they’re born! They certainly don’t deserve a clap for being a parent to their children!
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My next door neighbour has decided to light a bloody bonfire in his garden to burn his garden rubbish😡. There's smoke blowing all over the place I've had to close all my windows. I'm not amused. Selfish idiot. All this talk of clapping, I'm not a violent person, but I'd like to go round and clap him over the head😳😡😂
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I opened a bottle of wine that literally made your eyes water, bloody awful. I emptied it down the sink. I'm now having a gin and it's much better😁. Police helicopter has been over twice tonight, obviously looking for gangs of teenagers loitering about... unless they're trying to locate my house because they've seen on line that I've got 5 bags of the white stuff (actually 5 bags of self raising flour that I ordered from Amazon). If I'm not on Tattle tomorrow you know they've taken me in for questioning😂
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Don’t you just hate this culture where people feel they need a pat on the back and recognition for just doing what is expected of them?
That said, I am so glad my children are grown because I know I have it easy.
This lockdown is hard for everyone. But me working at home whilst looking after my little one is not comparable to those going to work on the front line, IMO.
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VIP Member
This was the norm for me when my children were young. We don’t live near any family so they only saw grandparents, aunties and uncles a couple of times a year. SAHM so I never got a break from childcare..couldn’t send them around to grandparents. Husband worked long hours so I never got a break or me time. Some people don’t know they’re born! They certainly don’t deserve a clap for being a parent to their children!
I’ve just recently stopped being a SAHM and gone back to work as a key worker. I couldn’t agree more. That has been my life for the last 3 years. No family nearby, husband out at work all day, just myself and two very little children. It’s hard, but it’s been occurring long before this bloody pandemic. People need to stop tooting their own horns. Next we’ll be clapping for people who managed to roll over in bed or put on their socks.
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Iconic Member
This is good news!

Health Minister Simon Harris said the reproductive rate for Covid-19 has dropped to between 0.7 and 1 and there has been "plateau" in the number of cases of hospitalisation but not a decline in new cases.

the r rate before lockdown was 20, last week I think it was 2? some positives.
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I've just recieved a government text asking me to now shield until the end of June. That's an extra 4 weeks added to the original 12 weeks. Just had a little cry 😭
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I don’t agree with people saying that lockdown hasn’t worked. it has stopped many people being in closer proximity than they would have other wise, such as pubs, restaurants, everything else.

As echoed above it’s not about stopping the virus but letting the NHS cope. People are getting bored of the measures because we quite frankly had F.A direct leadership since Boris announced it.
I understand what sir Patrick Vallance and Chris Witty day when they explain the figures but how many people actually bother to watch the daily briefing?
There’s been nothing to echo how important it is for everyone to take notice of. Boris announced the lockdown at 8pm at night and everyone took notice. Since then it’s almost been like a can of worms where people slowly start not bothering and before we know it everyone’s doing the same.

I for one hope it continues a little longer, I don’t enjoy this at all, I hate not being able to shop for myself, worry for my family but I feel the longer we can teeter on a balance of keeping things going V keeping those who need it safe until they’re able to go some protection from the virus.

it can’t go on forever but I feel like people aren’t pleased whatever they do. They pushed and pushed for lockdown. We’re in lockdown now we want an exit strategy 🤷🏻‍♀️
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It’s important to remember that the lockdown was never intended to stop cases - when we come out there will still be new cases. The lockdown was merely to prevent everyone getting it at the same time for the NHS to cope.
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This is completely over dramatic but ‪Is there a reason they can’t give the politicians a remote so that they can move the slides on themselves instead of having to say ‘next slide please’. ‬People do it every bloody day in presentations just give them a clicker!!
It’s my favourite saying now, I randomly say it throughout the day, when I was making dinner tonight and chopping up veggies I was saying “next slide” as I put it in the pan 😂😂😂 I think I’m loosing the plot :m
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My parents who live in Italy have had their post delivered today for the first time in a month! She finally got her mother's day card 🤣 So life slowly going back there.
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Feeling fragile this morning though sadly not from alcohol or food but my husband decided 9pm last night was an idea time to paint the front room

.... and drop the roller on our cream carpet

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Yeah but karma has punished me in other ways... as well as having both my kids hogging the main tv to play animal crossing, my sister in law and niece have just bought a switch and are now on it too. So as well as having to watch it non stop, I am also now listening to a running commentary on it while they all FaceTime each other and discuss hints and tricks and visits to each other’s islands. 😳
I got told off in Tesco for going the wrong way round the one way system.
I explained that because the previous aisle was closed for restocking I had no choice other than to go the wrong way but apparently I should have missed the next aisle, gone down the following aisle and then double backed?! Surely going down an aisle twice is worse than going down one once? Anyway, I beat the system and decided when the next aisle was closed I’d not double back and instead walk backwards down the aisle in case Mrs Battleaxe Jobsworth returned!
It wasn’t even busy at that time of night and everyone was going the wrong way. A couple of others followed my lead and walked backwards too! Such fun!😜
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