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VIP Member
I’m absolutely not defending anything that CM or MG have done, not at all.

I absolutely do not think fleeing to hide a newborn is the right thing to do.

But there’s a whole lot of judgement going on when there are very few facts known.
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Constance’s money and privilege is exactly why I assumed she’s an addict. Imagine being so incredibly wealthy you never have to work a day in your life. Never having to particularly care about getting an education with a view to a career and money. It’s a very aimless kind of life, unless you’re very philanthropic and want to devote yourself to charity work.

Keeping this vague, but I have a relative who’s a trust fund baby (nowhere near the level of wealth than Constance) and she’s never really worked, just wafts around doing self-indulgent arty projects and trying to be an influencer. I can easily see how you fall into a serious party lifestyle when you move in monied circles and have limitless cash available.
Constance actually has a degree from a good university, then studied journalism before attending acting school (which she dropped out of after apparently falling out with a tutor, and then meeting Mark). She didn’t need to do her degree or study journalism or acting, which shows she had something about her and a wish to do something other than just party.

Everything seemed to go really wrong for her when she met Mark (she seemed to be back on track after leaving the cult a few years prior). I was surprised to see she was living in Ilford with him when they first got together (and they moved in very quickly after getting together). It’s really not a nice place and definitely not somewhere someone with her money would usually live.

To me this just shows that she was trying to get away from her background; that she may have had a mental breakdown (dropping out of acting school could indicate this); that she was most likely controlled and manipulated by him; and that drugs are likely involved.

I am not excusing her behaviour. But he is 13 years older and a convicted rapist, who was in prison for a very long time. He also seems to have isolated her from her family and friends, and was probably living off her money.
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VIP Member
PP psychosis can occur and I’ve worked in units where women had killed their babies (rare cases) . If this woman has signs of psychosis she would have been placed in a MH unit already. She’s sadly just a privileged entitled little rich girl who puts herself, her relationship and her own wants and needs above those of her child. It was reported early on that 2-3 other children have already been removed from her care although there seems to have been no further confirmation of that…probably to protect the privacy of the children.

If she is a drug user then the baby may have been born addicted and died as a result because darling Mummy was too selfish to get the baby the care it needed.

selfish arseholes…both of them.
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They're both monsters. If they've given this child to someone to keep it "safe" I don't trust their judgement. God only knows who that is, could someone pass a child off as their own and provide it with medical care, a nurturing environment etc without it being flagged? I don't think so. The type of people who hide children aren't good, they don't have good intentions.
If the child has died they've disposed of it.
If the child was in their care at the time of arrest they've left it alone, cold, dehydrated, starving, in distress, possibly open to the elements and easy prey for things like foxes.
None of those scenarios are good.
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VIP Member
Police must be in such a hard situation - keep the couple there and risk harm to the baby if still alive, or let the couple go in case baby is still alive and know the couple will disappear.
Not being funny but if the baby is alive, and out in the open, it’s the parent’s responsibility to tell the police where it is so it can stay alive. If it’s dead then it’s also their responsibility to tell Police where he/she is to afford it some dignity and respect.
If the baby is with some one else then it’s both the parents and this person’s responsibility to not withhold this information.
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VIP Member
You might want to research Ian Josephs a bit more. I have included an article below which might help. It's long but it refers to Ian Josephs's funding of Marie Black, a convicted p**do. I have also pasted a link to an article showing Black’s vile case.

Well that's absolutely horrific 

I agree SS are not perfect, the main reason being that they are underfunded. But to get to the point where your kids are taken off you you have to be in a serious mess. The situations that SS have to accept/ allow/ leave children in are shocking enough - I know a mum of 5 who moves house every 9 months, trashes each house, the kids have no beds, no food, no fridge!, no toilet roll, the mum drinks a bottle of wine a night, the kitchen cupboards are stuffed full of bags of rubbish, the kids have sometjing like a 40% attendsnce rate. I remember cutting dreadlocks out of the youngest girls hair at the age of 2... but they do not meet the standard to remove the kids.

It never fails to amaze me that people will come on here defending the rights of sex offenders, abusive and drug addicted parents etc over the organisations that are doing their best to keep babies and children safe
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VIP Member
She chose a monster and probably substances over her child. Every available resource at her fingers and this is how her life wound up.

Deeply distressing situation.
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VIP Member
These people denied this poor child medical attention which police hinted was not just standard attention, the baby is now dead. That's not an assumption. Their actions ultimately resulted in the death of their child which they have to take responsibility for. They put themselves before their baby in some misguided attempt at raising it without interference. I don't know the circumstances but those are the facts we do know.
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VIP Member
I understand the concern for the social but sex offenders should not be keeping their children and women who have children with sex offenders are clearly not of sound mind. I hope they start cooperating and afford that poor baby some dignity.
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Poor little love. You can't choose your parents unfortunately but EVERYONE deserves better than that.

Imagine leaving your dead baby in the woods. How anyone can even begin to defend them I don't know but I wish I had your outlook because I'm just filled with fucking rage. I can't see any excuse at all.
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I don't know how it works but wondered if they have maybe charged them with manslaughter to extend the time they are allowed to keep them in custody? I also think sadly they must have some evidence pointing them in that direction. I just find it unfathomable that the baby is alive and they are no commenting their interviews. Sadly the baby has IMO probably passed and it honestly is the stuff of nightmares what the baby's short time on earth must have been like. Cold, stressed, hungry, ill and in pain probably.
Unforgiveable not to take the baby for medical care. And even being arrested she's only concerned about her man.
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Here’s a long piece from the Standard yesterday. It says she has a multi-million pound trust fund.

Isn’t it sad that this beautiful, massively privileged woman, who could have done anything she wanted, ended up living in squalor and losing custody of her children? I can only assume she fell into drug addiction.
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have the privilege

Well-known member
What proof is there though? Children can be removed from parents for POTENTIAL EMOTIONAL HARM IN THE FUTURE. Children can be removed at birth for the parents HAVING AN IQ OF UNDER 90. Someone whos gone to the lengths and extremes Constance has to try keep the baby shows that she probably isn't going to hurt them - WHICH IS WHAT FAMILY LAW IS BASED ON (PROBABILITIES).
surely it shows that she wouldn’t plan to INTENTIONALLY harm them. Not that she has the capacity to safeguard them appropriately to prevent harm. They’re two very different things sadly. As we know, intention doesn’t always equal outcome.
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Chatty Member
Awful news 😰 Wonder if the baby was already dead when they were arrested, or has it passed away since then? I guess autopsy will show estimated time of death. If the baby has passed away since they were arrested that is particularly upsetting as this could have been prevented if they spoke up.
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None of us really know what's happened, but what we do know is there is a baby missing somewhere, potentially deceased, and if not deceased potentially in danger/suffering. What we also know is that the parents of this baby are not cooperating with police to allow them to find that poor baby, dead or alive.

If they genuinely cared about that baby, they wouldn't have been living the way there were. If they cared about that baby now they've been caught, they'd tell the police where he or she is. Its abhorrent.
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Chatty Member
All, please agree to disagree respectfully where there's conflicts and move on. Rather than disrupting the thread. Thanks
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Chatty Member
After giving birth you bleed heavily, her hygiene must be horrific if she hasn't been able to wash for 2 months. The baby would of also needed cleaning and nappies. If she hasn't been eating enough her milk may of dried up and no resources to safely bottle feed either. The pressure of been on the run, walking the streets late at night, the weather, dealing with hormones and possibly the death of a baby won't of helped her mental state. It's just absolutely tragic that they hadn't thought this through and it has ended worse than what needed to be.
Those first few weeks after birth are hard enough when you’re in a nice warm home with a shower etc. I can’t even begin to imagine being outdoors living in a tent in the freezing cold with no washing or cooking facilities. It’s truly horrific 😰 Sadly I think the baby is dead and has been for a while. I don’t think they will be telling the police because as soon as they find a body they’re stuffed. I imagine like others have said they will hope they can’t prove she had a baby. I wonder if one of them will crumble under interrogation?
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