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Now imagine giving birth on your own, cutting and clamping the cord and delivering the placenta.
In a car.
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Probably the same people who have had experience with social services and think they take children away for no reason. Some of them will defend anyone in order to make out that social services are in the wrong rather than admit that they were not good parents.
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I don’t believe anyone is helping them. He isolated her and she’s not exactly private plane connected as has been discussed here. They’re probably hiding in wasteland or something
Totally agree. I've been reading about this case on this other site Websleuths and they have some mad conspiracy theories there that sound like they're written by some 'social services are baby thieving Nazis'/ i have the right to disappear/ freeman of the land type people themselves to be fair

We don't know anything for certain but the evidence is that they bought a tent, the police have reason to believe they are living in it and have asked people to look for it, and authorities are extremely concerned for their welfare. They were tramping the streets for three hours with an argos tent looking for a cab and couldn't get one. They clearly don't have access to private jets (I mean what is this Agatha Christie times) and 'empty London second home mansions' lol

I mean Mark Gordon is walking round with carrier bags on his feet and it's not as some people have suggested to protect his posh trainers 🤦‍♀️ it's a standard homeless person thing to do because it's wet out there.

Maybe there are somewhere safe but the evidence suggests they're sleeping rough in January in London with a weeks old baby. I mean can you imagine walking for three hours carrying all your possessions after having given birth and in such a stressful situation? What is their hygiene going to be like, with her bleeding and at risk of infection, the baby constantly needing nappy changes, none of them bathing 😖

I do have huge sympathy for her because I think he's isolated someone vulnerable due to their mental health and she's now in this nightmare scenario of having babies and having them removed which will FUBAR any woman's mental health permanently. However the authorities do need to find that baby and ensure that he is safe.
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Jackie Brown

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Anyone who defends these two pieces of shit ain’t right in the head. That poor, defenceless baby stood no chance with those two monsters. I hope they lock them up forever and the pair rot in hell. RIP little one.
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Yes true, however I am not really referring to that. “AT RISK OF emotional abuse” I am on about cases where you have a parent who’s had another child by a new man following previous removals by SS for DV related reasons. They are not given a chance and a removal is planned before birth. Often when the mother has also been a ex care leaver/ex drug addict/history of MH as well. Whereas before this law change say 15 years ago this wouldn’t of been always the case, as SS had more money to spend and TIME to work with the parent to give them a chance. There was not a timescale of 26 weeks for removal. There were more support in place for them to stay together or relatives. This is why there is a huge demand for SW along with rediculous lot high caseloads. Because no one wants to stay in a toxic work environment. It’s a shambles..

I don’t know why this couple is running. None of us know the extent of it. But what I will say is where the press statements have not clearly said they are wanted or a danger, and they do say this in those cases, they are two adults it’s like I don’t think the amount of resources is worth the manhunt in comparison to vulnerable children that are missing especially ones in care often this is never reported on. Why because they are in care. The police checked every single hotel in Colchester. Some missing people have never had that treatment by the police. And I can only guess it’s down to her family.
I’m pleased you no longer allegedly work in the social care sector. The fact you are believing both of these adults should be able to run free without the relevant safeguarding checks, ante natal care etc is astonishing as an alleged ‘professional’. You seem very fixed on emotional harm, I am wondering if you have had involvement or removal yourself to make such speculations and claims because things you are sharing on here are wildly inaccurate. Emotional harm is serious and detrimental to a child’s welfare in every aspect, none more so psychologically. The court proceedings with timescales are there for a reason- the child’s welfare is paramount- end of story! Not the parents, the child’s!

If you worked in social care you’d have seen first hand the turmoil social workers go through, the conflict of going to court and sleepless nights worrying about their caseloads.

There are predictors of harm and emotional harm, not all care leavers automatically get assessed when pregnant unless there are other risk factors, to suggest so is scaremongering nonsense.
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That and those who defend him like it was a case of youthful indiscretion."He was FOUR-TEEEEN". As if it's a perfectly normal thing for a teenage boy to kidnap, terrorise and rape a woman. His age works against him if anything, more like "even as a kid he was extremely dangerous."

Anyway, I'm feeling very sorry for that woman. It's likely she's been traumatised all over again having her rape retold in the papers. I hope she has support.
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The press referred to the baby as a boy, how would they know anyone Any idea ?
During early days of fetal development the cells split, one half becomes placenta and the other the baby so they are genetically identical. This means you’d be able to tell the sex of the baby from the placenta (like when people find out sex or genetic conditions from a CVS test). Placentas and conception in general is mind blowing.
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I don’t believe MG has mental health problems. Personal opinion. I know CM was saying he does when he was arrested but that’s most likely all part of what she’s been told by him.

With her family history (her father) and the reported trauma in the cult, plus removal of other children (which I’m not disputing, to be clear), then what she’s been through this past few months (again, I’m not condoning) I don’t think she’ll by psychologically able to talk in a police interview. Even if she wanted to (which she may well not, of course)

But there needs to be some proper high-level understanding of the mental health side to support her to feel psychologically safe enough to even begin to open up.

That’s the only way they’ll get any answers, in my opinion.

MG won’t tell them anything.
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Polythene Pam

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Someone on twitter is saying this is why women with post natal depression don't speak up.. what the fuck?!
I know everyone is speculating but how is concealing a pregnancy and giving birth in a car anything to do with PND? The clue is in the name... post birth
I think I've had enough Internet for today
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I can’t believe both parents would have left the baby alone to go and get cash. Surely not.
I’ve wondered why they were in public together because I’m sure they would be more recognisable as a couple than separate. But maybe he didn’t trust her not to run off and made sure they stayed together at all times.
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Poor baby.
Passed without ever officially existing. I hope they share his/her name so when he/she is found they can have a proper burial.
(I know we don't know for sure, but it's going to be the most likely outcome)
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Chatty Member
Someone on twitter is saying this is why women with post natal depression don't speak up.. what the fuck?!
I know everyone is speculating but how is concealing a pregnancy and giving birth in a car anything to do with PND? The clue is in the name... post birth
I think I've had enough Internet for today
Yeah, absolute BOLLOCKS to that. As someone who had PND, I can assure you I definitely spoke up. My priority has always been to do everything I can to be the best mum I can possibly be for my wonderful little boy.
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Polythene Pam

Chatty Member
After giving birth you bleed heavily, her hygiene must be horrific if she hasn't been able to wash for 2 months. The baby would of also needed cleaning and nappies. If she hasn't been eating enough her milk may of dried up and no resources to safely bottle feed either. The pressure of been on the run, walking the streets late at night, the weather, dealing with hormones and possibly the death of a baby won't of helped her mental state. It's just absolutely tragic that they hadn't thought this through and it has ended worse than what needed to be.
I have never smelt as bad as I did after giving birth, and I have attended more festivals than I can count. It honestly does not bear thinking about.
I can't stop thinking about the innocent little baby, I just hope they are safe and warm somewhere.
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I live a few miles from where they were last seen. No one will bat an eyelid to be honest I don’t even know my neighbours. It’s different in London.

I think the tent was to throw off the police. How can no other purchases be picked up on CCTV. There’s plenty of cash in hand sublet rentals on gumtree.

The man’s conviction was in 1989 when he was 14. He’s near 50s and she’s mid 30s. Both two consenting adults. There’s no bail or arrest warrant. - someone previously says on this thread why has the police not warned they are dangerous - probably because they are not.. however They must be of some kind of sound mind and not out of it that much on substances which have been suggested to have the ability to run this long from the police. So I am literally one of the people on FB saying let them live as long as the baby is well because there are missing vulnerable children who are not given the same media attention or monetary rewards and it’s heart breaking.

we are the only country to have secret courts, so say they were found and baby was removed etc. they the parents could never have their side of the story reported in the press. They can never discuss their case only with their solicitor.

secondly we are the only country in Western Europe to have an “at risk emotional abuse” clause. This was introduced by the tories Michael gove years ago. This gives social services the power to remove a baby at birth, without the parents ever given a chance. Without there being any evidence of harm.
given the dad had a serious criminal past this wouldn’t of done him any favours like with to ex drug addicts, ex MH ex care leavers etc and anyone with a past.
It’s cheaper and easier to remove a child at birth in this situations based on “at risk of emotional harm”. We don’t hear about cases because of secret courts.

A few years ago an Italian woman who came here for a course had a manic episode whilst pregnant. She had a C section against her will and baby removed from birth. Reasons were “at risk of emotional harm” The only reason why this was media reported was because she was Italian and the Italian government and press reported it which removed UK press restrictions.

the baby hasn’t been registered for a reason so that it’s harder for SS to make court proceedings for custody of the baby. If they’d had court proceedings it would’ve been much easier for them.

there is a solicitor called Ian Joseph’s that helps fund parents who are at risk of loosing their babies at birth. He encourages them to go to Ireland or France where “at risk of emotional abuse” doesn’t exist and most families who would’ve lost their baby to adoption here are allowed to keep them abroad.
You might want to research Ian Josephs a bit more. I have included an article below which might help. It's long but it refers to Ian Josephs's funding of Marie Black, a convicted p**do. I have also pasted a link to an article showing Black’s vile case.

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Social services do everything they can to keep the family together if it’s a safe option. It really does take a lot for a child to be removed (and has to go through the courts). We will never know the details but there’s clearly enough concern and cause for them to have acted as they did.
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Hi there

Well-known member
News we all dreaded but knew in the deep of our hearts. They found the baby in the wooded area near to where the arrests were made earlier this afternoon. RIP angel x
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I know I’m using my rational head here and that is clearly lacking for CM/MG but for the life of me I can’t imagine facing such cold temperatures and terrible living conditions and not conceding and accepting I can’t look after a baby like that. I doubt even if she wore the baby 24/7 the baby would be warm enough in that kind of environment? But then I also do hope they were squatting somewhere rather than in the elements. I mean, you just hope for the best for the baby don’t you? While there’s no confirmation of a body there is always hope….
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That poor innocent baby ❤. I am absolutely disgusted at those two adults for allowing this to happen. If you are able to lay down and make a baby then you deal with the consequences and the last few months of those twos behaviour has been pure selfish and disgusting. That poor innocent child was failed by the person who should have protected them the most. Rest in peace little one ❤
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But you don’t know that. It’s all assumed!

I don’t know she didn’t. I’m not saying she didn’t.

All I was saying was - everyone is jumping very quickly to conclusions (understandably!) but also being massively dismissive of any other opinions - when actually no one knows anything more than anyone else!
but there is a reason why she had her other kids taken off her. There’s a reason the police were looking for them and look what’s happened and how it happened. I’m in two minds as he was controlling her or she couldn’t be without him but one thing is she didn’t put her baby’s well being first. Sleeping rough outside in a tent !? Unimaginable.
That poor baby suffered at the hands of her parents. I’m not accusing them of murdering their baby but they didn’t protect her either.
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