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The tweets are speculative about why CM might have been attracted to or started a relationship with MG. They’re inappropriate, unnecessary and vulgar.

Some of the posts across these threads have been comments - not speculation but actual thoughts or opinions being voiced - about how the posters hope that CM and MG will come to harm in prison.

(Obviously everyone has the right to post whatever they wish, I’m not thread policing.)

In my opinion, wishing physical harm on another person (and inadvertently wishing that someone else gets into more trouble for causing the harm, while already in prison) is considerably worse than idle speculation about why a person might have been attracted to someone else.
Especially as at the moment they are held awaiting trial - not actually found guilty.
People tend to not have too many warm and fuzzy feelings towards people who cause the death of a tiny baby and then leave her body to rot in a carrier bag. Yes, yes, they've not been found guilty yet etc.

I think, for many, the endless excuse making for their sickening behaviour is even more offensive.
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I think it's that CM clearly has severe mental health issues probably both genetic and as a result of adverse experiences. So as awful as it is she probably wasnt able to make better choices. Hence why SS wanted to remove the baby. You've not once mentioned MH issues in your post?

Youre right that a poor, ugly woman from a council estate probably wouldn't be given as much grace as CM. But that doesn't mean we should take that away from CM. It means we should extend the same to the woman from the council estate.

And you're right that socioeconomically disadvantaged people have it much worse because they are likely to have been exposed to adverse experiences since birth and generationally.

The right thing to do is not take understanding away from CM but to extend it to the other woman.
Also the stereotype of a woman putting a man or drugs above her children is IMO misogynistic. I listened to a really good podcast recently about this trope and the real reasons why women do seem to do this but can't remember the name of it now
Lots of people have severe mental health problems and virtually all of them don't end up with a dead baby through their actions. Plenty of people go through a lot of terror and trauma in their lives and don't end up with a dead baby through their actions. I don't buy it. She made choices. They left deliberately and avoided detection very well and for a long time. That involves some fairly serious planning and decision making.

My sympathy is with the baby, who didn't get to make any choices and didn't get to live.
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I wonder if there was concern about them harming the baby if it was made headline news over the media?

What sort of woman has 5 kids and doesn't have the ability to put them before herself?
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It's very upsetting all round but in a weird way I hope the baby did die fairly quickly because the thought of her suffering for weeks rather than days is just too much :(
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It's so difficult isn't it. My youngest is adopted and I have real empathy for his birth mother (most days, sometimes I'm angry at her. Don't judge, I'm just a human). Lots of us as parents can understand that desire to hold, keep and claim your child. if someone was going to take my child id run too.
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Someone on the last thread said they thought CM was the controlling one, not MG. Why?

Genuinely curious why you think that. 🙂
I think I might have posted something asking why people think it was cc with MG being the controlling one. It seems to me that assumptions are being made because she's a woman and he has a history, when it could easily be the other way round. CM has the money and the social standing.

For the record I don't think it's cc. I think it's two mentally unwell people that found each other and left a trial of trauma.

I'm also tired of people trying to shut down the discussion by saying we shouldn't speculate. Of course we are going to speculate. That's literally what the thread is about. Speculating about cc and their mh is also speculation. 🙄
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People tend to not have too many warm and fuzzy feelings towards people who cause the death of a tiny baby and then leave her body to rot in a carrier bag. Yes, yes, they've not been found guilty yet etc.

I think, for many, the endless excuse making for their sickening behaviour is even more offensive.
They're not excusing someone though? Just saying they don't agree with wishing physical harm on them. Not everyone believes in an eye for an eye.
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Thank you for sharing.

Previously had suspected they’d both plead guilty so no trial and a lesser (?) sentence because the charges were to do with concealment of birth, but now there’s a child cruelty charge in there too suspect they’ll plead not guilty to that ergo there will be a trial? Not sure how this works tbh - paging our thread expert @Dogmuck 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hey 👋 HTRIA and others. Not read all that article as DM soz. These new charges have come late in the day, wasn’t the previous court date August? So their counsel would have said, we can’t be ready for trial in August we need to go through the evidence etc and get instruction and I’m busy with xyz trial so we need to set back the trial. They’d have looked for new dates and that may well have been the first available convenient date with the right amount of time. What I would say is this, every day they are on remand is easier than being in prison and every day in remand is taken off sentence, they get credit. IIRC they still haven’t been arraigned so I’m guessing they will be arraigned in January and can still plead guilty then and that would be considered pleading at first opportunity so would also give them the credit (reduced sentence). In January they will have spent almost a year in custody albeit on remand, that’s quite a hefty amount of time to have taken off. I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t their game plan. Let me look at the charges and the sentencing guidelines and try to figure out what their likely sentence would be minus credit for early plea and time served.
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How the hell, in this day and age, are people able to post that utter shite? Twitter is disgusting.
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You might aswell have tagged me in it chuck 🤣🤣🤣

I have genuine sympathies for people with Mental Illness. Genuine mental illness that is.

I don't have much sympathy for people who neglect their children or cause their children harm.

It's a conflict.
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Sorry if I'm being thick.

My impression was nobody knew she was pregnant, at all. As in no scans, midwife appointments, care of any description throughout the pregnancy - which put both Constance and Victoria at risk.

When she was born, they went on the run. Again, no checks or care for either Constance or Victoria.

So, how the fuck can any service, medical or social, learn lessons from something they couldn't possibly have known about?

Again, the lack of medical care or check for Victoria can surely evidence negligence, at the very least?
That's my understanding of it, too. As far as I know, she has other children in care and knew that this one would be taken too so the pregnancy was concealed.

As far as lessons learned...I suppose the arguement would be that they were already known to SS, so perhaps there were signs that were missed that they were about to go fully off the deep end. I don't have an issue with it all being looked into, because that's how we learn at the end of the day.

I know this will be an unpopular opinion generally, but you can't legislate for every situation, and social care would have to be funded out the wazoo for people to be properly engaged when they're having mental health problems. I just don't see that ever happening personally. Sadly, there will always be cases like this, and have been since the dawn of time.
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The defence will argue against that, I think they’ll say it was to keep her close.

We’re going to see two very different versions.

Wonder if that’s where she gave birth
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I've been following this case. I'm aggravated by some of the sympathy around CM that I just don't think would exist if she was uneducated, ugly and from a council estate. In many ways CM is worse in my opinion as she did have the education and the choices but still put something else (man? drugs?) ahead of the little baby she could have protected. But we will see what comes out. RIP to the little baby girl.
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May I ask what the anger is about? I don't think I've ever heard this sentiment before and I've heard a lot about adoption. No judgement, just curious!
The biological parents may not always have made sensible decisions during the pregnancy (maybe alcohol or drug use) or in the early weeks/months, and these selfish decisions may have a long term affect on the health or emotional well being of an innocent child that could have easily been avoided. I could understand anger towards them in this instance.
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I just don't understand why hands are tied. Why must these people be pandered to and allowed to control the system?
Well, mainly from a human rights perspective, but also for the basic principles of justice. As things stand right this minute, despite what we all think here, both of these fkrs are, in the eyes of the law, innocent. We would all want to be treated equally under these circumstances and he’s entitled to his rights, we don’t know what’s wrong with his back, it might be really bad, not only wild sleeping and shoddy prison beds gonna do that, but when you’re an aggressive rapist you’re definitely gonna suffer with scumbago 😏
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Imagine being selected for that Jury and already knowing about the case from discussing it online.
“Sorry I can’t do jury service because I’m a tattler” (but can I sit and watch and do live updates for the thread?)

A week of knowing you’ll be on that jury, but having to actively avoid anything about them, is a huge ask!
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Thank you, that’s really helpful to understand what happens.

I can’t imagine them pleading guilty… obviously no idea really but after everything so far (that we’re aware of, anyway) I just can’t see it.
It’s a tough call, but if I had to put money on it I’d say they’d plead guilty.

The only reason for this is that they have lived a very private existence for the last few years and I don’t get the impression that they would want a circus, if it goes to trial then their entire lives are open to scrutiny. The only reason I could imagine they would want this is if they want to embarrass her family. We shouldn’t hear much If anything about the previous children, there will be a news black out on that for the sake of the children, but the press may be able to elude to it in order to give substance to the case. So they may state that social services were previously involved and had concerns about the unborn child’s welfare.

If they were my clients I’d tell them guilty is the way to go, there’s already really bad publicity surrounding them and a public outpouring of grief for the baby and hate/disgust for them. It would not be a pleasant experience, it will take months to come to trial and their chances of getting a jury decision in their favour is unlikely given what we already know. If they go guilty, firstly it shows remorse and then counsel can lay it on thick in mitigation and the whole thing is over much quicker.You know what it’s like in a trial situation, you’re in the paper every day and every avenue is explored in all media outlets. They have no control over that and then if they are found guilty it’s more of the same until sentencing. They can go guilty next week and it’s one day of press exposure, then sentencing and that’s one day of exposure and it’s done (with the exception of the Netflix series The rapist and the aristocrat. They would be mad to ride this out imho, but part of me really wants them to so we can have all the deep dives into their lives. I’m not talking about the death of the poor child, I mean his and her lives, I really want to know the detail about how they’ve been living and if all the chat about not paying rent etc is true.
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I sadly also think they'll play the MH card and will be convicted but won't serve any more time for it.

Look at that poor little 2 year old left with an elderly unwell father and no one found him for weeks :(. And everyone is blaming SS and the Police, not the parents who shouldn't have had a child that they were unable to care for. The house/garden looks squalid. The authorities are too stretched to even begin to watch the thousands of parents who should never have been allowed to breed in the first place. The sad reality is that it must have been obvious that these two were a flight risk.... and the baby paid the ultimate price. Fingers will be pointed at authorities and social workers, but not these two.

I honestly despair of society at times.
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haha it was me that did the Letby wiki. Not sure I’d call myself a legend but I’ll take it 🤣🤣

I’ve been lurking here but not sure I can get so invested this time though. Letby’s trial lasting 10 months was intense!
Babes you’re one of my heroes- come on don’t be shy this is a much smaller case, you’ll nail this. 🙏🏼 please 🙏🏼
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