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Chatty Member
I’m a bit late to the party here!! BUT, I’m not sure if everyone has seen this trailer, and what they think..
Oh, and it’s available to watch now!!

Has anyone actually seen it yet? What do you think?
What the!!!! Who thought making that was a good idea?? I don't think I'll be able to watch 🙈 the trailer was scary enough... Some would say its like a pre documentary... Predictive programming if you will 😳

And if I read correctly on duck duck go they only decided on the idea in March 2020... I've worked in theatre settings and whilst that is not on TV / streamed devices, I'm pretty sure it takes a bit bloody longer then the time they had to write, direct, film AND release something!!
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Yes it’s just a random one that comes up all the time, my husband just said he gets them all the time and cancels them, he said it was a survey so they collect all the answers and it will be published as to what the public views are but the worst part was at the end of call he said “take care of yourself” 😫
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Thank you. That video is really interesting. Dolores really knows her stuff. Makes sense why there is such a large gap between doses and the reissuing of these doses to other groups. Because shit might well hit the fan with the second dose.
Looks like the MSM also agree that vaccines shouldn’t be “mixed”...

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Yes, he's speaking about HIV, but listen to what he says. He's saying that after testing for HIV you could use the test to find anything you wanted.
As we know, the cycle rate is now being questioned.. and why, because of exactly what he says - things can be misinterpreted when not used right. To many spins and you'll find old virus, that's been said by WHO

" He's saying that after testing for HIV you could use the test to find anything you wanted."

I don't really know what you mean by this.

From his explanation I took it to mean; PCR testing can only detect the presence of "a thing" but not how much of it you have (qualitative, rather than quantitative) - it detects the genetic material of viruses, as opposed to the virus itself.

EDIT - Should have said, thank you for linking. It was interesting to listen to!
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Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m new here! So glad to have found this thread.
I don’t deny that there is a virus, I don’t deny that it has the ability to make some people very sick.
However... I do think there is more going on and I don’t understand how so many people have blindly gone along so far.
I don’t live in fear of a virus that I have a very high chance of making a full recovery from after feeling crap for a few days, however I do live in fear of where we are headed as a society.
We have been lied to, from the minute Boris said “it’s just 3 weeks to flatten the curve”.
My questions are as follows:
1) why waste money on the nightingale hospitals and all that they entailed when they knew that the NHS has been horrifically understaffed for years. Where were the staff ever going to come from? As I understand they are now mostly decommissioned as they cannot staff them. What was the point? The only things I can think of, mass hysteria the public thinks “oh my gosh look at the sizes of hospitals we are going to need for these people alongside the hospitals we already have” and to line the pockets of their mates once again.
2) why the fascination with this 1 in 50 people have covid, that means 98 in 100 don’t have it. Again people seem blind to this number, I know which one I prefer my odds with.
3) why this virus? We didn’t shut down for mad cow disease, bird flu, swine flu etc so why this one, which when you look at the data that is so readily available it is in the main killing people that are on or around the average mortality rate for the UK anyway. Whilst I wouldn’t wish loss on anyone unfortunately the only two things you can guarantee in life are death and taxes.
4) when will this end, when will we be able to se our families again? Socialise again? Act like the social animals that we are once again.
This isn’t living this is existing and it’s really starting to get me down.
Especially in a world where you are vilified for having an opinion that differs to that of MSM.
Sorry long post apologies if I haven’t articulated myself very well, I get all wound up and excited cause I have nobody else to talk to about all this 😂
Edited: spelling
Welcome fellow critical thinker.
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Chatty Member
"Editing" DNA has pros and cons. Yes it could mean designer babies which is of course not good and completely unnecessary.

It could also, potentially, mean "hacking" someones immune system to retrain to destroy cancerous tumours, or even replacing defective genes, like ones that causes alzheimers or other diseases to develop.
I have no idea about this sort of thing in all honesty.. I can read it but scientifically I have no actual understanding.

Being able to heal cancers and alzheimers would be a huge step! I'm sure most of us have had freinds / family with these terrible diseases 😔

I wonder... If this was possible what would it mean for ageing and longevity in general?? I may be way off but surely being able to alter specific genes and with the world we live in currently (influencers etc) I could see this being a sort of "death becomes her" scenario also! Not trying to create a conspiracy!! Just makes you wonder how far it could go and if it could work for one thing it could work for another

Not sure that is conspiracy thinking lol... Just future ponders 😊💭
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I’ve read the article. It says he was injected with the well established meningitis vaccine, not actual meningitis. His cause of death has not been released, so it’s not clear how he died but the article does not suggest it was from the men vaccine or meningitis.
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It’s really shocking and worrying about the potential mixing of vaccinations, and this is happening because instead of giving a set amount of people both their vaccinations in a 6 week (I think ) time period, they want to vaccinate as many as possible with just one jab!! So, the chances of the people who have already had their first vaccine getting another brand of vaccine is really high, and not only is it wrong to mix chemicals, it could be fatal!! The CDC in America are shocked that this is happening over here. And, where is the data that shows its efficiency? It’s bloody frightening, and as my mum got really unwell after her first jab (Pfizer), there’s no way I’m letting her get her second one!!
With China, I do not believe the figures, because of the student mobile story. And, even though there’s a “fact checking” on the story, I know for sure that the student story is true (we do a lot of business in China) Whatever way you look at it, it’s still really tragic isn’t it?!

@monga - Thanks for asking, she’s a lot better now, but it was really worrying. The weird thing is, even though she’s got over the tummy situation, she’s just really tired all the time, and her arm is still sore. My next door neighbours went for their first vaccine a couple of days ago, and initially she said her arm was hurting, but apparently she’s not been well today..😞
How’s everything where you are? I heard there was a row going on about how many vaccines you are getting? 😉
Glad your mum’s on the mend.. no we’re good for vaccines we get ours from England the EU wanted to implement the NI protocol to stop vaccines reaching England through the backdoor that is NI but that has a lot of trade implications that they didn’t account for, one of them being American investment to/from England
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If I could like this post a thousand times, I would!! Absolutely spot on!!
And it’s really so awful that it’s come to this. We are so divided, and I’ve had to cut off some of my friends who don’t see anything wrong with what’s going on!! They are under the impression that everything will be fine by the summer, they are all getting the vaccine, they don’t care about what Prof Dolores Cahill, or Dr Vernon Coleman have to say, I’ve sent them the videos about Event 201 and The Lockstep Report, but they don’t want to know!!!
At this point, I’m just so happy that we can discuss things here!! ❤
Sorry but Lockstep is not a report. It was one of a set of hypothetical scenarios of planning exercises published as part of a report called "Scenarios for the Future of Technology." Even if it were some sort of "plan" (which it isnt) why would they stick it as an easily accesible PDF available for download by anyone, from the regular internet?
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This is the creepy video of Burke Ramsay on Dr.Phil. 11 million people have watched this!! (It came out 4years ago)

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Rant incoming...
Does anyone else feel physically sick each day as lockdown continues knowing what it's costing? £2.4b per day to be exact. Yes I am still banging on about it and will continue to because it just blows my mind how the topic is completely absent from the narrative within government, media and real life? I broached it when walking with my friend this weekend and she physically recoiled.

Everyone should be fighting tooth and nail for this to end NOW. No "it is what it is" "whenever the vaccine takes effect" approach. I cannot believe that there are fully grown, working, tax-paying adults that are unconcerned by the UK economy being paused for 10 months and are actually comfortable with this continuing indefinitely?

The idea that anti-lockdowners are selfish 'granny killers' is genuinely nonsensical. When the cost of living trebles and Doris can't afford to keep the heating on, she will die. Why does no one care about that? Why is no one even mentioning it? The economy has a greater impact on lifespan than COVID - including the vulnerable - I cannot stress this enough. Once furlough ends the economic ripple effect of redundancies, loan defaults and businesses collapsing will be biblical. Yet all I see is an occasional "guys I'm kinda worried for my husband's job" like... yeah. That is an extremely wise concern to have in the current climate.

I don't care if I'm scaring people because we absolutely should be scared. Maybe if more were we wouldn't be in this mess! This is past the point of concern for our jobs but our pensions and money in our account too. I predict post-furlough a lot of pro-lockdowners will find themselves unable to put food on the table and will feel very different about having no right to protest... 🙃
I don't think it's a case of either or. Both are true and devastating but one needs to be under control to resolve the other. It's the black and white thinking that is dividing everyone.
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Could the WHO finally be acknowledging that there’s a problem with the PCR tests being run at too high a cycle?

It’s been picked up by Carl Heneghan amongst others. The timing of it makes me quite cynical if there’s anything in it!



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Whoahh she looks scary! I’ll have nightmares if I watch this before bed 😂 I’ll watch it tomorrow.
I know what you mean!! She’s literally a walking advert for NOT getting plastic surgery!! (And she reminds me of Zelda from Terrahawks!) 😱😂
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I feel like the dress/they thing etc is quite emotive, so I’m not going to talk about it and probably a better example should be used.

a better non emotive example would be something like names:

Id be a bit confused if someone continually called me the wrong name despite me saying no it’s such and such, (I’d probably just think they were an idiot or give up correcting them, but others might be more bothered or be more outspoken.) but someone went well I don’t Like that name, I don’t agree with it, I’m not calling you it. It would be within my right to be annoyed and I’d probably want to talk about it, did I shove it down someone’s neck? The other person had the deep offence over my name it’s not got much to do with the other person though a name is a name,you introduce yourself as it and defines you somehow. You can change your name yeah, and some people feel more attached than others, but it’s not going to sell newspapers that David wants people to call him Dave is it?
Why do we have names, certain names, why don’t kids pick names, should we allow bullying and abuse against certain names as a society? is more what Id personally be interested in, in terms of critical thinking and conspiracy theories though.

personally not sure Paedophilia is relevant as an example when it’s widely shunned by society (obviously rightly so) for multiple reasons including actively harming people, harming people murder etc aren’t accepted by society, and only paedos consider themselves wrong. People aren’t worried about offending a pweirdo.

Good point ....
Depending on counties though Biden is not at all “left wing”
Biden could be NWO fodder but why put Trump in charge for a random four years?
All this pizza gate was meant to be followed up by now wasn’t it? Trump sat inone of the most powerful offices while a mini uprising happened outside, but didn’t share any of this email info, explosive stuff he knew. Why?
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I don’t know if anyone has come across this on their travels. Why the hell did she have the vaccine? Just to ‘virtue signal’ and now it appears she has sadly lost her baby ❤
That first picture is surely not the same person as the tweets. Looks nothing alike and she looks further along than 14 weeks.
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