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Same. Christmas day video was 100% a different person. huge breasts, long face. That was not her.
Also, people said about the brooch being on the wrong side. I'm not that observant but since then I have always looked at her brooch on image search and those people were right she just didn't wear her brooch on that side. significance? I have no idea, but there will be one.

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I used to follow Chris years ago, such a mind, but sadly he went off a tangent I could no longer follow. I'm not saying what he says isn't true just that he was a bit too aggressive in his approach for me. He used to rant and rave a lot on his FB and I backed off. not seen him for a very long time now.

I do believe the same people play other people others don't see it just like they don't see those same people used in the false flags. Once you see one thing your eyes open to other things and you wonder how the F you never see it before.

Is anyone else feeling that there could be a cyberattack very soon? I keep hearing talk about it so I'm now expecting one and they will blame Russia as always.

love how people are laughing at RT propaganda while watching the BBC 🤣 Strange how they see the manikins, prosthetics and fakeness on one side but not the other.

RT is invaluable for watching all the protests that the BBC pretend are not happening
I tried reading the Russia/Ukraine thread but the ignorance and silliness just depresses me, along with the usual insightful "I hate Trump" posts 🤦.
Getting really depressed reading threads and in real life how easily led, ignorant, followers of the herd, closed minded , blindly trusting people are. It's like the majority stick their fingers in their ears until it affects them and then they just want to know HOW it will affect them before they move onto the next bandwagon. Or laughing at those who dare to step away from the narrative. So easy for some to laugh but I never see their actual views on anything of worth.
Sorry but I'm not feeling very charitable towards (most) peoples mindsets at the moment.
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There are so many of these.. propaganda, Both sides will be doing this. this is what war is.

Yesterday I could not stop rolling my eyes when people on the war thread were saying how willfully ignorant the Russian people are, as it's easy enough to find the truth, while they are sprouting BS that the BBC spoonfed them.

People saying where is that coward Putin why is he not showing his face. Well unlike their hero the actor Zelenskyy Putin is fighting a war not doing photo ops. They are so used to everything being filmed anyone not being filmed must be hiding and shaking in thier boots. I cannot even get my head around this mentality

So much BS coming out since when do any side of a war tell the media when they will be striking, what their tatics are?
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I was only thinking last night surely no-one still believes the landing on the moon footage is true. And surely that is the biggest indicator of just how far governments will go in lying to people.
I'm getting weary and tbh a bit upset how it's getting impossible to share thoughts and ideas without being ripped to shreds .I'm sure it puts people off sharing.
The world seems full of not very nice people.
Love to all you "crazies"... intelligent, open minded, generous,sane and NICE people.
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Nora Fenn

Chatty Member
I totally resent the term anti vaxxer. I’m not an anti vaxxer. I’ve had all previous vaccinations, I get a flu vaccination every winter, I just haven’t had a covid vaccine. I’ve had covid and while it wasn’t pleasant it’s not something I’d feel the need to take a vaccine for. As for the the narrative of taking it to protect others well surely taking a vaccination should protect me first and foremost? But if doesn’t and I can still catch and spread covid even with 3 jabs.
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Pfizer and Moderna stocks have plummeted quite a lot in the last week or two I believe which is definitely fishy. There's definitely something about them wanting to take more money away from normal people because I mean that's kind of what the last two years has been about hasn't it? If anything gets the truth out there eventually, it will be the insurance companies because they won't be able to pay for all the damage that has been done.
All the money that could be mined from the vaccines has been done already. It was reported we will bin 3.5 million doses of the booster, but it doesn’t matter if we’ve already signed a contract for them. $18 billion for Moderna. Think it was $50 billion for their beloved Pfizer.

Pfizer’s forced FOI data is due on the first of every month. the first one wasn’t surprising, but I doubt the majority of people are even aware it came out. The rhetoric will be "we only suggested it may help, it was ultimately your choice”.

I’ve been into minimalism for the past 3-4 years. So have become used to not spending and buying extras spending mainly on just food and therapy, but the difference is that it was about choice not need.

With rising food, transport, gas & electricity , council tax, petrol costs most people are not just facing just one thing. I think it’s deliberately designed to push even more into poverty and to destroy the middle class so you only have the poor and the super rich. The Financial Times did a report that said the covid pandemic has undone the previous 30 years of progress. There will always be food just that not everyone will afford to eat .
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It feels like covid all over again in that if you dare to question then angry, laughing faces appear and randoms suddenly appear saying how dare you my whole street have died of covid blah blah. Just because we haven't become terrified of a virus or heartbroken over a conflict when we have been told to.
Well they can jog on.
As you say purrrrrrr I'm not keen on the sheep analogy but if the fleece fits. Last time I looked we still just about had freedom of speech.
I remember questioning why Russia were awarded the football world cup after their invasion in 2014 but no one in the media cared. Just like the pathetic knee bending, flag wearing footballers,empty guesture... they all went to Russia, will be going to Qatar and didn't kick off about Saudi takeover of Newcastle. Selective Outrage.
What I find incredible is the people who seemingly woke up to the Covid propaganda but have now fallen hook line and sinker for all of the Ukraine propaganda. I feel like I've woken up in March 2020!
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Thank you for posting this @Purrrrrrr ,I find this absolutely fascinating,I think we've been both lied to, and programmed to forget (have amnesia) about our true past.
If we don't know who we are, or were we came from, or what we are capable of then we are like a void, a blank slate, and then they (the elite) can lie to us, and distort history, so that it only reflects their interpretation.
Seeing history through their eyes, we become small and insignificant, insect like, and they become like giant figures like something out of mythology, and we are programmed from birth I think, to look up to them (literally) ?
We are told, we toiled in the dark ages,we were primitive, superstitious, literally in darkness, always needing to be saved or kept in order (civilised) by the clergy, aristocracy, land owners, knights, kings etc....the crusaders (and all their stolen wealth),but under the cover of taking the moral high ground (some things never change).....but the view of ordinary people as serfs, peasants, and expendables has never changed.
We need education, enlightenment, saving from our gross animal nature, or lowly status or so we are told right? Right throughout history.
Then again what if all this was the elites idea of role play, designed to justify oppression, and violations and being stolen from (our lands, resources,native language or culture, old wisdom)?
It's food for thought that's for sure, because I do feel that something has gone badly wrong, been (deliberately) turned upside down.
That's because just on a feeling and energetic level all the decent people I know, sensitive,intuitive,clever, or noble or helpful, all struggle with self acceptance, low self esteem, depression, or feelings of self hatred or not fitting in.
That isn't right, that some (often very kind and good people) people often struggle or feel like they should stay in the shadows, probably because they have been taught to self sabotage, because they are not easy to corrupt and have some character? Yet criminals or the cabal or the sociopathic are given top positions, and wealth and influence, and get rich while so many are plunged into poverty.
It all stems from the lie of history imo, the dominance of the warrior elite, and over promotion of the military or patriarchal/hierarchical way of thinking.
Community,only existing according to their dictates and the natural urge towards being creative,is frowned upon, and seen as useless in the midst of so much destruction, and theft and greed.
Yes what if that wasn't our real history, or if it was only a part of if (maybe a parasitical version, an invasion)?
I don't know (that's exactly my point) and that's the problem, if we can't access that or uncover it, then the lies continue, and we will either accept them, or get frustrated in trying to prove otherwise (conspiracy theories), and then of course be subjected to ridicule, or disbelief, or ostracised?
I personally think that we're stuck a bit, and the truth they say will set you free? Or piss you off.
Or piss other people off!

Yet I have heard of some sections of the wealthy elite, being brought up with a version closer to the truth (in regards to history) so yet again, it could very well be used to divide and create a two tier society. Those that know, are included, and those that don't? (Excluded)?
No wonder some feel so smug or superior and sneer at the clueless or ignorant (an ignorance that works in their favour) yes what if the real history was a secret that only the elect few knew?
You know it probably is, and that's how they get away with re creating over and over again the aristocracy versus the peasants narrative....again and again and again wonder some of us what to find out the truth, we don't want to repeat the same mistakes?
Yes to all of this 🙌🏼 The way society and our lifestyles have been set up prevents us from thriving as human beings, this is why we are all so fucking depressed. We are not meant to be locked up in offices working 9-5 all week, we are not meant to be glued to electronic devices 24/7, we are not meant to eat fast food, drink alcohol all the time and have the amount of stress in our lives. Without sounding too “hippy” I believe if we just went back to basic lifestyles, being at one with nature, living off the land, meditating, being amongst other people, not having social media etc we would thrive as species and be alot happier for it. Society is set to fail us we are the “useless eaters”, we are dispensable. we work for the big boys and keep everything ticking over while the fat cats get rich and try to destroy everything they touch. We are not meant to know what exactly we are capable of they want to keep us submissive and doing what they want us to do. We have been dumbed down so much and become less intelligent which is obviously not an accident.
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Do the sheep never stop to wonder why they are bounced from one frothing hysteria to the next with no pause for breath? Would they even flicker with recognition if you mentioned any of the following to them right now today:
- Je suis Charlie
-Bataclan theatre​
-Australian wild fires​
-Notre Dame burns (remember when people were competing to put up the most money for its repair :ROFLMAO:)​
-George Floyd/BLM (remember when they wanted to topple all statues!!)​
-Sarah Everard​
-Kill the Bill​
-ISIS, Arab spring etc​
-Afghanistan Taliban takeover​
-Arthur Labinjo Hughes (they believed this was the worst killing of a child that had ever happened and thought the 30 year sentences were too lenient :ROFLMAO:)​
(There are others, please remind me what I've missed.)​
You can soon add the Plandemic to that list. Just talking to my neighbours and relatives and within days they have gone from "Covid will kill us all" to "This Ukraine thing is terrifying".

The Ukraine invasion will very likely settle down within a matter of weeks and will never be mentioned again.

Then you have things like the Plymouth shootings that should make news for weeks but go straight down the memory hole within a day.

Do the sheep never realise the MSM is keeping them in this permanent state of frenzy and flux? Have humans in fact been rewired to actually enjoy being in this state now? When I see what they say on Mumsnet etc they genuinely seem to love it all. It's like the Gavin and Stacey meme, "I love the drama, Mick."
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This media propagander is ridiculous. Quick covid isn’t controlling the masses anymore. Do something else
Also, what’s getting my goat at the minute is the hypocrisy of everyone. When the IRA were prevalent we were told ‘not all Irish people are terrorists’ When a Terrorist attack happened under Islam were told ‘not all Muslims’. But now it’s all Russians, kick them out. Smash the vodka, ban the cats. I’ve seen Russian shops getting attacked. Be really interesting to see if, when China attack Taiwan, if the west ban all Chinese products…..


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boredddddddd of all the (as someone put it yesterday) fear porn eminating from everywhere right now
i'm going away on saturday and i cannot wait to just lie on a beach, drink in hand, and my biggest worry being what outfit I'll put on that night or how i need a wee but i'm too comfy to move. i don't care how selfish that sounds either!

i lurk quite a few threads on here and the way some people speak down to people is disgusting, so belittling.
this thread is lovely, i've always loved a good conspiracy theory, i remember when I was little watching something about climate change and how every 500 or so years the climate gets cooler or warmer on a standard cycle, it's just what the earth does!

And the UK contributes what like 1% toward overall emissions, you can prise my 4.6 litre v8, 3 litre v6 and 3 litre straight 6 cars out of my cold, dead hands!

I hate all this "you will own nothing" balls, like no soz I own my shit outright, I save up, nothing is on finance. the whole lease car deals for me have made people feel more comfortable with never owning their own cars as it's the norm for so many, whereas the thought of that for me just isn't right. what if the whole social credit thing came in? imagine just waking up one morning to go to work and your lease car had disappeared because you'd lost a few points
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I love this thread and everyone on it. ( that goes for you lurkers and new posters here) I might not agree with everything posted here but I am respectful of everyone's journey. I am always learning and growing unlearning relearning and I don't have any problems being wrong. as long as you can show me without MSM links or the first hits in google that I am wrong.

My gut tells me the truth even if it's a painful truth that I would rather not know It would be so easy to just accept I am not being lied to, but I can't, I know we are living this huge lie, I know our history is a lie I know we were not the first intelligent life here I know that there have been things hidden from us that would enrich our lives, we are an enslaved race and we have been enslaved by evil
I also feel that is coming to an end and it's going to be mindblowing. but we still have a few hurdles to get over.

My type is INFP-T

I am just off to the cash machine to get some cash to tide over in case of a cyber attack as had to use my savings stash on my car
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Nora Fenn

Chatty Member
It’s absolutely alarming the amount of young, fit men of a certain age falling ill or dying from cardiac issues. There’s just too many for it to be a coincidence. The media is reporting that Jamel Edwards MBE died from a heart attack. I don’t know his status but I hope nobody jumps on me for wondering if it’s vaccine related.
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I don't want to engage but big difference in threads is posters on here mainly discuss thoughts,experiences,links, videos, theories and worries with the underlying theme being don't believe everything or don't take things on face value. It's respectful and supportive and we occasionally express disbelief at views elsewhere on Tattle.
T'other appears to be purely posters reading here and taking the piss over there.
As human beings sometimes it's hard not to see what is being written about us. But I think we all try to stay away but in moments of weakness it can be upsetting to read. We aren't doing anyone any harm and I for one am grateful for the support on here.
I try to find it funny but really I feel they show themselves to be mean-spirited and I would be embarrassed.
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So many questions. You let the youngest go to school for half a day, despite seemingly being their gran as opposed to the parent, and in that time the kid was indoctrinated enough about masks that you decided that school was not suitable? All sounds rather odd. As for the misconception that home schooled children sit alone at a table, well they aren't sitting with other kids are they?
Are you really on this thread to goad? This thread was fine till you came along trying to ‘debunk’ and challenge everyone, its to discuss conspiracy THEORIES. Key word being theories. You don’t like us or agree with anything we discuss but still hang about chiming in with your holier than thou attitude, it’s embarrassing.
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@1001 others @Purrrrrrr @Mbouzer

Thank you for replying! Yes, something just isn't ringing true about any of it, hasn't for a while now but it's becoming more obvious! Every story they release my thoughts spiral, like announcing she has Covid... I question what reaction they are hoping for - was the timing linked to the restrictions dropping, was it another distraction from something else...

@Poddular I find comfort in coming back here to read, while I don't post often, I am so grateful for all of you who share your thoughts/feelings/questions/ideas etc. 🙌🏻 I love how accepting and respecting you all are - we'll have different views but it's not an issue. I don't feel like anyone here has any interest in forcing others to believe the same as them, it's about putting information out there isn't it.

For me personally, I always enjoyed reading traditional conspiracy theories because I was fascinated with the way we can receive the same information and see it so differently. I love the way our minds work, how some people can seemingly see something out of nothing, but it makes sense. I like to question things,to understand different viewpoints even if I disagree.

From what I can gather, in this thread we have a wide range of ages, backgrounds, experiences etc., I wonder what it is that means we think like this? Are we just naturally inquisitive, open-minded? Were we either encouraged or discouraged to ask questions growing up? Whatever the reason, I am so glad to have found here 🙌🏻
I have always been a bit of a free thinker. I left school and was working full time at 13 (not that I went often anyway once hitting senior school) I was always being chased by the school board for non-attendance. I would go back for a day and then off again, working for my BIL job sharing with my sister. I found out how to stay away but make it look like I was there by using pre-written late slips that my friend put in the register every day for me
I hated school, best years of my life? give over. It was boring most of the kids bored me as well ( think of going to school with those in other threads, parrots without any free thoughts of their own)

When was everyone's OMFG moment and then after that moment you realised everything was a lie?
Mine was 911 I could not understand why Bush always said 911 Iraq /Iraq 911 I kept thinking why is he doing that but no one else seemed to notice it but by doing that it helped pave the way for the Iraq war and that big fat lie. after that I see more and more until everything I once believed was true, I knew was a lie bit by bit it was revealed

Then after that, I had my spiritual awakening and realised there was much more to it all than I had previously thought.

It's so strange reading the Ukraine thread and how they see Putin and yet they could not see Biden's dementia. I read it and think they are brainwashed they read here and think we are crazy. The reason I know I am not wrong is because I question myself all the time, they never do. they are what I call arrogantly right. why would they need to dig deeper when every media and platform tells them they are right.
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I wonder how many of those women are men self-identifying as women?
Definately. The number of sex offence crimes by women has been reported a lot higher since the whole trans movement.

This whole self identifying shit shouldn’t be allowed. Here is a disgusting example of one, raped a dog and possessed images of children. The media need to stop reporting them as “women”. Thankfully I think this monster went to a mens jail, despite wanting to go to a female one. The courts seem to very lenient on these types of people. One wonders why. It would be interesting if they held figures on how many of these women child abusers on the 84% increase are actually self identifiers.


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So many questions. You let the youngest go to school for half a day, despite seemingly being their gran as opposed to the parent, and in that time the kid was indoctrinated enough about masks that you decided that school was not suitable? All sounds rather odd. As for the misconception that home schooled children sit alone at a table, well they aren't sitting with other kids are they?
I find it quite bizarre that you would spend time reading a thread that you find maddening, then rushing to tell other people on a different thread that people with different opinions to you are ‘unhinged’ and completely misrepresenting what people have said.
Seems like you just want to be antagonistic?
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