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Chatty Member
Has anyone gone down the rabbit hole of Trudeau's real father? The rumour is he's apparently Fidel Castro's son.
It's been rumoured for years. In the scheme of things it's unimportant but I will say that I don't see any resemblance to Pierre at all.

Here's a bit of background on his mother Margaret

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I was just reading some of the old conspiracy theories threads (miss you @DreamDolly), and it inspired me to read up on some of the subjects, that I,m interested in

For example I have always been interested in buildings with a strange or occult history,
So I had a bit of a look at the vigilant citizen website and also Google/Facebook and found these articles ....the truth really being stranger (and more horrific sometimes) than fiction.

Hi @Misbehaving hope you had a lovely birthday 🎂
I've been reading Vigilant Citizen for a few years, it has such interesting articles!
I love reading about the hidden messages in films etc, for example:
Have you heard of Jay Dyer? He goes into great detail about such things:
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Just like those in the US congress the majority of whose stock portfolios have beaten the S&P 500 . Nobody is that good. 🥴

That report says sep 2020 in the corner.
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There was a IUD in the us that was like a spring that went inside the falopian tube. That's caused loads of really serious problems to women. The documentary I saw with it on gave details on how basically in American you can get approval for a medical device without ever testing it or getting it checked or tested. It's something to do with you not needing new approval for tweaks to already approved products. But it could have been a thousand alterations back and a completely different devive that actually got the testing and approval
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I liked Contagion.

UTOPIA too if you haven't seen it. Loved the American version better then the original Brit version. Fake meat. Create a fake flu, get the people to literally demand a vaccine. The chant from the crowd was ""FDA we're begging you free the vaccine". Free the vaccine." . Christie’s vaccine, is the one that actually contains the new deadly virus. Makes who ever takes it sterile and halts human reproduction for three generations, stopping overpopulation.

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I read in Daily Mail Bojos baby had covid and was quite unwell. I thght they pushed jabs for pregnant women saying it also protects the baby. Doesnt seem like it has in his babys case. Im not wishing the baby any ill btw its just the way theyve pushed jabs on ppl im against
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Blade Runner

Chatty Member
I personally think that what we’re seeing at the moment worldwide is an ‘incompetence show’, in lockstep just like it always has been throughout this pandemic. Here we have partygate, Aus have the Djokovic circus, Canada have Trudeau saying that unvaccinated people are racists and bigots, Macron saying unvaccinated people aren’t citizens and he wants to piss them off, Biden is literally a walking talking incompetence show - all designed to rile us proles up and keep us distracted, but distracted from what I can’t quite decide 🤔 What’s massively thrown me at the moment is that we’re rolling back all our restrictions in the UK come Jan 26th when everywhere else seems to be going in the other direction. What’s the motive there I wonder?? Are we just first in the lockstep queue and all the other countries will follow suit in time or are they just giving us some brief respite and we’ll be back to tough restrictions when they think we’re more likely to accept them again?
I think it’s the Platinum Jubilee, the preparations and celebrations. Although the celebrations begin on 2nd June, the anniversary of the coronation is on 6th February. Once that’s over, there will be another dangerous variant, NHS overwhelmed, don’t kill grandad - you killed granny last time, new vaccine for new variant, digital ID for the greater good etc.
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Proposed solutions in the case of a financial cyberattack emphasis on the last point..


I've just watched what the health on Netflix. Is the conspiracy that big pharma, the dairy/meat industries etc are collaborating to keep us sick and addicted. Or is it that shows like the game changers, cowspiracy etc are there to lure us unknowingly to a soylent green scenario. So confusing knowing what to believe.
In cases like this trust your gut feeling.
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They changed a rule in the summer that games have to be stopped if there is a medical emergency. I was at a game once where they were giving CPR to a fan at the side of the pitch as play continued. The players had to beg the referee to stop the match.
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Was this gut parasite your mother had Pylori? I’ve been looking up this one of my own relatives. Over a decade and they have been fobbed off with IBS and during that time they have been prescribed then had to wean themselves off really heavy duty medication such as Pregabalin, Morphine and Valium as they lost their personality on them, the medication became ineffective after a while and they in the end were taking such medication every day just not to have the side effects your usual hard street drug addict would have when they go without their poison of choice - which I have not known anybody to be prescribed such for IBS before. I’ve also never known with anyone with IBS to be in so much pain they present like a woman giving birth either. They have been treating the symptoms rather than the cause for all this time and I think that is crazy. When they moved to another area, they were once even told this “IBS” was depression manifesting itself into a pain by different doctors and basically it all being in her imagination - and was collecting carrier bags of prescription mind altering anti-depression/anxiety medication despite pleading if anything she was depressed because of the constant pains in her abdomen. There is a reason why most of these drugs that gets prescribed are heavily addictive, they want people on them for considerable amounts of time, or in some cases life! I worry about these addictive medications shortening life spans, how many street drug addicts for example live beyond the age of 50? If they’re lucky?
I think so yes. They said it's common for people to pick it up from food in hot countries. Especially North Africa I think.
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