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Thanks @Lisdiz (y)
Yes that's perplexing isn't it? In regards to a report accidentally stating that the pope had died, and then self correcting. Wow 🤷‍♀️
At this point I wish I was more well read on conspiracy theories in general, just so I could understand the reason behind such things? :p

As for NASA much has been written and said stating, that the general public are being kept in the dark about aliens and alien contacts and visits.
So are they trying to alleviate suspicion, that they have been deliberately witholding information by making a token gesture to show' you see we are not hiding anything?
Just being cautious and preparing people and testing the water, as far as public opinion is concerned?
I really don't know? 🤷‍♀️ I'm sure some other posters would have a better idea than me?
Hmm interesting.
A fake alien invasion has been touted for years as the next potential false flag operation. Project Bluebeam.
im not sure, but makes you think……..
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It was mentioned here then I saw someone else mention it. Something going on but no clue what 🤪 . Parliament square has apparently been boarded up too. Might be normal with new year celebrations though.


Someone else posted this:


Khazakhstan is currently seeing riots on the streets over gas prices. They expecting the same here when people see how bad Inflation really is + food getting much more expensive?
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Also their development, they will be even more detached from their fellow man than their parents are. when you don't care about others then TPTB can do what they like and no one gives a shit

View attachment 992446

I think I mentioned before about having a few people visiting me lately and they have to wear a mask, I have said to them to take them off but they say they cant. Anyway been chatting to these two ladies ( separately) for a couple of visits. the other week we were outside the front door and she took off her mask and I felt really shocked because she looked nothing like my mind had made her look. it really disorientated me and I could not stop thinking about it, I told the other lady about it and said how freaked out I was and she pulled down her mask and again it was nothing like my mind had conjured up.

If any of my friends put a mask on, it's just them with a mask on. when it's someone you don't know it's completely different.

How will this also be affecting babies and children who have carers /teachers wearing masks? then one day they see them without.
This same thing happened to me when we had some guys over to fit our new router when we changed broadband, they were here for hours because there was some kind of issue, anyway, when they went I was having a nosey out the window because I wanted to see what they looked like without the masks and it really messed with my mind because they looked so different to what I had imagined.

We home educate because my children have autism and school messed up my eldest 2 children's mental health, i can't imagine the impact going to school would have had on them for the last 2 years.

One of my teenage nieces think masks are the best thing ever because it's like having a real life Snapchat filter on 🤦‍♀️
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Anyone watching the Chelsea game? It’s stopped because someone in the crowd has a ‘medical emergency’, commentator saying ‘well we’ve been seeing a lot of these lately, we’ll just have to wait and hope the news is good.’ 😶
I think this fan walked away by himself. They never used to stop games if someone took ill, even if CPR was being administered. The game would just carry on, unless it took place really close to the pitch.
ETA: I can’t find any info on how the fan is, I hope they’re ok.
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I’ve just been sent this…

No idea when it was showed as I don’t have sky 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe it’s fake but it made me laugh! They really are scrambling now lol

Don’t think that worked first time 🤦🏻‍♀️
I love that dancing clip watched it over and over the other day, it wasn't on this though but was still CT dancing 🤣

This is where it came from, thinking that ridicule bit wasn't real though?

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No I don't think they're legally allowed to and we were sent a e-letter saying that we were to test them everyday before school. It's very hard to get to the bottom of it as my daughter is only 4 so she isn't the most articulate and I don't want to upset or frighten her. I'm just so angry that I've been put in this position of having to try and explain to my daughter that what her teacher is saying is not correct and she shouldn't be saying these things.

God it's absolutely disgusting isn't it. How is that anything other than medical tyranny!?
That’s something at least. It certainly makes you wonder what else they’ve been saying to them, there’s absolutely no need for it!
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You guys might like the movie cloud Atlas. The same people connected through 500 years.

They also have agent smith playing a bad guy!
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